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Giving to the Lord P salm 116:12-14

Giving to the Lord P salm 116:12-14. Introduction-1. Often our thoughts are focused on our own needs and desires rather than our responsibilities and the needs of others The psalmist asks an important question- V12 It should occur to every thoughtful person

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Giving to the Lord P salm 116:12-14

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  1. Giving to the LordPsalm 116:12-14

  2. Introduction-1 • Often our thoughts are focused on our own needs and desires rather than our responsibilities and the needs of others • The psalmist asks an important question- V12 • It should occur to every thoughtful person • He realized that he owed God something, because God had greatly blessed him • He realized a responsibility to repay the LORD, though complete repayment is impossible

  3. Introduction-2 • God has always expected His people to give back to Him • The Jews were commanded to give one-tenth of all their increase- Deut. 14:22 • They were also required to give best of their herds and flocks as sacrifices to God- Lev. 1:3 • The New Testament does not require tithing • But God expects us to give to support His work • He has given us instructions for our giving

  4. What Does God Expect Us to Give to Him? 1. Our Love- Matt. 22:37 2. Reverence for His name and His word- Heb. 12:28 3. Proper worship- Jn. 4:24 4. Obedient service- Jn. 14:15 5. Our time, efforts and abilities 6. Honor including with our possessions- Prov. 3:9 • This is the kind of giving that will be emphasized in this lesson

  5. Reasons for Giving to the Lord • Because we are using His resources- Psa. 24:1 • He owns every christian-I Cor. 6:20 2. We are stewards not owners- I Pet. 4:10 • We must give account of our stewardship- Mt.25:19 3. Every member has a responsibility to support the work of the local church- Eph. 4:16 4. To show our gratitude for the great blessings we have received

  6. When Should We Give to the Lord? 1. We should give to the Lord every day- Rom. 12:1 • Our praise and our thanksgiving with our lips and our lives 2. We give of our means on the 1st day of the week- I Cor. 16:2 3. But we should also give whenever a need arises • The early christians gave to meet the needs of their brothers and sisters in Christ- Acts 2:44-45 • We give to the Lord by giving to others- Mt. 25:40

  7. How Should We Give to the Lord?-1 1. According to our prosperity- I Cor. 16:2 • God doesn’t expect us to give more than we are able- II Cor. 8:12 • Greater prosperity should result in greater giving • Contribution should increase with one’s income 2. With previous thought and intent • “As he purposes in his heart,”-II Cor. 9:7 • Not grabbing what is in wallet or pocket- Tit. 3:1

  8. How Should We Give to the Lord?-2 3. We should give liberally • “He who gives, with liberality;”- Rom. 12:8 • God gives to us liberally- Jas. 1:5 • We should give as He does • Liberality is not determined by the amount given • But by our ability to give- Lk. 21:1-3 • Liberality is a matter of heart not abundance

  9. How should We Give to the Lord?-3 4. We should give cheerfully- II Cor. 9:7 • Not as a grudging obligation- II Cor. 9:5 • But as a privilege • Willing and ready to give back to the Lord • Realizing what God has given to us • Considering the good that our gift will accomplish • And the blessing we will receive- Acts 20:35

  10. Results of Improper Giving 1. Shows a lack of appreciation for God’s blessings 2. It robs God of the honor that He is due- Mal. 3:8 3. It deprives the giver of present blessings- Mal. 3:10 & II Cor. 9:8 4. The work of the church is hindered 5. Those in need may go without 6. The giver may be a spiritual pauper and be rejected by the Lord- Lk. 12:21

  11. A Model for Christian Giving • Christians in Macedonia- II Cor. 8:1-4 • The were very poor- V2 • They insisted on giving what they could • They were happy to give • Though very poor, they gave liberally- V3 • They gave as they did because they had given themselves to the Lord- V5 • Have you given your life to the Lord?

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