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✭Introduction ✮ to ✯ Drama✫. ✪Tina✪. ✧Thursday, February 2, 2012 ✧. Basics. Neutral Position-feet in line with hips; hands at side; looking straight ahead Insolations -are the movement of parts of your body Walking-be aware of the space; walk in a bubble; try not to walk with your friend
✭Introduction ✮ to ✯ Drama✫ ✪Tina✪
Basics Neutral Position-feet in line with hips; hands at side; looking straight ahead Insolations-are the movement of parts of your body Walking-be aware of the space; walk in a bubble; try not to walk with your friend Space-the area in a room that you use Levels-the height of your body-High, medium, or low Freeze frame/still image- a frozen picture
Reflection • Good points • Making our still images easy to recognize • Playing the 3 spaces and levels game was fun • I was good at practicing isolations • Working with friends was fun • Improve • Not getting in trouble • Making even better positions, even though they were already pretty good. • Risk taker • I was a risk taker by not being afraid to perform in front of the class.
Movement + Mirrors KISS-Keep It Simple CCC-Clear, Control, Concentrate WLI-Watch, Listen, Imitate
Machines Teamwork Balance Cooperation
Freeze Frames/Still Image Still Image/Freeze Frame is a frozen picture It doesn’t move
Reflection • Strength • People understood my group’s still images. • We had good positions for the machine race. • When playing Blob, I laughed less then normal. • Improve • Make our still images more enjoyable for our audience. • Make simpler positions for the machine race so that we could win. • Communicator • In drama class, I was a communicator by telling a story using only body positions (still images). This shows that I was a communicator because I communicated to my class by telling a silent story.
Ritual ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦
20 Rituals Valentines Day 3 Meals a Day Birthday Sleeping Christmas Halloween Watching TV at an Arranged time Chinese New Year St Patrick's Day 4th of July Spring Festival Extra Classes Every Week Concert Going to the bathroom Shower/Washing Everyday Easter Funerals Divorces Partying Olympics Ceremony
Creating a Ritual—Seasons—Dithyramb Creating a Ritual Use a simple movement Break it down into units Make the movements exaggerated Think about levels, time, and direction Add voice-Chants work well
Dithyramb Walking to the Field Digging in the Soil Putting Seeds in the Soil Phew! We finished our Work Covering the Seeds with Soil Watering the Seeds
Reflection • Strengths • Today, my group and I did well at making up dance moves and sounds. • I think I also did well at learning most of the dance moves and sounds from the other teams. • Improve • I could have improved on learning all of the dance moves and sounds from the other teams. • Something that I could improve on is communication skills. I think having them are useful/good. • Balanced • I used time well by making the dance moves and sounds quickly. • I was balanced because I learned the steps to the other groups’ dances quickly, too.
The Chorus Movement in time and the same Costume-same Speak at the same time Symbolic movement
Move your fingers to imitate talking (kroaxing) Frogs Do small bounces in a frog position Brekekekekroaxkroax, Brekekekekroaxkroax! We are the swamp children Green and tiny, Fluting our voices As all the time we sing Our kroaxkroax Kroaxkroaxkroax Brekekekekroaxkroax, Brekekekekroaxkroax! Stand up and put both hand on chest Put hands in fists beside shoulders. Then, crouch with fists/hands in front of chest. Move your hands as if playing a flute on the right side of your body Use your right hand to pretend to hold a microphone under your mouth. Move your straight left arm from the front of your body to the left. Put hands on chest Move hands to be in front of you and level with your elbows and slowly lower your body with each kroax until you are back in starting position. Repeat starting set of movements
Example of an Ancient Greek Sacrifice • Strengths • I did well in remembering my lines. • Weakness • When we were rehearsing and watching the plays, it was difficult to refrain from laughing/giggling. • What I learned • Today, I have learned about how the ancient Greeks did sacrifices to the gods, weddings, and funerals. • I also learned some more of on acting.
How to Document List what you have done steps, bullet point, paragraph Photos-labels Movies/video-title Write a document annotate (comment)
The Ritual Process Investigate: workshop, videos, research Design: groups, brainstorm decide on a topic, research 4 facts/2 pictures/bibliography Create: mask, chant, movements, costumes, rehearse Perform Evaluation
Brainstorm 20 Topics Funeral Wedding Sacrifice Birthday Dithyramb War Dance Christmas Halloween Valentines Day St. Patrick’s Day Pi Day Soccer Match Basketball Match 4th of July Thanksgiving Manga Characters Cheerleader Sword Fighter Famous Musicians Superheroes Final Topic: Dithyramb-Harvest
Reflection • Strengths • I wrote a few lines for our chant, but they weren’t very effective. • Something else that I did well today was not getting into trouble. This shows that I wasn’t mean/rude to my friends. • Weaknesses • One of my weaknesses today was not always doing my work. During class time, I wasn’t paying full attention to finish writing our chant. In between today and Tuesday, I will write my version of our chant and show it to my teammates tomorrow to see if they’ll like it. • How Our Group Worked • My group didn’t work very well today. This was because we didn’t concentrate on making our chant. As a result, we didn’t get very far. Maybe, we will work get more done on Tuesday.
✦Tuesday, March 20, 2012 ✦ We have changed our final topic for our ritual project from harvest-dithyramb to Christmas
Ritual Project: Picture My group members: Chelsea (on the left), Me (in the middle), Zimei (on the right), and Arun (absent)
Ritual Project: Video We are practicing our movements for our chant.
Reflection • Strengths • Something that I did really well today was making up lines for my groups chant. I think that what I came out with was really quite good. • Another part that I did nicely was making up movements to go with our chant. What I came out with isn’t excellent, but it isn’t horrible either. • Weaknesses • Today, we didn’t have many weaknesses, but time management might be a bit of a problem. If we were quicker with our work, then, we could have practiced all of our movements. • What my group did well today • Since we were behind from the last class, today, we did really well in catching up.
Reflection: Mask Making Today, we started making our masks for our project. In my group, Arun went first. Zimei was the person who made Arun’s mask. Next, I made Zimei’s mask. The materials used to make the mask are plasta, water, and scissors. Plasta is what the mask is mainly made out of. Water is needed to dip the plasta in. This is done to make a more liquidly, sticky form of plasta when positioned on the person’s face. The scissors are used to cut the plasta into stripes. When making a mask, you need to start with the basics. Before you start, it’s suggested that the person who is having their mask done is laying down and has their eyes closed. First, you need to place a couple stripes of plasta on your person’s forehead. Next, you place one strip on plasta on either side of the person’s face. You must set it on the space between their eyes and their hairline. Then, cut a shorter stripe of plasta and put it on top of their nose. Starting from the level of their eyebrow to a few centimeters away from their nose tip. Finally, lay a strip of plasta from the side of their nose to a point where it meets with the other strip of plasta (that was set on the sides of their faces). Those were the basics. Now, you start covering the rest of their skin (not the whole face, just from their nose level to their hairline), and around the eyes. Afterwards, you need to do a second layer over the first to make the mask secure. Two layers is the minimum, but the more the better. At last, the person having their mask made should stay laying down for 15-20 minutes to let the plasta dry. When it is, the dried plasta, which is now the mask, can be removed slowly from the person’s face. Since it’s dried, the mask should have the shape of the person’s face.