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FOUR DIFFERENT KINDS OF ANIMALS. By Brannon Triplet, Kolton Quinn, Trevor Swartz and Tyler Factor. Alligator. Alligator lives in Central America and South America. Alligator’s teeth are very sharp. A Allgatator can grow to be 18 feet C55 Metes ) long or longer. .

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  1. FOUR DIFFERENTKINDS OF ANIMALS By Brannon Triplet, Kolton Quinn, Trevor Swartz and Tyler Factor

  2. Alligator Alligator lives in Central America and South America. Alligator’s teeth are very sharp. A Allgatator can grow to be 18 feet C55 Metes ) long or longer. Kolton Quinn

  3. African Serval • A African Serval is a large cat that lives in African. • African Serval lives in grasslands. • They can live 20 years Brannon Triplett

  4. African leopard tortoise • African leopard tortoise can live to 75 years old. • African leopard looks yellow and buff. • They live in dry savannahs. Tyler Factor

  5. Eastern Screech Owl Owl’s don’t grow bigger than pint of grass They live all around trees They have a large bored head Trevor Swartz

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