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Learn MATLAB basics, matrix operations, flow control, functions, files, and graphical representations with examples. Explore pattern recognition concepts in MATLAB environment.
How Much Do We Know? Anybody who has never used MATLAB?
MATLAB Environment Workspace: Variables defined so far. Command History Command Window Edit Window Plot Window … Current Directory: Start by setting the current directory to the directoy that you are working. Generally, it is where your files are.
LOOKFOR & HELP LOOKFOR: Type ‘lookfor smth’ to learn the name of functions that are related to ‘smth’. HELP: Type ‘help function_name’ to learn how that function works, its inputs and outputs.
Everything is a Matrix Each variable in MATLAB is a matrix. For example: >> a=1; >>size(a) ans= 1 1
Creating Matrices >> a = [ 1 2 2 1 ] a = 1 2 2 1 >> b= [1; 2; 2; 1] b= 1 2 2 1
Accessing a Matrix >> a=[1 2; 3 4] a= 1 2 3 4 >> a(2,1) ans= 3
Matrix Operations Matrix operations like, Matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication Determinant of a matrix Inverse of a matrix Transpose of a matrix Element by element multiplication, division … are defined in MATLAB.
Flow Control-IF >> if a+b==5 m=1; elseif a+b==3 m=2; end >>
Flow Control-Switch >> switch (rem(n,4)==0) + (rem(n,2)==0) case 0 M=0 case 1 M=1 otherwise M=2 end
Loops >> a = [ 0.8 0.1; 0.2 0.9 ] >> x = [ 1; 0 ] >> for i = 1:20 x = a*x end Avoid using Loops in Matlab.
M-Files: Scripts And Functions Scripts: Do not accept input arguments or return output arguments.They operate on data in the workspace. M-Files: can accept input arguments and return output arguments.Internal variables are local to the function.
Read & Write Files Load, Save,Saveas Textread … There are many other functions for file operations. Check File I/O part in Mathwork’s Help.
Function Definition Name of the function and the file should be the same. function[output1,output2]=example(input)
Example – Generating Random Numbers Generate random numbers of size 5x3 (5 rows, 3 columns); >> a=randn(5,3);
Example-Distributions Parameter Estimation Examples: Normal Distribution >>[mu,sigma]=normfit(data); Binomial Distribution >> phat=binofit(data,n) …
Example-Probability Density Function Pdf gives the probability density function for a specified distribution >> Y=pdf(name,X,A) Where name is the name of the distribution, X is the data and A is the parameters for the given distribution.
Example-Maximum Likelihood Estimation mle gives the maximum likelihood estimation >> mle(data); >> mle(data,’distribution’,dist) Where dist is the name of the distribution
Graphical Representation Generally ‘plot’ is used for drawing graphics. >>plot(x) ; plots the columns of x versus their index. Many options are provided for this function.
Refer To http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/helpdesk.html Course Web Page: www.ceng.metu.edu.tr/courses/secondprog/ceng564/