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ECE Department Guide for Students | Helpful Resources & Contacts

Welcome to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering! Learn about important contacts, degree progress, academic help, and more. Access ECE curriculum rules and advising information. Explore additional opportunities like minors, FE exam, and student organizations.

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ECE Department Guide for Students | Helpful Resources & Contacts

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  1. WELCOMEtothe Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering!

  2. CONTENTS Peopletoknow Degree Works Websites toknow ECEcurriculum ECEcurricularrulesofprogress Advising Academichelp Minors FE Exam Studentorganizations Announcements Questions?

  3. PEOPLETOKNOW Patty McNulty: UndergraduateStudentServicesCoordinator pmcnult@clemson.edu,(864)656-5291 102B RiggsHall Appointments preferred Dropin: M-F 10-11am and 2-3pm Dr.CarlBaum:UndergraduateCoordinator baumc@clemson.edu 304FluorDanielEmailpreferred Drop in: MWF 10:15-11am Dr.Daniel Noneaker:Dept.Chair–105RiggsAppointmentspreferred (seeJanet Hendricks, 105 Riggs)

  4. Degree Works Degree Works is an online advising tool to help students and their advisors monitor a student’s progress toward degree completion. It showsyou whatyou have completed,whatis inprogress,andwhat you stillneed to take.

  5. Degree Works

  6. Degree Works

  7. WEBSITES TO KNOW http://www.clemson.edu/ces/departments/ece/resources/undergrad_resources/curriculum.htmlCurriculumpages,coreq/prereqlist, Gen Ed Req. http://www.clemson.edu/ces/departments/ece/resources/undergrad_resources/forms.html Formsforacademicforgiveness,creativeinquiry,seniordesign projectapproval,varianceapproval forms,honors research,permissiontotakegraduatecourses, approvalforcoursestakenabroad, etc.

  8. COURSE AVAILABILITY • AllREQUIREDECE classesareofferedevery fall and springsemester. • AllrequiredEEclasses(exceptseniordesign)andmostCpEclassesare offeredonlineeverysummer. Cost: 10% over in-state rates. • ECE technical electives are usually available once per year. Some are also available in summer. Online are tentative projections of when they are available. Be sure to check you have the prerequisites. • We make every effort to get every ECE student in required courses when they need to take them.

  9. HUMANITIESANDSOCIALSCIENCEDETAILS 3 hours LITERATURE 3 hours NON-LITHUMANITIES 6 hours SOCIALSCIENCE 3 hours SPECIALELECTIVE Must alsosatisfySTSand CCA requirements(can be with one/twoof the above) Special elective: An additional HSS course (see EE and CpE curriculum sheets for a link to the list), an additional 4xxx from the EE or CpE technical elective list (see respective lists), an additional 4xxx math course from a list (see the EE and CpE curriculum sheets), or ELE 3010.

  10. CURRICULAR RULES OF PROGRESS Astudent is onlyallowedto enrollina givenECE classwhen ALLpre-requisiteshavebeenpassed witha grade of Cor higher. Studentsenrolledinclassesforwhichdeficienciesare found willbe droppedfromthe class roll.

  11. CURRICULAR RULES OF PROGRESS Nostudentmayexceeda maximumoftwoattempts, excludinga W,to successfullycompleteany ECE course. Academicforgivenessdoes not giveyouan additional attempt. This rule is the most common reason students are prevented fromfinishingtheECEprogramandareforced tochange majors.Ifa course is requiredinboth EEandCpE,this rule prevents completionofeitherprogram. Avariancerequestmayleadto permissionto havea third attemptinsome cases.

  12. CURRICULAR RULES OF PROGRESS AnoverallGPRof at least 2.0 is requiredfor graduation.An overallGPRof at least 2.0 is requiredfor enrollmentinjunior andseniorlevelengineeringcourses.AnoverallEGPRof atleast2.0is requiredforgraduation.An overallEGPRof atleast2.0is requiredforenrollmentin juniorandseniorlevelECEclasses. Avariancerequest is required to obtainpermissionto take 3xxx and 4xxx ECE courses if GPRor EGPRis below2.0. Only a limited number of such courses will be permitted.

