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Explore the urinary and male reproductive systems, medical specialties, organs, and terms. Learn the functions, anatomy, and conditions treated in urology and nephrology.
12 Urology and Nephrology
Media Directory Slide 17 Urinary System Anatomy Slide 19 Male Reproductive System Anatomy Slide 63 Vasectomy Video Slide 69 Renal Calculi Video Slide 72 Erectile Dysfunction Video Slide 75 Genital Herpes Video Slide 76 Gonorrhea Video Slide 81 Peritoneal Dialysis Video Slide 91 Urinalysis Video Slide 93 Catheterization Video
Learning Objectives UNDERSTAND the functions of the urinary and male reproductive systems. DESCRIBE the medical specialties of urology and nephrology. DEFINE urologyand nephrology-related combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes. IDENTIFY the organs treated in urology and nephrology.
Learning Objectives BUILD urology and nephrology medical terms from word parts. EXPLAIN urology and nephrology medical terms. USE urology and nephrology abbreviations.
Urology and Nephrology • Important for maintaining homeostasis • A stable internal environment • Removing waste products • Adjusting water and electrolyte levels • Maintaining normal pH
Urology and Nephrology • Kidneys produce urine • Urine flows through • Kidneys • Ureter • Urinary bladder • Urethra
Male Reproductive System • In males, urinary system and reproductive system share urethra • Male reproductive organs • Testes • Epididymis • Vas deferens • Seminal vesicles • Prostate gland • Bulbourethral gland • Urethra • Penis
Urology and Nephrology • Urologists treat conditions of: • Female and male urinary tract • Male reproductive system • Nephrologists treat conditions of kidney such as: • Renal failure • Kidney transplants • Dialysis
Urology and NephrologyCombining Forms balan/o glans penis cyst/o bladder epididym/o epididymis glomerul/o glomerulus lith/o stone nephr/o kidney orchid/o testes orchi/o testes orch/o testes prostat/o prostate gland pyel/o renal pelvis ren/o kidney
Urology and NephrologyCombining Forms semin/i semen spermat/o sperm sperm/o sperm testicul/o testicle ur/o urine ureter/o ureter urethr/o urethra urin/o urine vas/o vas deferens vesicul/o seminal vesicle
Additional Combining Forms albumin/o albumin azot/o nitrogen waste bacteri/o bacteria corpor/o body crypt/o hidden genit/o genitals glycos/o sugar, glucose hemat/o blood hem/o blood hydr/o water noct/i night olig/o scanty py/o pus rect/o rectum ven/o vein
Suffix Review –al pertaining to –algia pain –ar pertaining to –ary pertaining to –cele hernia, protrusion –cyte cell –eal pertaining to –ectomy surgical removal –emia blood condition –genesis produces, generates –gram record, picture –graphy process of recording –ia state –iasis abnormal condition
Suffix Review –ic pertaining to –ism state of, condition –itis inflammation –lith stone –logist one who studies –logy study –lysis destruction –megaly enlargement -meter instrument for measuring –oma tumor, mass –osis abnormal condition –ostomy surgically create an opening –otomy cutting into –ous pertaining to
Suffix Review –pathy disease –pexy surgical fixation –plasty surgical repair –ptosis drooping –rrhaphy suture –rrhea discharge, flow –sclerosis hardened condition –scope instrument for viewing –scopy process of visually examining –stenosis narrowing –tripsy crushing –trophy development –uria urine condition
Prefix Review a– without an– without dys– abnormal extra– outside of hyper– excessive intra– within poly– many trans– across
Urinary System Figure 12.1 The urinary system.
Urinary System Anatomy Click on the image in presentation mode to view the organs from different angles. The animation may take a moment to begin. Click a second time to pause the animation. Back to Directory
Male Reproductive System Figure 12.2 The male reproductive system.
Male Reproductive System Anatomy Click on the image in presentation mode to view the organs from different angles. The animation may take a moment to begin. Click a second time to pause the animation. Back to Directory
Building Urology and Nephrology Terms For each urology and nephrology term introduced on the next few slides, write the completed term in your textbook (pg 241).
