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The ASEAN-Australia- New Zealand FTA. September 23, 2008. Outline. Objectives Progress of Negotiations Tariff Reduction/Elimination Schedules Normal Track Sensitive Track 1 Sensitive Track 2 Exclusion List. Objectives. 1. ZERO TARIFFS FOR ALL PRODUCTS FOR ANZ
The ASEAN-Australia- New Zealand FTA September 23, 2008
Outline • Objectives • Progress of Negotiations • Tariff Reduction/Elimination Schedules • Normal Track • Sensitive Track 1 • Sensitive Track 2 • Exclusion List
Objectives 1. ZERO TARIFFS FOR ALL PRODUCTS FOR ANZ ASEAN’s target since the start of the negotiations is to demand 100% tariff elimination from Australia and New Zealand. 2. PHILIPPINES EQUALIZING WITH THAILAND – ( a major competitor which currently enjoys lower tariffs because of their bilateral FTAs with Australia and New Zealand) • Important for Philippine export products facing fierce competition from Thailand, i.e., wiring harness, other motor parts, food products, garments, fashion jewelry and furniture
Cont. Objectives 3. Promote product complementation Most of our major exports are not products of selling interest of Australia/New Zealand Most of our imports from Australia/New Zealand are not locally produced or are locally produced but insufficient quantity Examples of product complementation with Australia are on the autoparts and copper industries Lowering of tariffs promotes lower-priced manufacturing inputs
1997 – Economic Benefits Study (GDP increase of US$ 16.1 Bn ) 2005 – Start of Negotiations August 2008 – Conclusion of Negotiations December 2008 – Signing of the Agreement at the Summit in Bangkok Entry in Force - 2009 Progress of Negotiations
Philippine Tariff Reduction ScheduleNormal Track – 90% of tariff lines by 2013
Philippine Tariff Reduction ScheduleSensitive Track 1 – 6% of tariff lines by 2020
Zero for Zero for some auto and auto parts Objective: Export Opportunity In Australia For The Automotive Industry To equalize with Thailand’s existing rates under TAFTA With zero tariffs for Philippine cars, Australia becomes an attractive export market for car and car parts manufacturers. Philippines becomes an alternative investment site for international car companies planning to export to Australia. Australian car exports to the Middle East and even Africa would constitute a valuable market for Philippine parts manufacturers. Special Arrangement
Heavy Vehicles – no local production - Zero for Zero (ZFZ) Big Engine Displacement (> 3 liters) – no local production - 0% by 2010, Small Engine Displacement (3 liters or less) 30% MFN – 20% (2009), 14% (2010), 7% (2011), 0% (2012) 20% MFN – 15% (2009), 10% (2010), 5% (2011), 0% (2012) 15% MFN – 10%(2009), 5% (2010), 0% (2011) Categories for CBU Tariff Reduction