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Facts of Life . By Bill Gates (yes, the Microsoft dude ). What this stuff is. Things you will NOT learn in school, but you NEED to have heard of. Here are 11 rules to prevent failure in real life. Rule 1. Life is not fair! Get used to it !. Rule 2.
Factsof Life ByBill Gates (yes, the Microsoft dude) drs. L.L. van de Scheur
Whatthis stuff is • Thingsyouwill NOT learn in school, but you NEED to have heard of. • Here are 11 rulestoprevent failure in real life. drs. L.L. van de Scheur
Rule 1 • Life is not fair! • Get usedtoit! drs. L.L. van de Scheur
Rule 2 • The worlddoesn’t care aboutyourfeelings. • The worldwillexpectyoutoaccomplishsomethingbeforeyoucan feel goodaboutyourself. drs. L.L. van de Scheur
Rule 3 • Youwill NOT make $60.000 a year right out of high school. • Youwon’tbe a vice-presidentwith a nicecaruntilyouearn it. drs. L.L. van de Scheur
Rule 4 • Ifyouthinkyour teacher is tough… • Waituntilyou get a boss. drs. L.L. van de Scheur
Rule 5 • Flipping burgers is notbeneathyourdignity. • Yourgrandparents had a different word for burger flipping: theycalledit ‘opportunity’. drs. L.L. van de Scheur
Rule 6 • Ifyou mess up, it’s NOT yourparent’sfault. • Don’twhineaboutyourmistakes, learnfromthem. drs. L.L. van de Scheur
Rule 7 • Beforeyouwere born, yourparentswere NOT as boring as they are now. • Theygotthat way frompayingyourbills, cleaning yourclothes and listeningtoyou talk abouthow cool youthinkyou are. Cut themsomeslack. drs. L.L. van de Scheur
Rule 8 • Your school may have doneawaywith winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. • In some schools, they have droppedfailinggradesand they’llgiveyouas long as youneedto pass. • NOTHING in life worksthis way. drs. L.L. van de Scheur
Rule 9 • Life does NOT run fromholidaytoholiday. You do NOT get summers off. • Employers do NOT help youfindyourself. • Do that in yourown time. Of whichyou’ll have little. drs. L.L. van de Scheur
Rule 10 • Television is NOT real life. • In real life people have to get OUT of coffee shops and go to jobs. drs. L.L. van de Scheur
Rule 11 • Be niceto nerds. • Chances are you’ll end up workingforone. drs. L.L. van de Scheur
So, My rules! • When I talk, you’requiet. • Listen to me, and I listen toyou. Insult me and I insult you. Ignore me to get extra attention. But the teacher alwayswins. Life isn’t fair, remember. • Youalways have yourbookswithyou. Ifnot, youdon’tneedtobehere. • No matter howgoodyouthinkyou are, youpay attention untilyou’rebetterthan me. Then we switch places. • Ifyoufail a test, youcannottryitagain. Study harder for the next one. drs. L.L. van de Scheur