Balan/o • Combining form meaning glans penis • Enlarged tip of the penis • Covered by the prepuce or foreskin • Build a medical term meaning: • discharge from the glans penis balanorrhea balan/o + -rrhea
Cyst/o • Combining form meaning urinary bladder • Muscular organ • Stores urine produced by the kidneys • Urine drains into bladder from ureters and into urethra
Urinary Bladder Figure 12.3 Urinary Bladder.
Cyst/o • Build a medical term meaning: • bladder pain • protrusion of the bladder • stone in the bladder cystalgia cystocele • cystolith cyst/o + -lith
Epididym/o • Combining form meaning epididymis • Sits on top of each testis • Stores sperm as they are made by the testes • Build a medical term meaning: • pertaining to the epididymis epididymal
Lith/o • Combining form meaning stone • Stones form in many parts of body • Usually formed from organic or inorganic salts
Lith/o • Build a medical term meaning: • surgical crushing of a stone • abnormal condition of stone in bladder lithotripsy cystolithiasis cyst/o +lith + -iasis
Nephr/o • Combining form meaning kidney • One kidney is located on either side of spine at level of lower ribs • Consists of thousands of nephrons • Glomerulus portion of each nephron filters waste products and excess water and electrolytes out of blood in order to produce urine
Kidney Figure 12.4 Kidney.
Nephr/o • Urine drains out of kidney into ureter and on to urinary bladder for storage • Build a medical term meaning: • enlarged kidney • drooping kidney nephromegaly nephroptosis nephr/o + -ptosis
Orchid/o • Combining form meaning testes • Male reproductive organs that produce sperm and testosterone • Two testes are suspended outside body in the scrotum • As sperm are produced they travel to epididymis for storage • Singular form is testis
Testes Figure 12.5 Testis.
Orchid/o • Another term for testes is testicles (singular, testicle) • Build a medical term meaning: • surgical removal of testes orchidectomy orchid + -ectomy
Orchi/o • Another combining form meaning testes • Build a medical term meaning: • surgical fixation of the testes • testes pain orchiopexy orchialgia
Orch/o • Another combining form meaning testes • Build a medical term meaning: • state of being without testes • condition of hidden testes anorchism • cryptorchism crypt- +orch + -ism
-ostomy • Suffix meaning to create a surgical opening • Describes creation of new opening between two organs or between organ and external surface of body • New opening on surface of body is called stoma
-ostomy • Build a medical term meaning: • surgically create an opening in the ureter • surgically create an opening in the renal pelvis ureterostomy pyelostomy pyel + -ostomy
Prostat/o • Combining form meaning prostate gland • One of male reproductive glands • Located surrounding urethra at base of the bladder • Secretes milky fluid • Makes up much of liquid portion of semen • Serves to nourish sperm
Prostat/o • Build a medical term meaning: • surgical removal of the prostate gland prostatectomy prostat + -ectomy
Prostate Gland Figure 12.6 Prostate gland.
Pyel/o • Combining form meaning renal pelvis • Area inside each kidney where urine collects as it is being made • Each renal pelvis then drains into one of the ureters
Pyel/o • Build a medical term meaning: • renal pelvis and kidney inflammation pyelonephritis pyel/o +nephr + -itis
Ren/o • Another combining form meaning kidney • Build a medical term meaning: • record of the kidney renogram
Semin/i • Combining form meaning semen • Fluid ejaculated from penis during intercourse • Contains sperm and fluids secreted by reproductive glands: • Prostate gland • Seminal vesicles • Bulbourethral gland
Semin/i • Build a medical term meaning: • condition of semen in the urine seminuria semin + -uria
Spermat/o • Combining form meaning sperm • Male reproductive cells • Produced in testes and ejaculated from body in semen • Contain one-half of normal complement of chromosomes
Spermat/o • When sperm fertilizes ovum (which also has one-half set of chromosomes from mother), new baby is created with full set of chromosomes • Build a medical term meaning: • generates sperm • destruction of sperm spermatogenesis • spermatolysis
Sperm/o • Another combining form meaning sperm • Build a medical term meaning: • state of being without sperm • state of having scanty sperm aspermia oligospermia olig/o +sperm + -ia
Testicul/o • Combining form meaning testicle • Build a medical term meaning: • pertaining to a testicle testicular testicul + -ar
Ureter/o • Combining form meaning ureter • Tube leading away from renal pelvis of each kidney • Carries urine from kidney to urinary bladder