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Why Do States Cooperate with Each Other?. Political, Economic, Military Cooperation. The survival of States is Threatened…. By the trend toward self-determination as an expression of unique cultural identity
Why Do States Cooperate with Each Other? Political, Economic, Military Cooperation
The survival of States is Threatened… • By the trend toward self-determination as an expression of unique cultural identity • And the trend toward globalization, as states transfer authority to regional organizations like NAFTA, UN, NATO
United Nations • Established after WW2 to prevent a third world war • 49 original members, 192 by 2007 • Members increased on 3 occasions- 1955, 1960, and 1990s • ’55- countries liberated from Nazi Germany • ’60- Newly independent nations in Africa • ’90s- From the breakup of USSR/Yugoslavia, microstates
United Nations • League of Nations 1st attempt at peacekeeping- failed • UN can establish peacekeeping force- but relies on voluntary contributions of troops from members • 5 permanent members of the Security Council have vetoes- US, Russia, UK France, China- during Cold War vetoes used to prevent intervention (except Korea)
United Nations • China, France, Russia vetoed UN action to remove Saddam Hussein- 2003 • UN Peacekeepers- maintain neutrality, operate in E. Europe, Middle East, Africa • Sometimes ineffective because states’ contribution of troops voluntary • UN- for the first time, all states can meet and vote before resorting to war.
Regional Military Alliances • After WW2, world divided between 2 superpowers- USA and USSR. Before, many superpowers- no one dominated • Balance of Power- roughly equal strength between opposing alliances • Weaker states became ally or satellite of two powers • Acquiring an ally added power and took it away from the enemy
Era of 2 Superpowers • Both powers used military force to control their allies • USSR invaded Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan • USA invaded Grenada, Dominican Republic, Panama • Both powers established military bases in other countries to respond quickly/ maintain strength
Military Cooperation • 2 alliances- NATO and Warsaw Pact • NATO- (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)- US, Canada, 14 European states. France, Spain members but did not contribute troops. Goal- prevent USSR from invading Germany • 7 members of Warsaw Pact- invaded Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Goal- prevent a third German invasion of Russia
Military Cooperation • NATO, W. Pact now obsolete- NATO troops sharply reduced, but membership expanded into former Warsaw Pact countries. Membership provides security against Russian invasion • W. Pact disbanded • OSCE- Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe- includes Russia, Goal- ending conflict in Europe
Military Cooperation • OAS- Organization of American States- all 35 states in W. hemisphere. Goal- promotes economic, social, political, and cultural links • Cuba a member but suspended in 1962 • AU- African Union- 53 countries- promotes economic integration of Africa. Replaced OAU which opposed Apartheid
British Commonwealth • Includes UK and 53 other former British colonies. Goal- economic and cultural cooperation
Economic Cooperation • Since end of Cold War in 1992, world has returned to more than 2 powers like before WW2 • 2 Key differences- 1. Most important elements of state power are now economic instead of military • 2. Leading power is not a single state, but the EU a collection of states
European Union • AKA EEC, Common market, established in 1958- Goal- heal wounds of WW2 • Main task of EU is to promote development within member states through economic cooperation • Has removed international barriers to trade- goods, services, and people can move freely throughout Europe • The Euro has removed differences in prices, interest rates, and made the EU economy the wealthiest in the world
German Nation • Flashback- Germany emerged as a nation-state in 1871- Otto von Bismarck forced German kingdoms into his Prussian dominated German Empire • Did not get all German speaking areas of Europe • Germany punished after WW1, lost territory, arbitrary borders- fragmented state
German Nation • Nazi takeovers of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Austria justified as attempts to rebuild German nation-state • After WW2, Germany carved into 4 zones- US, UK, France, USSR • 3 zones reunited, Soviet zone became E. Germany • 1990- E. Germany absorbed
Why has Terrorism Increased? • Terrorism- systematic use of violence by a group in order to intimidate a population or coerce a government into granting its demands • Violence is seen as necessary to bring attention to problems not being addressed through peaceful means • Terrorism is applied to actions by groups rather than official governments, although some states provide support for terrorists
Terrorism • Differs from assassination because civilians are targets, not political leaders or the military • Terrorists consider all citizens responsible for the actions being opposed, so they are all legit targets. • Distinguishing terrorism from political violence is difficult- is a suicide bombing a terrorist attack or an act of war? Depends on your perspective.
