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CHAPTER. OUTLINE. Benefits of Strength Training. Changes in Body Composition. Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance. Principles Involved in Strength Training. Exercise Guidelines. Chapter 7. Muscular Strength and Endurance.
CHAPTER OUTLINE Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Chapter 7 Muscular Strength and Endurance
__________________: The ability of a muscle to exert maximum force against resistance (for example, 1 repetition maximum [or 1 RM] of the bench press exercise) __________________: The ability of a muscle to exert submaximal force repeatedly over time Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Key Terms
Muscular Power • = _________________ • 2 people–300lb. bench press–the one who can press it in half the time has twice the power • 2 football players – 1 benches 400 – 1 benches 350 – if the later can bench his at a much faster speed he may be able to gain control over the first
Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Benefits of AdequateStrength Levels • Crucial for daily activities • Sitting, walking, running, lifting, recreational activities • Improves confidence • Posture, personal appearance, self-image • Helps develop sports skills • Promotes joint stability • Helps people cope more effectively in emergency situations
Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Benefits of AdequateStrength Levels • Promotes psychological well-being • Results in higher resting metabolic rate • Promotes weight loss and maintenance • Lessens the risk for injury • Prevents osteoporosis • Reduces chronic low back pain, arthritic pain • Aids in childbearing • Improves cholesterol levels, may help lower blood pressure and control blood sugar
Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Muscular Strength & Older Adults • Muscular strength might be the ________________________ component of physical fitness for older adults • Adequate strength enhances quality of life by • Enhancing ability to perform activities of daily living • Improving balance and restoring mobility • Making lifting and reaching easier • Decreasing the risk for falls and injuries • Stresses the bones which helps to preserve bone mineral density (decreasing the risk for _________________________)
Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Strength and Metabolism • Strength training increases muscle mass • Muscle is metabolically active • Each additional pound of muscle tissue may increase resting metabolism by up to ______________________________
7.1 Strength Training in Women • ???Does not cause muscle hypertrophy as in men??? • Changes in body composition can lead to reduction in ______________ but not body _________________ • Improved body appearance can be achieved through strength training Post-strength training
Cardiovascular Adaptations vs. Aerobic • Inc. ventricular _____________________ • vs. inc. ventricular size from aerobic • Possibly inc. _____ & dec _____ from inc. wall strength • WHY?? • Is essentially weight lifting for our hearts • Heart is pushing against a resistance
Physiology of Weight Training • ____________ make up muscle fibers – bundles of muscle fibers (cells) make up ____________ • A ________________ is a motor nerve and all of the fibers it innervates (connects to) • Initial gains in strength due to ____________________________ • Occurs in ____________________
Neuromuscular Adaptations • First 6 – 8 weeks 1. 2. • Muscle fibers work better together – fire at same time (more so than did before) 3. • _______________ – monitors muscle tension, won’t let muscle lift something heavy enough to tear it • During this time the body overcomes this stimulus and allows itself to lift more weight • After this you max out neuromuscular adaptations, strength gains are due to _______________________ and it is much harder to do
Major component of muscle is protein • _________________________ • Train with weights incorporates more protein into cell causing __________________ (increase in size) • _____________________ = increase in number of muscle cells (not size) – not totally proven • ________________ is a decrease in muscle cell size- Sarcopenia- wasting with aging
7.6 Major Muscles 1. Temporalis (closes jaw) 2. Masseter (flexes jaw) 3. Sterno-cleido-mastoid (rotates head) 4. Intercostals (breathing) 5. Pectoralis minor (abducts ribs) 6. Biceps brachii (flexes elbow) 7. Serratus (adducts shoulder) 8. Rectus abdominus 9. Deep flexors (flexes fingers) 10. Internal oblique (flattens abdomen) 11. Tendons from forearm flexorsto fingers 12. Sartorius (rotates thigh) 13. Rectus femoris (extends knee) 14. Gastrocnemius (points toe, flexes knee) 15. Soleus (points toe) 16. Tendons of toes
7.6 Major Muscles 17. Frontalis (raises eyebrow) 18. Orbicularis oculi (closes eye) 19. Orbicularis oris (purses lips) 20. Throat muscles (aids swallowing) 21. Pectoralis major (adducts arm) 22. Deltoid (abducts arm) 23. Brachialis (flexes arm) 24. External oblique (flattens abdomen) 25. Superficial flexors (flexes fingers) 26. Vastus lateralis (extends knee) 27. Vastus medialis (extends knee) 28. Tibialis anterior (raises feet)
7.6 Major Muscles 29. Extensors of forearm 30. Deltoid 31. Triceps 32. Latissimus dorsi 33. Serratus posterior inferior 34. Splenius capitus 35. Sternomastoid 36. Trapezius 37. Gluteus maximus 38. Tendons from forearm extensors to fingers 39. Biceps femoris 40. Semitendonosus 41. Gastrocnemius 42. Tendon of Achilles
Slow Twitch and Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers • See handout
Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Critical Thinking • What role should strength training have in a fitness program? • Should people be motivated for the health fitness benefits or should they participate to enhance their body image? • What are your feelings about individuals (male or female) with large body musculature?
