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大學圖書館夜間參考館員對現行夜間參考服務模式與利用即訊合作服務之態度. Academic Evening Reference Librarians’ Attitudes Towards Evening Reference and Collaborative Live Virtual Reference. 蘇小鳳 sfsu@dragon.nchu.edu.tw. 中興大學 圖書資訊學 研究所. Evening Reference US not USe! Perception Importance Enthusiasm After effects

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  1. 大學圖書館夜間參考館員對現行夜間參考服務模式與利用即訊合作服務之態度大學圖書館夜間參考館員對現行夜間參考服務模式與利用即訊合作服務之態度 Academic Evening Reference Librarians’ Attitudes Towards Evening Reference and Collaborative Live Virtual Reference 蘇小鳳 sfsu@dragon.nchu.edu.tw 中興大學 圖書資訊學 研究所

  2. Evening Reference • US not USe! • Perception • Importance • Enthusiasm • After effects • Safety concerns • Collaborative Chat Reference • ? 感謝國內大學圖書館先進撥冗參予本研究之調查與訪談,深致謝忱。 Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  3. Research Methods • Telephone survey • Not web (consultation service vs. open) • A total of 75 university libraries • Questionnaire survey • Two sets of questionnaire • Evening and Day • Maximum of 5 participants from each library • Inferential statistical analysis: • Chi Square, t-test, and correlation coefficient test • In-depth interview • 8 university libraries • Interviewees: max = 10; min=1 Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  4. Research Questions • 國內大學圖書館實施夜間參考諮詢服務之現況如何。 • 大學圖書館實施夜間參考諮詢服務之困難何在。 • 大學圖書館夜間參考諮詢服務對館員身、心及生活安排的影響為何。 • 館員對夜間參考諮詢服務及相關議題之態度與主觀覺知為何。 • 館員對過往合作式數位參考服務之態度為何。 • 圖書館合作式即時數位參考諮詢服務在國內發展之需求性及可行性如何。 Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  5. Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  6. 個人背景資料分析 Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  7. 婚姻 Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  8. Technology Innovation ManagementElectrical EngineeringTelecommunications ManagementCosmetic Science Business AdministrationBusiness EducationFinanceInternational Trade EnglishHistoryJapanese Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  9. 2.2% Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  10. Live with kids aged 0-6 With parents 37.8% 38.5% Lived with kids aged 0-6 and parents 37.8% 38.5% 7% Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  11. Live with kids aged 7-12 24.3% Live with kids 7-12 and parents 24.3% 38.5% 3.3% Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  12. Dedicated reference department/division Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  13. ER 幾點就該關? Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  14. 輪值人員模式 –現行 Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  15. Ideal Staffing Model • Full-time Evening Reference Librarians • Reference Librarians Only • All Librarians • Student Assistants • All but department heads • Others (2.4%) • Library Assistants • Chat Reference Why not ideal? • Budget constraint • Staff shortage • Equity Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  16. Ideal Staffing Model (Graph) Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  17. Ideal Evening Staffing Model (within Evening Group) Never a top choice Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  18. After Effects Married librarians: • 40+ : negative influence on 家庭(p< .01) • negative influence on • 家庭 (p< .05) • 精神 ( .05 < p < .10 ) Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  19. 重要性? Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  20. 熱忱 Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  21. 館員對夜間參考服務之重要性與熱忱度之主觀覺知之比較館員對夜間參考服務之重要性與熱忱度之主觀覺知之比較 Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  22. 安全: 館員 Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  23. 安全: 使用者 Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  24. 安全: 其他工作人員 Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  25. 應給予夜間館員較優的補償? Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  26. 應給予夜間館員較優的補償? Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  27. II Attitudes toward using chat in place of in-person evening reference Part

  28. Chat Reference is valuable (p< .01) Happy to participate In chat and collaborative chat reference (p< .01) For users, not for reducing evening work Save user’s trip Alternative channel Pressure Look Performance Speed Chat reference interview ≠ in-person reference interview (p< .01) Better than e-mail reference Inferior to face-to-face General attitudes Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  29. Feasible? Yes (p< .01) Success? Confident about Chat Doubt about collaborative chat Previous experience Need more collaboration and scheduling than current “CDRS” project Leadership Obstacles in practice: Library policies Branch/small libraries Resources and databases (expertise) Question type – walking and pointing Confidence Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  30. Audio and Image • Audio and image capabilities is a must in the survey (p < .01) Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  31. Perceived Effectivenessof Different Types of Services Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  32. Preference Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  33. In-depth Interview • 態度 • 夜間參考的重要性 • 婚姻 • 離開參考組 • 對家人愧疚 • 安全 • 壓力: • 回覆速度 • 影音 • 服務對象 • 大學生 • 合作 • 樂意但不樂觀 • 擔心資源不等 • 利他而非利己 Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  34. Conclusions • Evening reference • Value • Effects • Enthusiasm • Chat and collaborative chat reference • Previous experience counts • Normal life with the help of chat? • Low usage + well-trained student assistants Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  35. 再次特別致謝 • 感謝大家幫忙填寫問卷與接受訪問! Shiao-Feng Su, ASIST Taipei

  36. Thank you 蘇小鳳 ASIST Taipei May 20 2006 謝謝聆聽敬請指教

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