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Metaphysical Poetry 101. Kevin Nocum, Hs.D.* quicky ha jonmark dolendo joshua tayson *in planning. Warm-up. When you think of Metaphysical, What do you think of?. What Is Metaphysical Poetry?. -Started in the 17th century England
Metaphysical Poetry 101 Kevin Nocum, Hs.D.*quicky ha jonmark dolendo joshua tayson *in planning
Warm-up • When you think of Metaphysical, What do you think of?
What Is Metaphysical Poetry? • -Started in the 17th century England • -It is seen a bold and ingenious conceits examples: metaphors drawing sometimes forced parallels between apparently dissimilar ideas or things • -subtle though and paradoxes, direct use of language, rhythem derived from living speech • Authors include: John Donne, George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, Andrew Marvell, Abraham Cowley • Link <a href="http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Metaphysical+poetry">Metaphysical poetry</a>
Guiding Questions? • What are the main elements to Metaphysical poetry? • Where was Metaphysical poetry most prominent? • What poetic devices are most commonly used in Metaphysical poetry? • Which art Period is associated with the Metaphysical Poetry movement?
AP Style Prompts • In this following poem called “A Garden, written after the Civil War” by Andrew Marvell, he addresses the end of the Civil War. After reading, write an essay of how poetic devices are used to enhance his feelings of the event. • Andrew Marvell’s “The Mower’s Song” is a prime example of metaphysical poetry. After reading, list at least two poetic devices with examples to show your understanding of the theme.
Lesson 1.1 (words) • As a group, you and your table will view the screen and select certain words that stand out to you the most. (Minimum 5 Words).
And all garrisons flowers; • And men did rosy garlands wear? • And sleeps too; but if once stirr’d, • But when vigilant patrol • But, exclude world, did guard • Each bee, sentinel, shut, • Each regiment order grows, • garden world erewhile, • gardens only had their towers, • Heaven planted us please, • make us mortal and thee waste! • O thou, dear and happy Isle, • roses only arms might bear, • SEE how flowers, as parade, • Seem their staves ensigns furl’d. • She runs you through, nor asks word. • stars walks round about pole, • sweet militia restore, • Their leaves, stalks are curl’d • Then in some flower’s belovèd hut • Thou Paradise four seas • tulip, pink, rose. • Under their colours stand display’d: • Unhappy! shall we never more • What luckless apple did we taste • With wat’ry if not flaming sword;
Lesson 1.2 (Rhyme) • As a group, you and your table will view the hand-out and figure out a possible rhyme scheme. Using this rhyme scheme, Try to piece together the poem.
Lesson 1.2 (A Garden By Andrew Marvel) SEE how the flowers, as at parade, Under their colours stand display’d: Each regiment in order grows, That of the tulip, pink, and rose. But when the vigilant patrol Of stars walks round about the pole, Their leaves, that to the stalks are curl’d Seem to their staves the ensigns furl’d. Then in some flower’s belovèd hut Each bee, as sentinel, is shut, And sleeps so too; but if once stirr’d, She runs you through, nor asks the word. O thou, that dear and happy Isle, The garden of the world erewhile, Thou Paradise of the four seas Which Heaven planted us to please, But, to exclude the world, did guard With wat’ry if not flaming sword; What luckless apple did we taste To make us mortal and thee waste! Unhappy! shall we never more That sweet militia restore, When gardens only had their towers, And all the garrisons were flowers; When roses only arms might bear, And men did rosy garlands wear?
John Donne (info) • Born into an English family of whom supported Catholicism. • Doubted his religion. • Wasted his inheritance • Dean of St. Paul’s. • Poems revolved around the ideas of love, and death.
A Fever By John Donne • Oh do not die, for I shall hateAll women so, when thou art gone,That thee I shall not celebrate,When I remember, thou wast one.But yet thou canst not die, I know;To leave this world behind, is death,But when thou from this world wilt go,The whole world vapours with thy breath.Or if, when thou, the world’s soul, go`st,It stay, ’tis but thy carcase then,The fairest woman, but thy ghost,But corrupt worms, the worthiest men.Oh wrangling schools, that search what fireShall burn this world, had none the witUnto this knowledge to aspire,That this her fever might be it ?And yet she cannot waste by this, Nor long bear this torturing wrong,For much corruption needful isTo fuel such a fever long.These burning fits but meteors be,Whose matter in thee is soon spent.Thy beauty, and all parts, which are thee,Are unchangeable firmament.Yet ’twas of my mind, seizing thee,Though it in thee cannot persever.For I had rather owner beOf thee one hour, than all else ever. • A fever is the death of man. • Theme of love and death. • Draws upon emotion (rhyme). • Metaphor/ imagery • AB Rhyme scheme.
George Herbert (info) • Born into an artistic and wealthy family. • Mother was a patron and friend of poet John Donne. • Anglican Priest. • Poems usually are religious, have rhyme schemes, and unique stanza shape.
Poetry Analysis • Easter wings • Stanzas form a wing shape • From fall of man to redemption • Religious and deals with human fraility • Theme: God can help you rise • ababcdcd rhyme scheme to create order
Sir John Suckling (info) • Cavalier Poet but considered metaphysical • Known works: • Ballade Upon a Wedding • Why so Pale and Wan, Fond Lover • I Prithee, Send Me Back My Heart • Style reflects John Donne • Poems mainly exhibited love
I prithee send me back my heart • I prithee send me back my heart,Since I cannot have thine;For if from yours you will not part,Why, then, shouldst thou have mine?Yet now I think on't, let it lie,To find it were in vain;For thou hast a thief in either eyeWould steal it back again.Why should two hearts in one breast lie,And yet not lodge together?O Love! where is thy sympathy,If thus our breasts thou sever?But love is such a mystery,I cannot find it out;For when I think I'm best resolved,I then am in most doubt.Then farewell care, and farewell woe;I will no longer pine;For I'll believe I have her heart,As much as she hath mine.
Edward Taylor (info) • Born in Leicestershire, England 1642 • Son of a non-conformist yeoman farmer who was left England after Charles II issued the act of Uniformity. • Became an American Colonist soon after His arrival the Americas • Admitted to Harvard University as a second year student. • Only American who worked in metaphysical poetry. • His profession included a pastor and physician as well as a Poet
Continued… • His motivations as a poet to create metaphysical poetry: • Strong belief in religion • A strict upbringing of religion due to Congregationalist Puritans
Meditation 1 • What Love is this of thine, that Cannot bee In thine Infinity, O Lord, Confinde, Unless it in thy very Person see, Infinity, and FinityConjoyn'd? What hath thy Godhead, as not satisfideMarri'de our Manhood, making it its Bride? • Oh, Matchless Love! filling Heaven to the brim! O're running it: all running o're beside This World! Nay Overflowing Hell; wherein For thine Elect, there rose a mighty Tide! That there our Veans might through thy Person bleed, To quench those flames, that else would on us feed. • Oh! that thy Love might overflow my Heart! To fire the same with Love: for Love I would. But oh! my streight'ned Breast! my Lifeless Sparke! My Fireless Flame! What Chilly Love, and Cold? In measure small! In Manner Chilly! See. Lord blow the Coal: Thy Love Enflame in mee.
For more good reading… • John Donne-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Donne • George Herbert- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Herbert • Edward Taylor-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Taylor • John Suckling- http://www.luminarium.org/sevenlit/suckling/ http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/sir-john-suckling http://www.poemhunter.com/sir-john-suckling/