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Presentation: METS. METS = Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard - for descriptive, administrative and structural Metadata for digital objects.
METS = Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard - for descriptive, administrative and structural Metadata for digital objects. - Provides an XML-document Format for encoding data for Managment and Exchange of digital objects between and in Repositories of an Digital Library. - Is an Initiative of the Digital Library Federation.
Thesis: An existing book in a library is usefull even without metadata describing it. A digital book without metadata will dissolve in unconnected singlular elements, like single pages and images!
3 Kinds of Metadata in METS: a: Descriptive: Information about the intelectual Content and Catalogue Record b: Administrative: for internal administration purposes and for the user (Retrieval Purposes) c: Structural: Description of the internal structure of an object
The Major Sections that a METS-document contains: 1: <DMDsec> (Descriptive Metadata) = Descriptive Information that may point to Metadata in an external METS-doc = Access to information for User and Administration - Allways contains one or more <dmdSec>Elements, which have to contain an ID as unique internal name - A <dmdSec>Element may contain a <mdRef>Element for external Metadata
Example: <dmdSec ID="dmd001"> <mdRef LOCTYPE="URN" MIMETYPE="application/xml“ MDTYPE="EAD" LABEL="Berol Collection Finding Aid"> urn:xnyu:fales1735</mdRef> </dmdSec> Explanations: LOCTYPE = Locationtype (For example:URL, URN: Uniform Resource Name /-Locator, etc.) MIMETYPE: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension MDTYPE: may also be DublinCore or another Standard, (here it’s: EAD = encoded archival description. LABEL: Description of the Metadata for the User
- A <dmdSec>Element may also contain <mdWrap>Element for internally embedded Metadata It provides a wrapper around metadata embedded within a METS document. Example: <dmdSec ID="dmd002"> <mdWrap MIMETYPE="text/xml" MDTYPE="DC" LABEL="Dublin Core Metadata"> <xmlData> <dc:title>Alice's Adventures in Wonderland</dc:title> <dc:creator>Lewis Carroll</dc:creator> <dc:date>between 1872 and 1890</dc:date> <dc:publisher>McCloughlin Brothers</dc:publisher> <dc:type>text</dc:type> </xmlData> </mdWrap> </dmdSec> Explanations: Dc = DublinCore specification
2: <AMDsec> (Administrative Metadata) = Administrative Information about: - how the files were created and how they are stored - Property Rights - Metadata regarding the original source the file is derived from. - the Provenance of the file
There are 4 main forms of <AMD>Elements: 1. Technical Metadata: <techMD> Element 2. Intellectual Property Rights Metadata: <rightsMD> Element 3. Source Metadata: <sourceMD> Element 4. Digital Provenance Metadata: <digiprovMD> Element Each of these four elements may occur morethan once in any METS document. They may contain an <mdRef> element and/or an <mdWrap> element All of them must carry an ID attribute
Example: <techMD ID="AMD001"> <mdWrap MIMETYPE="text/xml" MDTYPE="NISOIMG" LABEL="NISO Img.Data"> <xmlData> <niso:MIMEtype>image/tiff</niso:MIMEtype> <niso:Compression>LZW</niso:Compression> <niso:PhotometricInterpretation>8</niso:PhotometricInterpretation> <niso:Orientation>1</niso:Orientation> <niso:ScanningAgency>NYU Press</niso:ScanningAgency> </xmlData> </mdWrap> </techMD> Explanation: NISO - National Information Standards Organization
3: <fileSec> (File Section ): Marks up what filetypes & -versions the digital object contains (i.e. images, OCR-Scans, xml-files) - Contains one or more <fileGrp> Elements to group related files Example: <fileSec> <fileGrp ID="VERS1"> <file ID="FILE001" MIMETYPE="application/xml" SIZE="257537" CREATED="2001-06-10"> <Flocat LOCTYPE="URL">http://dlib.nyu.edu/tamwag/beame.xml </FLocat> </file> </fileGrp> <fileGrp ID="VERS2"> <file ID="FILE002" MIMETYPE="audio/wav" SIZE="64232836" CREATED="2001-05-17" GROUPID="AUDIO1"> <Flocat LOCTYPE="URL">http://dlib.nyu.edu/tamwag/beame.wav </FLocat> </file> </fileGrp> </fileSec>
4: <structMap> (Structural Map): - encodes the hierarchical structure of the digital-library-object to allow a user to navigate through it. - Links the structure-elements to the real data (content, images) and their metadata Example: <structMap TYPE="logical"> <div ID="div1" LABEL="Oral History: Mayor Abraham Beame" TYPE="oral history"> <div ID="div1.1" LABEL="Interviewer Introduction" ORDER="1"> <fptr FILEID="FILE001"> <area FILEID="FILE001" BEGIN="INTVWBG" END="INTVWND" BETYPE="IDREF" /> </fptr> <fptr FILEID="FILE002"> <area FILEID="FILE002" BEGIN="00:00:00" END="00:01:47" BETYPE="TIME" /> </fptr> </div> </div> </structMap>
The <structMap> element encodes the hierarchy as a nested series of <div> elements. • - <div> = defines the kind of division, • - a <div> element may contain multiple METS pointer (<mptr>) and file pointer (<fptr>) • - METS pointers specify separate METS documents as containing the relevant file information for the <div> containing them. • - File pointers specify files within the current METS document's <fileSec>. • - A <area> element is used in each <fptr> to indicate that this division is connected to only a portion of the linked file, and to identify the exact portion of each linked file.
5: <behavior> (Behavior): - Associates the executable behaviors with content in a METS-Object. - Has an Interface-Definition-Element, that represents an abstract definition of the set of behaviors represented by a particular behavior section. - It contains executable code that runs the defined behaviors. - Behaviors can be implemented as linkages to distributed webservices
Example: <METS:behavior ID="DISS1.1" STRUCTID="S1.1" BTYPE="uva-bdef:stdImage“ CREATED="2002-05-25T08:32:00" LABEL="UVA Std Image Disseminator" GROUPID="DISS1" ADMID="AUDREC1"> <METS:interfaceDef LABEL="UVA Standard Image Behavior Definition" LOCTYPE="URN" xlink:href="uva-bdef:stdImage"/> <METS:mechanism LABEL="A NEW AND IMPROVED Image Mechanism" LOCTYPE="URN" xlink:href="uva-bmech:BETTER-imageMech"/> </METS:behavior> Explanation: <Btype> an optional string attribute providing an identifier for a given set of related behaviors. <METS: mechanism> element: points to a module of executable code that implements and runs the specified behavior.
Conclusion The METS schema provides a flexible standard for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata for a digital library object, and for expressing the complex relations between these various forms of metadata. So it can provide a useful standard for the exchange of digital library objects between repositories. Good news: It is complex, full-featured, extensible Bad news: It is complex, full-featured, extensible
Sources & Information in the WWW: The METS-Standard: http://www.loc.gov/standards/mets/METSOverview.v2.html The Schema-Documentation: http://ark.cdlib.org/mets/schema_documentation/ A nice Graph showing which element contains what attributes with linked explanations: http://sunsite3.berkeley.edu/mets/diagram/#a57 Any Questions?