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- Established in 1983 by the governments of France and Norway to promote long-lasting bilateral co-operation in the fields of technical and industrial development. - During the period until 1988 the Foundation mainly served as a catalyst for stimulating the collaboration between the two countries. - After the Troll agreement was signed in 1986 the two parties agreed to use the Foundation for actively initiating and co-ordinating common R and D projects.
ROLE - Connect appropriate French and Norwegian industry and research partners. - Support common R and D projects aiming at technological innovation - Back-up bilateral workshops and seminars with the purpose of setting-up new R and D projects. - Promote exchanges of senior industrial researchers and scientists between the two countries. - Find new collaboration ideas in close collaboration with the French and Norwegian Embassies and other relevant organizations.
ORGANIZATION Date of Creation: 1983 Members: 44 in 2004 (industrial firms and research centres) Membership 2004: 600 € Registered Office: Oslo The Foundation is governed by the Norwegian Law and managed by a Board of Administration which is made-up of 12 voting members appointed for a 3 years mandate renewable once. Line-up of the Board Chairmain *: Olivier APPERT (F) Vice-Chairman: Finn A. HVISTENDAHL (N) * The Chairmanship alternates between France and Norway each third year.
ORGANIZATION / (2) 10 Board Members: From the French and Norwegian authorities and industry with an equal representation of the two countries. Meetings of the Board: 2 per year in April and November. Secretariats: 2 located in Oslo at the Research Council of Norway Head: Mrs. Else BOON in Rueil Malmaison at the French Petroleum Institute Head: Daniel DECROOCQ
R&D PROJECTS Main requirements for eligibility The FNS/FFN chiefly supports bilateral R&D projects with industrial firms as main partners. Consequently, both a French and Norwegian companies need to be involved and preference is often given to small medium-sized firms. Universities and Research Centres are also encouraged to take part in the project (to strengthen the research side) but only as co-contractors.
R&D PROJECTS Main requirements for eligibility The planned R&D activities should aim at solving technological problems so as to exploit some market opportunities and the scientific, technical, industrial and economic aspects should be clearly identified. The FNS/FFN may also support preliminary and feasibility studies in order to build-up new projects. Pilot studies as pre-project aiming at a future UE or EUREKA support fall into this category. When large scale Companies and Research Centres are involved, it is expected that the project includes post-doctoral or PhD students for performing research stay in the other country.
R&D PROJECTS Main Scientific and Technical Fields • The Foundation gives priority to the project relating to the following fields: • Aquaculture and food industry, • Biotechnology and Biomedical • Computer and Information Technology • Materials • Oil and Gas Exploration and Production • Marine Technology • Environmental Technologies.
R&D PROJECTS Procedure for application Proposers should be members of the FNS/FFN. The application form and its enclosures can be downloaded from the Foundation web site or obtained from the FNS/FFN Secretariats. The call for proposals is open the whole year round but the Board meets twice a year in April and November only. In view of the time required for the project evaluation (from 2 to 3 months), the deadline for the receipt of the proposals which will be examined at the time of the next Board meeting is set on January 15th for the first one and August 15th for the second one.
R&D PROJECTS Evaluation and Decision Rules In Norway the proposal is evaluated by an expert within the Research Council or an external expert or both. In France the Secretariat meets the French person in charge of the project first so as to clear the frame of the work and the main features of the partnership. Then the proposal is passed on to an independent expert for evaluation. At the same time the project is sent to the possible funding ministries and agencies in order to find the proper funding way. On the basis of these facts, the Board decides if the project should be accepted, rejected or postponed until a next Board meeting for collecting in the meanwhile additional information.
R&D PROJECTS Information about public funding The total of the grants allocated by the Norwegian and French public institutions and programs (FNS/FFN included) cannot exceed 50% of the eligible project costs. Project support can be obtained up to 3 years (1 or 2 years for pilot studies only) so long as the project milestones are reached and FNS/FFN is given enough operating funds. For the Norwegian side, the Norwegian Ministry of Industry channels the money through the Research Council where a dedicated budget line is open .
R&D PROJECTS Information about public funding (2) For the French side, the Foundation has to rely on external resources for project support. In that case, the money is released, project by project, by the French Ministeries (Industry, Research), Agencies (ANVAR, ADEME) and Programs (EUREKA, Research and Innovative Technology Networks, Research Framework Program of E.U.) entitled to back R and D activities in France. According to the results of the evaluation stages, this funding system enables FNS/FNN to support a limited number of bilateral projects (up to 5 or 6 per year) approved by the Foundation Board.
Mrs. Else Boon c/o The Research Council of Norway Postboks 2700 St. Hanshaugen N-0131 OSLO Phone (+ 47) 22 03 73 70 Fax (+ 47) 22 03 73 62 Mobile (+47) 92 08 12 90 e-mail: eb@forskningsradet.no CONTACTS In Norway: Mr. Daniel Decroocq c/o Institut Français du Petrole (IFP) 1&4, avenue de Bois Préau F-92852 RUEIL MALMAISON Cedex Phone (+33) 1 47 52 65 49 Fax (+33) 1 47 52 72 04 e-mail: roxana.madec@ifp.fr In France:
Site Web http://www.ifp.fr/FNS/
WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS The Foundation supports workshops and Seminars organized in France or Norway which intend to help French and Norwegian companies and researchers to identify subjects of co-operation for developing new projects and achieving joint industrial initiatives LIST OF MAIN EVENTS SINCE 1984 1984 Oslo Materials 1984 Brest Aquaculture 1985 Paris Offshore technologies 1986 Paris Artificial intelligence 1987 Trondheim Studies and research for marine technologies
WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS LIST OF MAIN EVENTS SINCE 1984 (Continued) 1989 Oslo Materials 1989 La Rochelle Aquaculture 1989 Caen Smart cards 1991 Rueil-Malmaison Major risks 1991 Paris Space technologies 1992 Oslo Robotics and under-sea operations 1992 Paris Polar research at Svalbard 1993 Paris INSROP presentation 1994 Oslo Prevention and treatment of nuclear and chemical pollution
WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS LIST OF MAIN EVENTS SINCE 1984 (Continued) 1995 Tromsø Telemedicine 1998 Rueil-Malmaison Treatment of oil and gas formation water 2000 Nantes Agrobusiness and Information Technology 2001 Ås Management of water quality 2004 Stjørdal Knowledge Management in Integrated Drilling Operations (Session I) 2004 Brest Technologies for Search, Assistance and Rescue at Sea 2004 Rueil-Malmaison Knowledge Management in Integrated Drilling Operations (Session II)
Exchange of Scientists and Industrial Researchers From 1990 to 2003 a total of 12 French and Norwegian scientists have been supported within the Agreement signed betweenthe Foundation and the National Academies of Sciences which select the candidates. In 2002 the Board has extended its scope of application, beyond the academic world, to the French and Norwegian senior industrial researchers working in the scientific and technical fields covered by the Foundation activities.