Types of Weight Training Exercises • ______________ (_______________) - application of force without movement, muscle fiber length doesn’t change • ______________ (_______________) - application of force with movement, muscle shortens and lengthens • ___________________ training: Strength-training method in which the speed of the muscle contraction is kept constant because the equipment (machine) provides resistance that matches the user’s force throughout the range of motion, i.e. cam pullies • Two types of isotonic contractions: • ___________________-a contraction where the muscle gets shorter – positive • ___________________-a contraction where the muscle lengthens as it contracts – negative – said to tear down muscle fibers more
Isotonic vs. Isometric • Isometric 1. 2. 3. • Isotonic 1. 2. 3.
Assessing Muscular Strength & Endurance • ___________________________ (RM)-maximum load performed a specified number of times • show chart • ______ (commonly called “maxing out”) is maximum amount of weight lifted one time
Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Strength and Endurance Tests • Hand grip test • Dynamometer • Muscular endurance test • Bench-jump: 16 1/4” high • Many times as possible in 1min. • Can step if can’t jump the entire time • Modified dip • Metronome pace at 56 beats/min • Push-up test • Modified for women • Perform as many as possible • Metronome pace at 56 beats/min • Bent-leg curl-up • Chin on chest and hands across chest • Metronome pace at 40 beats/min
7.1 Hand Grip Test (isometric strength)
Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Fitness Categories Based on Percentile Ranks Percentile Rank Fitness Category 90 & up Excellent 70-80 Good 50-60 Average 30-40 Fair 20 & below Poor
7.2 Muscular Endurance Scoring Table • A percentile rank is given for each exercise according to the number of repetitions performed
Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Final Test Score Individual Test Score Strength Fitness Category Percentile Rank Points Total Points Category 90 & up Excellent 5 13 & up Excellent 70–80 Good 4 10–12 Good 50–60 Average 3 7–9 Average 30–40 Fair 2 4–6 Fair 20 & below Poor 1 3 & below Poor
7.4 Muscular Strength & Endurance: Resistance Requirementsp. 205
7.3 Muscular Strength & Endurance Scoring Table • A percentile rank is based on the number of repetitions performed
Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Final Test Score Individual Test Score Strength Fitness Category Percentile Rank Points Total Points Category 90 & up Excellent 5 25 & up Excellent 70–80 Good 4 19-24 Good 50–60 Average 3 13-18 Average 30–40 Fair 2 7-12 Fair 20 & below Poor 1 6 & below Poor
____________________: Barbells and dumbbells ____________________: Type of exercise in which a constant resistance is moved through a joint’s full range of motion ____________________: Strength training that requires machines equipped with mechanical devices that provide differing amounts of resistance through the range of motion ____________________: The sum of all the repetitions performed multiplied by the resistances used during a strength-training session Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Key Terms
__________________: Alternating exercises by performing them in a sequence of three to six or more exercises __________________: An emotional, behavioral, and physical condition marked by increased fatigue, decreased performance, persistent muscle soreness, mood disturbances, and feelings of staleness or burnout as a result of excessive physical training Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Key Terms
__________________: Explosive jump training incorporating speed and strength training to enhance explosiveness __________________: A training program that uses exercises designed to help strengthen the body’s core by developing pelvic stability and abdominal control coupled with focused breathing patterns Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Key Terms
Free Weights vs. Machines • Machines 1. 2. 3. • Free Weights 1. 2. 3.
