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Learn about therapist characteristics & techniques impacting alliance, dance program evaluation for youths with special needs, expressive & adapted volleyball activities. Discover the biopsychosocial model's clinical application. Explore innovative ways to enhance patient relationships. Improve your professional skills!
PSICOMOTRICIDADE Alexandra Ferreira Fábio Quaresma Filipa Dias Maria Inês Mariana Martins
Wewilltalkabout… • Demonstratethepractices in Portugal • Presentarticles • Relate to the workshops
“A review of therapist characteristics and techniques positively impacting the therapeutic alliance” Bordin (1979) DefinicionofthetermAlliance Tasks Goals Bonds
Therapistattributes Therapisttechniques Alliance Flexible Experienced Honest Respectful Trustworthy Confident Interested Alert Frindly Warm Open Exploration Depth Reflection Supportive Active Affirming Understanding Accurateinterpretation Attends to patient’sexperience
‘‘What impact does the therapist have on the alliance?’’ Connected Ourself GoodAlliance Others World
‘Pendulum’ ActivityDescriptionStanding in the circule, weinvited a publicperson to stand in themiddleofthecircle.Oneshouldletyour body fallandthosearoundyoushouldtry to create swings like a pendulum. ObjectiveTrainconfidence in interactionwithothers. Connectingwithothers.
‘’Avaliação de um programa de dança em jovens com necessidades educativas especiais’’ Catarina Pessoa Lopes Claro (2012)
Objective: Evaluation of a dance program for young people with special educational needs. Age: 14-16 Instrument: LMA- version adapted by Dunfhy and Scott (2003) "Freedom to move“ Claro (2012)
Dancing includesdifferent componentes, as: Thiscomponents are implicated in alllearnigskillsandthusmakingthemessential for learning Claro (2012) Relaxing/ contractingability Body awerness Coordination Physicalability
Exemples: Failures in rhythmic structure, fine and gross motor control will lead to consequences of the writing level. Failures in spatial organization may lead to difficulties in reading “b" "d" "p" "q“
. . Expressive Dance ActivityDescriptionInvite a public staff andgiveyouindicationsofdifferent facial expressioonsandtheothers must watchandguesswhatemotionis ObjectiveObserve thewaythe body transmitsemotionsthroughmovementexpression. Observe non-verbal communication.
BiopsychosocialModel “TheclinicalapplicationoftheBiopsychosocialModel” Howthismodelenablesphysicians to extendtheirclinicintervention to everysituationsofthepatient’slife. This model focuses on the person as an integrated system in other systems. (George, 1980)
“Allsystemsworktogether, soneitherthepersonorthecommunity can beanalysedseparately”
The biopsychosocial model sees the patient as an integrated and participant person on the involvement. This model focuses on the interaction: person - involvement. As psychomotor therapists we should give importance to the relationship with the patient but not working exclusively by the clinical methods.
Adaptedvolleyball ActivityDescription Startbyplayingstandingvollei , two for two. Integratingpopulationwith a motor disability. Sitonthefloor , forming a square , thusgettingthesamelevelofwheelchairplayers . Materials 2 Balls 2 wheelchairs 1 tape Objective Demonstratethatitispossible to includepeoplelivingwithphysicaldisabilities , adaptingtheactivities.
Expectations • Itwasessential to culturesofdiversityandtechniquesthatfocusedonsummerschool , surpassingsoourexpectationsregardingexperiencesandknowledgesharing. • Itwasspectacular to realize thevarietyofwaysthatthepsychomotortherapyisapplied in different countries , becausewehadcontactwithverydifferenttechniquesfromours. • Wehaveimprovedourprofessionalpersonalandlanguageskills. • Andyou ... exceptional !! Veryfriendlyandapproachable , completelyreceptive to knowusboth a personalandprofessionallevel . Itwas a NICE to meetyou !
Referencies George, l. (1980). ‘’TheclinicalapplicationoftheBiopsychosocialmodel’’. TheAmericanJournalofPsychatry, 13:5.Ackerman, S, Hilsenroth, M. (2003)’’ A reviewoftherapistcharacteristicsandtechniquespositivelyimpactingthetherapeuticalliance’’ ClinicalPsychologyReview, 1:33