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Modul – 2 Sistem Transmisi. TE-09-1313 2 sks Tim Bidang Studi Telekomunikasi Multimedia ( Achmad Ansori , Devy Kuswidiastuti , Gatot Kusrahardjo , M Aries Purnomo ). The transfer of information from one point to one or more other points by means of signals ( Rec ITU-R V.662-3-2000 ).
Modul – 2Sistem Transmisi TE-09-1313 2 sks Tim BidangStudi Telekomunikasi Multimedia (AchmadAnsori, DevyKuswidiastuti, GatotKusrahardjo, M Aries Purnomo) TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
The transfer of information from one point to one or more other points by means of signals ( Rec ITU-R V.662-3-2000 ) TRANSMISI TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
TRANSMISI - (1) • Simplex Pemancar Penerima TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
TRANSMISI - (2) • Duplex / Full Duplex Pemancar Penerima Penerima Pemancar TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
TRANSMISI - (3) • Half / Semi Duplex Pemancar Penerima Penerima Pemancar TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
TRANSMISI - (4) • Point to point • Communication provided by a link, for example, a radio-relay link between two stations located at specified fixed points. • STL ( Studio to Transmitter Link ) TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
TRANSMISI - (5) • Point to Multipoint • Communication provided by links, for example, radio-relay links between a single station located at a specified fixed point and a number of stations located at specified fixed points. Contoh : TV Cable TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
TRANSMISI - (6) • Point to Area • Communication provided by links between a station located at a specified fixed point and any number of stations located at non-specified points in a given area which is the coverage area of the station located at the fixed point. Contoh : Stasiun Radio FM Stasiun Televisi TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
TRANSMISI – (7) • Multipoint to Point ( Data Collecting ) Contoh : Wireless sensor TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
TRANSMISI - (8) • Conference Contoh : Teleconference TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
SINYAL A physical phenomenon one or more of whose characteristics may vary to represent information. NOTE – The physical phenomenon may be for instance an electromagnetic wave or acoustic wave and the characteristic may be an electric field, a voltage or a sound pressure. ( Rec ITU-R V.662-3-2000 ) TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Jenis Sinyal • Analog • Diskrit TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Sinyal Analog (1) • A signal one of whose characteristic quantities follows continuously the variations of another physical quantity representing information. • ITU T G.701 : vocabulary of digital transmission and multiplexing, and pulse code modulation (PCM) terms, Karakteristik : • Amplitudo • Frekuensi • Phase TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Sinyal Analog (2) + Amplitudo t - 1 Hertz (Hz) = 1 cps T = periode = 1/f TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Sinyal Analog (3) TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Discretely-timed signal (1) • A signal composed of successive elements in time, each element having one or more characteristics which can convey information, for example, its duration, its waveform and its amplitude. • ITU T G.701 : vocabulary of digital transmission and multiplexing, and pulse code modulation (PCM) terms, Karakteristik : • Amplitudo • Lebar ( durasi ) • Bentuk gelombang TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Discretely-timed signal (2) TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Sinyal Digital (1) • A discretely timed signal in which information is represented by a number of well-defined discrete values that one of its characteristic quantities may take in time. • NOTE – The term may be qualified to indicate the digit rate, for example: “140 Mbit/s digital signal”. • ITU T G.701 : vocabulary of digital transmission and multiplexing, and pulse code modulation (PCM) terms, TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
signal element A part of a digital signal, characterized by its discrete timing and its discrete value, and used to represent a digit. Digit A member selected from a finite set. binary figure One of the two figures (that is, 0 or 1) used in the representation of numbers in binary notation. binary digit (bit) A member selected from a binary set NOTES 1. Bit is an abbreviation for binary digit. 2. In the interest of clarity, it is recommended that the term “bit” should not be used in two-condition start-stop modulation instead of “unit element”. TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Octet A group of eight binary digits or eight signal elements representing binary digits operated upon as an entity. code word [character signal] A set of signal elements representing the quantized value of a sample in PCM. NOTE – In PCM, the term “PCM word” may be used in this sense. TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Sinyal : A physical phenomenon one or more of whose characteristics may vary to represent information. NOTE – The physical phenomenon may be for instance an electromagnetic wave or acoustic wave and the characteristic may be an electric field, a voltage or a sound pressure. ( Rec ITU-R V.662-3-2000 ) TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Informasi Information : • Intelligence or knowledge capable of being represented in forms suitable for communication, storage or processing. • Suara / Voice : percakapan (speech) , musik • Tanda-tanda / isyarat • Tulisan ( text ) • Gambar : diam , bergerak ( video ) • Gabungan ( Multimedia ) TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Characteristics of signal TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
