1. The Compilation of (quarterly) GDP Daw Tin Htwe
Deputy Director
Planning Department
Ministry of National Planning & Development
2. Quarters in fiscal year
3. Constant Price
4. Compilation of quarterly GDP(1)
5. Compilation of quarterly GDP(2)
6. Compilation of quarterly GDP(3)
7. Compilation of quarterly GDP(4)
8. Data Sources(1)
9. Data Sources(2)
10. Data Sources(3)
11. Data Sources(4)
12. Data Sources(5)
13. Data Sources(6)
14. Data Sources(7)
15. Data Sources(8)
16. Data Sources(9)
17. Data Sources(10)
18. Data Sources(11)
19. Data Sources(12)
20. Data Sources(13)
21. Data Sources(14)
22. Compilation of quarterly GDP
23. Thanks for your attention