Terrorist Attacks • 1988- Pan Am 103 shot down • 1993- WTC bomb • 1995- Oklahoma City • 1998- US embassies in E. Africa • 2000- USS Cole • 2001- 9/11
American Terrorists • Timothy McVeigh executed for Oklahoma City- motivated by FBI attack in Waco, TX • Theodore (Ted) Kaczynski- (Unabomber) sent bombs through the mail over 17 years- academics in technology and businessmen harming the environment
9/11 • 4 planes, 19 hijackers, 3,000 deaths • Al-Qaeda means “the foundation” • Bin Laden family became rich through close connections to the Saudi royal family • Osama bin Laden used his inheritance to fund Al Qaeda • Moved to Afghanistan in 1980s to help fight Soviets
9/11 • A 1998 fatwa, or religious decree, bin Laden argued all Muslims had a religious duty to wage a holy war (jihad) against US citizens because the US is responsible for: • 1. Maintaining the Saud royal family as rulers of Saudi Arabia • 2. Supporting a Jewish state of Israel
9/11 • Estimated 20,000 members, isolated autonomous cells • Sleeper cell- blend into normal society, hold jobs, wait for orders. • Other extremist organizations take the “brand name” Al Qaeda as a symbol of legitimacy
State Support for Terrorism • Three levels of support: • 1. Providing sanctuary • 2. Supplying weapons, money, and intelligence • 3. Planning attacks using terrorists
Libya • Accused of sponsoring a bombing of a nightclub in Berlin • PanAm flight 103 • US bombed Libya in response • Qaddafi renounced terrorism and agreed to provide compensation to families- 2003 • 3 states have been accused by US of supporting terrorism since 9/11- Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran
Afghanistan • 1973- Afghan king overthrown • 1978- Gov’t established that sympathized w/ USSR • USSR invaded after mujahedeen (holy warriors) rebelled against gov’t (1979) • USSR withdrew in 1989, gov’t collapsed in 1992 • 1995- Taliban gained control of country • They sheltered Al Qaeda
Iraq • While most states supported Afghan invasion, few supported invasion of Iraq • Saddam Hussein took power in ’79 • 1980- 8 year war with Iran- stalemate • Nuclear reactor blown up in 1981 by Israel • 1988- 5000 Kurds die by poison gas • 1990- Iraq invades Kuwait • 1991- Desert Storm
Iraq • While almost the entire UN supported Desert Storm, few supported US invasion in 2003 to remove Saddam Hussein • Why? 1991 was to end an unjustified invasion. 2003 no one believed Hussein still possessed weapons of mass destruction or intended to use them. • US assessment was based on faulty intelligence • US assertion that Iraq had ties to Al-Qaeda was false
Iraq • Ruling Ba’ath party based on pan-Arabism- 1 Arab nation sharing oil wealth • Philosophy not derived from religion like Al-Qaeda • So US changed justification to Saddam is a bad man and needs to be removed- “regime change” • Other countries believe you don’t violate sovereignty simply because you don’t like the leader • Kurds support US, Sunnis, Shi’ites oppose US invasion
Iran • 1979- Revolution overthrows Shah as people demanded more democracy • Replaced by Ayatollah Khomeini who declared Iran an Islamic republic and made himself dictator • Seized US embassy in 1979 and hels 62 Americans hostage until 1981 • Fought 8 year war w/ Iran over Shatt al-Arab, 1.5 million dead,