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CAFRAL Conference of CEOs Managing capital in a dynamic risk environment

Environment and trendsHSBC Group priorities and strategic actionsCapital, Risk and Performance management. Contents. Fiscal deficits in mature economiese.g.: USA budget balance -8.6% in 2011, debt is c. 95% of GDPInflation risk in emerging marketse.g.: 2011 inflation forecast China 4.8%, India 8.0%, Vietnam 16.7%Currency changesExchange rate volatility e.g.: AUD/USD 13% appreciation in one and a half months (March 16: 0.9726, May 1: 1.0973)Longer-term rise of the RMB Geo-political risks E.g., Arab Spring".

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CAFRAL Conference of CEOs Managing capital in a dynamic risk environment

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Presentation Transcript

    2. Contents

    3. Global environment still uncertain with some key trends

    4. Importance of global connectivity will increase Have Dave from Campbell’s talk about how he is doing thisHave Dave from Campbell’s talk about how he is doing this

    5. Rebalancing of the world economy Have Dave from Campbell’s talk about how he is doing thisHave Dave from Campbell’s talk about how he is doing this

    6. Intense period of regulatory change will continue

    7. Policies still being agreed with long term implementation

    8. Basel 3 – Minimum Pillar 1 Capital Ratios

    9. Contents

    10. Like many banks today, HSBC faces important challenges Have Dave from Campbell’s talk about how he is doing thisHave Dave from Campbell’s talk about how he is doing this

    11. To become the leading international bank

    12. CMB and GBM Opportunities

    13. In retail banking profit is concentrated on few markets

    14. Report card to track progress

    15. Improve capital deployment – Five filters Have Dave from Campbell’s talk about how he is doing thisHave Dave from Campbell’s talk about how he is doing this

    16. Cost efficiency objectives and approach

    17. India banking industry in global context Global Banks by Market Capitalisation Only one bank from India (State Bank of India USD35B) is in the global top 50 Hypothetically, the Combined Mkt Cap of the top 15 banks in India, at USD 153B, would rank 5th globally

    18. Growth example: India strategy – well positioned across business lines to reach USD1bn PBT

    19. Contents

    20. Risk Appetite drives other key Risk Governance processes

    21. Potential Basel 3 impact

    22. Phased Basel 3 implementation and mitigations (Pro-forma)

    24. HSBC’s regional, global businesses and functional matrix

    25. Illustration of HSBC Performance Scorecard

    26. HSBC Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP)

    27. Linkages through the scorecard cascade

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