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Membership has its rewards. Stepping out---sharing what PWOP is all about!. New Members. Receives a welcome packetReceives a complimentary copy of the book that the book club is currently reading.. Current Members. Have a mini-bio page on websiteReceive a complimentary copy of the next reading an
1. Powerful Women of Praise Stepping out and up in 2008!
2. Membership has its rewards
3. New Members Receives a welcome packet
Receives a complimentary copy of the book that the book club is currently reading.
4. 3 levels of membership Praise Partner---$25 month/$300 year
Praise Patron---$15 month/$180 year
Praise Participant---free
Money collected from membership dues support the scholarship fund, gala event, and website/advertising costs.
5. Gala 2009
6. The Mad Hatter’s Ball 3rd Formal Event
Tentative location: Dave & Buster’s Ontario
The evening will be an unforgettable affair consisting of dinner, dancing, entertainment, fashion show, and outrageous hat and costume contests!
Presenting scholarship awards for the first time.
Who will be crowned the “mad hatter” and the 2009 “Confident Woman of the Year’?
only $50pp
7. Summer Activities
8. Summer meetings with a twist June, July, & August
This is our “Summer Retreat” time
Meet once a month at a location voted on by the members.
Possible activities: bowling, miniature golf, spa experience, dinner theater, jazz concert, comedy show, play, poetry reading, etc.
9. Secret Santa
10. Secret Santa Gift Exchange Begins in November and runs until the last week in January.
Contact Felicia Coe-Taylor, Coordinator of Secret Santa Program
11. Mother’s Tea Party
12. 1st annual Mother’s Tea Party Saturday, May 3, 2008 11:30 a.m.
Proceeds benefit PWOP Scholarship Fund
Shopping at our vendor tables
Music & Poetry Reading
Inspirational Messages
Silent Auction
Tea Tasting
only $25pp
13. PWOP Scholarship Fund
14. Money for women from women For women in the Inland Empire communities
2 scholarships awarded: women age 29 & under and women age 30 & over.
Awardees will receive scholarship at Gala 2009
Contact Beverly Sulcer, PWOP Scholarship Coordinator
15. Food Basket Program
16. Charitable Food Basket Program Food baskets are distributed to the families during the months of : March, June, September, & December
Families are nominated by an individual/group.
Members of PWOP donate food/household supplies to create food baskets.
17. Confident Woman of the Year
18. PWOP Confident Woman of the Year Award Awarded at the Gala event
Our 2007 awardee was Beverly Sulcer
A Confident Woman knows that she is loved, refuses to live in fear, is positive, recovers from setbacks, avoids comparisons, and takes action.
19. On the road to being a Non-Profit Organization Stepping up---becoming an official organized group!
20. Benefits of becoming non-profit Collect charitable contributions (ranging from bequest of money, to donations of goods and services, to gifts of real estate) that are tax deductible to the giver. More easily qualify for private and public grants and other subsidies.
Produce profits from engaging in nonprofit activities related to the mission of the organizations (including fundraising events) that you do not have to pay taxes on.
Enjoy protection from legal liability (desirable when you are doing issue-sensitive work or performing social services primarily with volunteers).
21. Steps to becoming non-profit
1. Prepare and file Articles of Incorporation
2. Prepare Bylaws
3. Elect directors & board members
4. Complete and submit IRS & California tax forms
22. PWOP “being uplifted and blessed!”