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Just After Cl -ICP. After HF etch, and 250’C 2.5h anneal. Less membrane supporting, some lines wrap and break. In some area, the Ni was totally removed. Two remaining problems:.
AfterHFetch,and250’C2.5hanneal Lessmembranesupporting,somelineswrapandbreak Insomearea,theNiwastotallyremoved
Tworemainingproblems: TheNi/SiO2/HfO2fromthebacksideisnotsoeasytobefullyremoved,andIcouldnotgetreproduciblegoodTEMimages. TheNilinesontopoftheNiareattachedbytheCl-ICPetch. PossibleSolutions: Dry the Ni-InGaAs bonding again with the small-window TEM grid, as well as thinner Ni layer that will not react all through the 50nm InGaAs. Writing the fins with HSQ fully cover the Ni to protect it, and use thicker Ni (200 nm).