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Extra Credit Assignment:1 assignment point for each…total of 4 possible

Extra Credit Assignment:1 assignment point for each…total of 4 possible. You must do a class analysis of your family. Must be typed and handed in next Thursday . You should try to do number 3

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Extra Credit Assignment:1 assignment point for each…total of 4 possible

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  1. Extra Credit Assignment:1 assignment point for each…total of 4 possible You must do a class analysis of your family. Must be typed and handed in next Thursday. You should try to do number 3 1. Relational: Use Erik Olin Wright’s method to determine the class position of both your mother and father. Be sure to explain your reasoning. 2. Gradational: Use Marger’s method to determine your mother and father’s class. Use the weblink below (will also be posted to my website) to determine income. 3. Without being intrusive, try to find out what the parents of the kids’ you tutor do for a living. DO NOT ASK ABOUT MONEY. 4. Using both a relational and gradational approach, determine your future class position. Use the weblink below (will also be posted to my website) to determine income Income and Class: http://www.bls.gov/ncs/ocs/sp/ncbl0910.pdf

  2. RELATION TO THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION (Property Structure)  Owns Means of Production Does not Own Means of Production Capitalists 8% Expert Managers 18% Managers 9% Has Authority RELATION TO BUREAUCRATIC AUTHORITY Experts 17% Workers 42% No Authority Skilled Unskilled RELATION TO OCCUPATIONAL STRUCTURE Small Business 7% Erik Olin Wright’s Relational Class Analysis

  3. Gradational Approach to Class • Gradational-define members of a class based on some aspect of the their socio-economic status • Socio-economic status typically a measure of • Income & wealth – count $ • Occupation • Plant supervisor, engineer • Autoworker • Educational level- count the yrs • Different authors count it differently • See next slide

  4. Martin Marger’s Class Structure

  5. Martin Marger’s Class Structure

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