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CControlBar. CFrameWnd. CComboBox. CFile. CDialog. CDC. CButton. CCommandLineInfo. CMenu. +m_buttonClearAll. #m_pButtons. CUnit. (from Control Bars). (from Frame Windows). (from Controls). (from File Services). (from Dialog Boxes). (from Graphical Drawing). (from Controls).
CControlBar CFrameWnd CComboBox CFile CDialog CDC CButton CCommandLineInfo CMenu +m_buttonClearAll #m_pButtons CUnit (from Control Bars) (from Frame Windows) (from Controls) (from File Services) (from Dialog Boxes) (from Graphical Drawing) (from Controls) (from Command Line) (from Menus) +m_buttonClear +m_dcPrinter #m_pDC +m_buttonSet +m_unit +m_pFrameWnd +m_comboBox CPropertyPage COleIPFrameWnd CWinApp CLocalComboBox CRulerBar CTrackFile CCSDialog CBigIcon CDocOptions CList<HWND,HWND> CWordPadCommandLineInfo CColorMenu +m_wndRulerBar (from Dialog Boxes) (from Frame Windows) (from Application Architecture) +m_wndRulerBar #m_pRuler +m_pSelItem +m_rightmargin COleResizeBar CToolBar +m_tabItem CCSPropertyPage CFontComboBox CSizeComboBox CRulerItem CButtonDialog CConverter CDateDialog CFileNewDialog CFormatParaDlg CFormatTabDlg COEMFile COIPF CPageSetupDlg CSplashWnd CWordPadApp +m_indent (from Control Bars) (from Control Bars) +m_wndToolBar +m_comboFontSize #m_link:CRulerItem& +m_wndToolBar #$m_pThis +m_comboFontName +m_leftmargin #m_secondary +m_pTabItems[MAX_TAB_STOPS] CPropertySheet COleServerItem CRichEditCntrItem CRichEditDoc CRichEditView -$m_units[7] CDocOptPage +pageRTF CWordPadResizeBar CFormatBar CComboRulerItem CTabRulerItem <<struct>> <<struct>> (from Property Sheets) (from Application Architecture) (from Application Architecture) (from Application Architecture) (from Views) +pageText CCharFormat CParaFormat +m_wndFormatBar +pageWord +pageWrite +m_wndFormatBar +m_defParaFormat +m_wndResizeBar +m_defTextCharFormat +m_defCharFormat +m_dcScreen CEmbeddedOptPage CCSPropertySheet CUnitsPage CInPlaceFrame CMainFrame (a) CDisplayIC CEmbeddedItem CListDlg CWordPadCntrItem CWordPadDoc CWordPadView +units +m_listPrinterNotify +m_optionsWrite +m_optionsIP #m_icon +m_optionsNull +pageEmbedded +m_optionsText +cmdInfo +m_optionsRTF +m_optionsWord CFontDesc CKey <<struct>> <<struct>> DocType CHARHDR COptionSheet CComboBox (from Controls) CDC CButton CRulerItem (from Graphical Drawing) #m_pDC (from Controls) #m_secondary #m_link:CRulerItem& +m_rightmargin +m_tabItem +m_indent #m_pButtons CLocalComboBox +m_pSelItem CBigIcon CDialog +m_buttonClear (from Dialog Boxes) +m_buttonClearAll #m_icon +m_buttonSet CFile CControlBar (from File Services) CFontComboBox CSizeComboBox (from Control Bars) CControlBar CTabRulerItem CComboRulerItem CUnit +m_comboFontName +m_leftmargin (from Control Bars) +m_comboFontName +m_comboFontSize +m_pTabItems[MAX_TAB_STOPS] +m_unit CCSDialog CTrackFile CComboBox CSplashWnd CListDlg COleResizeBar (from Controls) (from Control Bars) CDC CToolBar (from Graphical Drawing) #m_pRuler +m_comboBox (from Control Bars) CConverter COEMFile +m_dcPrinter CWordPadResizeBar CRulerBar #$m_pThis CFormatTabDlg CButtonDialog CDateDialog CFileNewDialog CFormatParaDlg CPageSetupDlg CFormatBar CPropertyPage CDialog (from Dialog Boxes) (from Dialog Boxes) CDC CWinApp CCommandLineInfo (from Graphical Drawing) (from Application Architecture) (from Command Line) +m_dcScreen CControlBar (from Control Bars) CPropertySheet CCSPropertyPage CDocOptPage CEmbeddedOptPage CFrameWnd (from Property Sheets) (from Frame Windows) +pageText +pageEmbedded CToolBar CFrameWnd +pageWord +pageRTF (from Control Bars) (from Frame Windows) COleIPFrameWnd +pageWrite (from Frame Windows) CList<HWND,HWND> CDocOptions CWordPadCommandLineInfo CUnit CToolBar CCSPropertySheet CUnitsPage (from Control Bars) -$m_units[7] +m_listPrinterNotify +units +m_wndToolBar +m_optionsText +cmdInfo COIPF +m_optionsRTF CMainFrame +m_optionsIP CInPlaceFrame +m_optionsWord COptionSheet +m_optionsWrite +m_optionsNull CControlBar (from Control Bars) CWordPadApp <<struct>> <<struct>> CRichEditView CCharFormat CParaFormat (from Views) CDC CMenu COleServerItem CRichEditDoc (from Graphical Drawing) (from Menus) (from Application Architecture) +m_defParaFormat (from Application Architecture) +m_defTextCharFormat +m_defCharFormat CToolBar CFrameWnd <<struct>> <<struct>> CFontDesc CKey Display_IC (from Control Bars) (from Frame Windows) DocType CHARHDR CColorMenu CDisplayIC +m_wndToolBar CWordPadDoc CEmbeddedItem CWordPadView (b) CMainFrame
Client 2 Client 1 Server EmbededItem File Manager Manager Server WordpadDoc Manager OD CFD PFD C WV Option Sheet Wordpad View Dialog Manager Manager Manager ZB RB FB CM Frame Windows Manager IFM MFM Windows GUI (a) (b) Figure 10. Recovered and Evolved architectures of Wordpad