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Treasure Hunt A* agent against semi-stochastic enemies

Treasure Hunt A* agent against semi-stochastic enemies . Jorge Aparicio Arturo Deza. Software. XNA Game Design Library Programmed in Visual Studio 2010 Language : C# Sprite and Texture modeling - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. GIMP Inkscape. Game Scenario. Rules.

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Treasure Hunt A* agent against semi-stochastic enemies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Treasure HuntA* agent against semi-stochastic enemies Jorge Aparicio Arturo Deza

  2. Software • XNA Game Design Library • Programmed in Visual Studio 2010 • Language : C# • Sprite and Texture modeling - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. • GIMP • Inkscape

  3. Game Scenario

  4. Rules • We have a finite map – modeled as a 50 x 25 Matrix. • Obstacles/Walls exist in the dungeon. • 5 Enemies in the dungeon and respawn if slaughtered. • Only 1 Agent explorer. • The goal is to make the Agent get to the treasure with the maximum amount of Health. • No diagonal movements through obstacles.

  5. Enemy Layout Distribution

  6. Strategy and Parameters

  7. Bloodseeker Mode

  8. Agent A* Search

  9. ObstacleRadius parameter

  10. ObstacleRadius parameter

  11. Health Threshold & Remapping Rate • If (Health > HealthThreshold) -> FightEnemy if close; -> Otherwise, MoveAgent; • After every x moves -> Remap A* algorithm;

  12. Future Work • Use G.A. to determine optimal parameters. • Code Blocks to appear during Fairy A* algorithm. • Modify the Original Map to make it more Challenging!

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