NOTE – The physical phenomenon may be for instance an electromagnetic wave or acoustic wave and the characteristic may be an electric field, a voltage or a sound pressure. ( Rec ITU-R V.662-3-2000 ) TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Satuan (1) • Daya ( Power ) : kiloWatt (kW), Watt (W),milliWatt (mW)), mikroWatt (µW), picoWatt (pW) 1 kW = 1.000 W = 10E3 W = 1.000.000 mW = 10E6 mW = W = 10E9 W = pW = 10E15 pW TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Satuan (2) 1 pW = 0,000.001 W = 10E-6 W = 0,000.000.001 mW = 10E-9 mW = 0, W = 10E-12 W = 0, kW = 10E-15 kW TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Satuan (3) • Tegangan ( Voltage ) : kiloVolt (kV), Volt (V), milliVolt (mV), mikroVolt (µV) • Arus ( Current ) : Ampere (A), milliAmpere (mA), mikroAmpere (µA) TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Satuan (4) • Frekuensi : Hertz (Hz), kiloHz (kHz), MegaHz (MHz), GigaHz (GHz), TeraHz (THz) 1 THz = 1.000 GHz = 10E3 GHz = 1.000.000 MHz = 10E6 MHz = kHz = 10E9 kHz = Hz = 10E12 Hz TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Satuan (5) • Kuat Medan Listrik : Volt/meter ( V/m ), µVolt/meter ( µV/m ) TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Daya, Tegangan dan Arus • Daya = Tegangan x Arus • Satuan : Daya : Watt , Tegangan : Volt , Arus : Ampere (Amp) • P = V x I • V = I x R dimana R : tahanan, Ohm () TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Model Sistem Komunikasi Listrik Pemancar Media Penerima - Wire / kawat / kabel - Wireless / radio / optik Transducer Transducer Informasi Informasi TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Elements of a Communication System TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Noise (in telecommunication); Any variable physical phenomenon apparently not conveying information and which may be superimposed on, or combined with, a wanted signal. Interference (to a wanted signal): Disturbance of the reception of a wanted signal caused by interfering signals, noise or electromagnetic disturbance. NOTE : The term “radio-frequency noise” and “radio-frequency interference” are defined in Rec ITU-R V.573. TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Radio (frequency) noise : A time-varying electromagnetic phenomenon having components in the radio-frequency range, apparently not conveying Information and which may be superimposed on, or combined with, a wanted signal. Radio-frequency disturbance : Any electromagnetic phenomenon having components in the radio-frequency range, which may degrade the performance of a device, equipment or system, or affect adversely living or inert matter. Note : A radio-frequency disturbance may be a radio-frequency noise, an unwanted signal or a change in the propagation medium itself. TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Radio-frequency interference (RFI) : Degradation of the reception of a wanted signal caused by a radio-frequency disturbance. Interfering source : An emission, radiation, or induction which is determined to be a cause of interference in a radiocommunication system. TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Signal-to-interference ratio; signal/interference ratio : The ratio, generally expressed in decibels, of the power of the wanted signal to the total power of interfering signals and noise, evaluated in specified conditions at a specified point of a transmission channel. Note 1 : A distinction is made, for example, between: – at the receiver input, the radio-frequency (RF) signal-to-interference ratio; – at the receiver output, the audio-frequency (AF) signal-to-interference ratio and the video‑frequency (VF) signal-to-interference ratio. Note 2 : In each individual case, the noise and interfering signals taken into account should be specified. Note 3 : The term “signal-to-disturbance ratio” or its abbreviated form “signal/disturbance ratio”, which is already used for electromagnetic compatibility, may be used as a synonym. TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Spot noise temperature (of a one-port network) : The exchangeable noise power spectral density at a given frequency of a one-port electrical network, divided by Boltzmann’s constant. ( k = 1,3803.10e-23 J/ºK ) Note 1 : This definition assumes that quantum effects are negligible. Note 2 : The spot noise temperature has the sign of the real part of the network impedance. Note 3 : If the network has an impedance with a positive real part, its noise temperature at a given frequency equals the thermodynamic temperature to which a resistor equal in value to the real part of the impedance should be brought in order to obtain an available power of thermal noise equal to the available power of the noise of the network at the same frequency. Note 4 : A receiving antenna can be regarded as a one-port electrical network when viewed from its output port. TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Equivalent (spot) noise temperature (of a linear two-port network) :Symbol: T( f ) The amount by which at a given frequency the noise temperature of a one-port electrical network connected to the input of a given linear two-port electrical network would have to be increased, if the noise due to this two-port network was temporarily suppressed, in order to cause the noise power spectral density at the output frequency corresponding to input frequency, to be the same as that of the total noise of the one-port and two-port networks. Note 1 – This definition assumes that quantum phenomena are negligible. Note 2 – The equivalent spot noise temperature of a two-port network is dependent on the impedance of the one-port network connected to input. TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Spot noise factor, spot noise figure (of a linear two-port network) : Symbol: F( f) The ratio of the exchangeable power spectral density of the noise appearing at a given frequency at the output of a given linear two-port electrical network, to the spectral density which would be present at the output if the only source of noise were the thermal noise due to a one-port electrical network connected to the input and which is assumed to have at all frequencies a noise temperature equal to the reference thermodynamic temperature fixed, by convention, around 290 K. 290 K = 17ºC TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1
Note 1: The spot noise factor F( f) is related to the equivalent spot noise temperature T( f) as follows: where Tₒ is the thermodynamic reference temperature. Note 2 : The value of the ratio F( f) may be expressed in decibels. In English, the term “noise factor” is generally employed when the ratio is expressed arithmetically, and “noise figure” is employed when the ratio is expressed in decibels. TE-09-1313-02-Transmisi-1