Selecting Exercises • A complete program works all muscle groups • Usually requires _________ exercises to work all muscle groups • For normal pop. • A balanced program includes exercises for both the ___________ and ______________
Resistance • Amount of weight determines how the body adapts – not enough weight = no strength or end. response • Stimulus = _________________ – no matter what type of training • High resistance for __________ development (generally) • Low resistance for ___________ development (generally) – more reps • Lower but not necessarily low • Don’t use low weight that you can do all day
Reps and Sets • Reps • Low number of reps builds maximum strength • ___________, possibly lower • High number of reps builds endurance • ___________ • Sets-a group of sets • 1 set vs. multiple sets
Rest Periods • Between sets • Allow more rest for development of max strength – allows fibers you will be using for strength bout to recover • Shorter rest for endurance & hypertrophy • Between workouts???
1. 2. Lifts are sport specific a. trains only the fibers needed for their lift 3. _________ rest time a. helps keep FT fibers from fatiguing as quickly so they can train them more intensely Exercise sessions are equal amount of time 1. a. may start at high intensity but FT fibers fatigue quicker thus forced to lower intensity 2. _____________rest time a. reason for fatiguing quicker b. but that is there goal 1. 2. Powerlifters vs. Bodybuilders
Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines ACSM Strength Training Guidelines • See handout
7.4 Guidelines for Various Strength-Training Programs
Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Core Strength Training • The trunk (spine) and pelvis are the “core” of the body • Core muscles include abdominal muscles, hip muscles, and spinal muscles • These muscle groups are responsible for maintaining the stability of the spine and pelvis • Many major muscle groups of legs, shoulders, and arms attach to the core
7.6 Major Muscles 1. Temporalis (closes jaw) 2. Masseter (flexes jaw) 3. Sterno-cleido-mastoid (rotates head) 4. Intercostals (breathing) 5. Pectoralis minor (abducts ribs) 6. Biceps brachii (flexes elbow) 7. Serratus (adducts shoulder) 8. Rectus abdominus 9. Deep flexors (flexes fingers) 10. Internal oblique (flattens abdomen) 11. Tendons from forearm flexorsto fingers 12. Sartorius (rotates thigh) 13. Rectus femoris (extends knee) 14. Gastrocnemius (points toe, flexes knee) 15. Soleus (points toe) 16. Tendons of toes
7.6 Major Muscles 17. Frontalis (raises eyebrow) 18. Orbicularis oculi (closes eye) 19. Orbicularis oris (purses lips) 20. Throat muscles (aids swallowing) 21. Pectoralis major (adducts arm) 22. Deltoid (abducts arm) 23. Brachialis (flexes arm) 24. External oblique (flattens abdomen) 25. Superficial flexors (flexes fingers) 26. Vastus lateralis (extends knee) 27. Vastus medialis (extends knee) 28. Tibialis anterior (raises feet)
Benefits of Strength Training Changes in Body Composition Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principles Involved in Strength Training Exercise Guidelines Core Strength Training • A strong core allows a person to • Perform activities of daily living with greater ease • Improve sports performance through a more effective energy transfer from large to small body parts • Decrease the incidence of low back pain
Warm-Up and Cool-Down • Warm up • Several minutes of ____________ warm-up • _______________ warm-up • Going to work legs don’t warm-up chest • Cool down is the best time for __________________ training and may help aid recovery • Muscles are warm and more ___________ • Rubber band