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Youth Monitor Flanders (JOP-monitor) Nicole Vettenburg UGent, Youth Research Platform Belgium. – Indicators of Child and Youth Well-being – 13 – 15 dec. 2009, Amsterdam. Youth Research Platform (JOP).
Youth Monitor Flanders (JOP-monitor) Nicole Vettenburg UGent, Youth Research Platform Belgium – Indicators of Child and Youth Well-being – 13 – 15 dec. 2009, Amsterdam
Youth Research Platform (JOP) An interdisciplinary cooperation between three research groups from different universities in Flanders • Tempus Omnia Revelat (VUB) (sociology) • Department of Social Welfare Studies (Ghent University) (educational sciences) • Research Group of Youth Criminology (K.U.Leuven) (criminology)
Part of the Policy Research Centre of Culture, Youth and Sports • started in 2003: Youth Research Platform => Flemish Minister of Home affairs, Culture, Youth and the Civil service • Since 2007: Youth Research Platform as ‘the Youth Policy Research line’ of the Policy Research Centre of Culture, Youth and Sports => Flemish Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation
Objectives • To make an inventory of youth research 2. To set up a youth monitor 3. International dimension
Inventory of youth research • to collect existing Flemish Youth research (since 2000) • Pdf-file of each study with: abstract, summary of the methodology, an overview of the results, etc. • Online www.jeugdonderzoeksplatform.be Publication ‘Jongeren van nu en straks’ (2006)
Youth monitorJOP-monitor 1 (2005-2006) • Postal survey – light version • N=2503 – respons = 48% bij 18-25j; 59% bij 14-18-jarigen • Content questionnaire: several themes into 3C’s (see further) - conditions - convictions - conduct => Publication: ‘Jongeren in cijfers en letters’ (2007) (abstract in English: www;jeugdonderzoeksplatform.be)
Secondary analyses on existing databases • publication ‘Young people insite out (2009) (‘Jongeren binnenstebuiten’) Themes: • Democratic citizenship and gender differences • Significant others and well-being • Well-being at school • Feelings of insecurity and young people • Young people and Internet • Democratic citizenship and education types • Youth in transition => Abstract (english): www.jeugdonderzoeksplatform.be
JOP-monitor 2 (2008) • Fieldwork JOP-monitor 2 (12-30y) • Postal survey (N= 3710) • 4 memory letters • Questionnaire: • 2 versions: 12-13y and 14-30y. • Content: 3C’s
Content of the monitor • Three C’s, nl. ‘Conditions’, ‘Convictions’ and ‘Conduct’. • Conditons: the objective component. It covers the conditions in which two other aspects evolves. • Topics: social background, education, possession of media equipment, etc. • Convictions: the social world of young people, their subjective perception and experience of their life-conditions and environment • Topics: school wellbeing, self-esteem, perception of relation with parents, media preferences, political preference, etc. • Conduct: covers young people’s conduct and assesses reported behavior • Topics: political action, criminal behavior, media use, etc.
Questionnaire: • Closed questions. • Using scales, based on a five point-Likert scale ( have been used in previous studies) • Examples: • Conviction • School wellbeing • Self-esteem • Political interest • Fear of crime • Negative picture of the future • Conduct • Leisure • Political action
Self-esteem: • Brutsaert (1986) developed the self-esteem scale based on the Rosenberg self-esteem scale (1965) and the Revised Janis Field scale (Eagly, 1967). • I am proud on who I am • I think I am pretty ok • I think I have some good qualities • All in all, I feel like I am a looser
Negative picture of the future • The scale of the negative picture of the future is based previous research of Elchardus, Enhus et al (1984) and Winnubst (1975). • I often see the future very cheerles • It seems that I don’t have any goal in my life • The future appears to me in hopeless sense • I am sure I have a bright future in front of me • I am excited for the future
Political interest: • The political interest-scale is designed to measure young people’s social participation (Smits, 2004). This scale is constructed because more traditional scales give a small internal consistency for political cynicism (Elchardus, 1999). • I know more of politics comparing most people of my age. • I am not interested in politics • I have barely a clue of most political topics • I have mostly an opinion when talking about political topics or problems.
Political action • This is based on the German Youth monitor (Deutsches Jugendinstitut, 1997), research on moral consuming of young people (Stolle, Hooghe & Micheletti, 2005) and a study organized by Freie Universität Berlin (2004) on political action on the internet. During the last year did you… • Financed a good goal • Signed a (internet) petition • Bought a product because it is made in an environmental or animal friendly manner or because it is guaranteed it is made in good labor circumstances • Maintain compulsering voting • Talked about politics with friends, family, colleagues,… • Boycotted a product because you have problems with that particular company, country, or the way the product is being fabricated
Reflections • Definition of well-being: • Well-being convers various domains => results in different findings • Further analyses to explore the descibed results in greater depth: f.e • small group who are not doing well on all the domains • Interaction affect: f.e. the less safe pupils in vocational and technical school feel themselves, the better they feel at school (in general education we find the inverse correlation (see figure)
Relation school well-being & feelings of unsafety: interaction-effect by type of education (secundary schools)