  13. ADVISING https://www.clemson.edu/cecas/departments/ece/resources/undergrad_resources/advising_list.html



  16. GET ACADEMICHELP! PEER &WISE https://www.clemson.edu/cecas/departments/peer-wise/index.html Tutoring for selective courses & test bank ACADEMICSUCCESSCENTER https://www.clemson.edu/asc Tutoringfor ECE 2010, 2020, 2620, 2220Study effectiveness classes ETA KAPPA NU Tutoringforselectivecourses

  17. ADDITIONALOPPORTUNITIES ECE CreativeInquiry– https://www.clemson.edu/cecas/departments/ece/document_resource/undergrad/CI_Approval_Form.pdf ECE 2990,3990,or4990 3hourscansatisfyoneECEtechnicalelective More information: http://www.clemson.edu/academics/programs/creative-inquiry/ Searchforprojects: http://www.clemson.edu/academics/programs/creative-inquiry/projects/current-projects.html Hint:Under “Current Projects” inthe search box,choose College of Engineering,Computing and Applied Sciences, then enter“electrical” or“computer”

  18. ADDITIONALOPPORTUNITIES CO-OP– http://career.clemson.edu/cooperative_education/students/Enteras sophomores orjuniors MinimumGPA2.5 2semesters,1summer (orcandointernship,1semesterorsummer) CalhounHonors– http://www.clemson.edu/cuhonors/MinimumGPA3.5foradmission GeneralHonors–seeHonorsHandbookat CU Honorswebsite ECEDepartmentalHonors –Atleast 5creditsfrom H2010,H2020, H2620,H3170,H3200,andH3300,of which3must beH3300or H3170.AlsoH3000(Jr. Honors Seminar-1 credit); 4 additional credits and a research project . Please check department website http://www.clemson.edu/cecas/departments/ece/academics/undergrad/honors.html) StudyAbroad–http://www.clemson.edu/studyabroad/

  19. MINORS catalog.clemson.edu In general:At least 15 hrs, 9 at 3xxx or 4xxxx Math Minor: Math 2080 plus 12 hrs 3xxx or 4xxx from list EE: 9 extra hours; CpE: 6 extra hours (3 can be special elective) Cybersecurity Minor: 15 hours, Path II for ECE CpE: 17 extra hours if technical electives chosen appropriately CPSC 4200, CPSC 4620, ECE 4490, ECE 4380 or 4400, course from list Plus prereqs CPSC 1020, 2120, 2150 Computer Science Minor: 16 hours EE: 12 extra hours ; CPE: 6 extra hours CPSC 2120 plus 12 hours 3xxx or 4xxx plus prereq CPSC 1020 Cluster Minor: 15 hours, Group IV Engineering EE: 6 extra hours if take 3 non ECE courses from EE tech elective list

  20. FE EXAM http://ncees.org/exams/fe-exam/ A necessary step to becoming a licensed professional engineer (PE) Best to take while still in school (senior year) Must take at approved testing center (nearest is Greenville) There is an Electrical & Computer FE exam

  21. GET INVOLVED! IEEEStudentBranch– InstituteofElectricaland ElectronicsEngineers CLUG– ClemsonLinuxUsersandGNU SHPE – Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers IEEEPES StudentChapter– Power EngineeringSociety AmateurRadioClub IEEEHKN– EtaKappaNu(honorsociety) TBP– Tau Beta Pi(honorsociety) ThetaTau – co-edengineeringfraternity WISE– WomeninScienceand Engineering NSBE – National Society of Black Engineers ECEUndergraduateAmbassadors– departmental tour guides SeemainECEwebsiteforadditionalopportunities http://www.clemson.edu/ces/departments/ece/student_org/

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