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The Statue of Libertry. Introduction of the creator.
Introduction of the creator The sculptor who created the great stadue is an excellent French artist called August Bartholdi.He was born in an Italy family.He was crazy about art when he was a teenager.In the mid-1870s,he start to work on the enormous project called Libertry Enlighting the World,a nounument celebrating US indenpendence and the French -American alliance.
The origin of the statue 1851年路易·拿破仑·波拿巴发动政变推翻第二共和国后的一天,一群坚定的共和党人在街头筑起防御工事,暮色苍茫时,一个年轻姑娘手持熊熊燃烧的火炬,跃过障碍物,高呼“前进”的口号向敌人冲去,波拿巴分子的枪声响了,姑娘倒在血泊中。巴托尔迪耳闻这一事实,心情久久不能平静。从此这位高攀火炬的勇敢姑娘就成为他心中自由的象征。 1865年,巴托尔迪在别人的提议下,决定塑造一座象征自由的塑像,由法国人民捐款,作为法国政府送给美国政府庆祝美国独立100周年的礼物。有趣的是:没过多久,巴托尔迪在一次婚礼上同一位名叫让娜的姑娘邂逅,让娜长得美丽端庄,仪态万方。巴托尔迪认为让她来为“照亮全球的”自由神像做模特是十分相称的,让娜欣然允诺这一要求。在雕塑过程中,他们之间产生了纯洁的爱情,终于结为夫妻。
Lightning attack the statue The statue makd by copper is 46 meters high,weights 225 ton.Now it is dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay in 1886. The picture is taken by Finn.
The Statue of Libertry around the world The Statue of Libertry has many reproductions around the world.Here are some of them. Located in Paris
底座名诗—拉扎露丝的十四行诗《新巨人》。 The Old Colossus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch whose flame Is imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities . "Keep ancient lands your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
译文 不似希腊伟岸铜塑雕像 拥有征服疆域的臂膀 红霞落波之门你巍然屹立 高举灯盏喷薄光芒 您凝聚流光的名字 —— 放逐者之母 把广袤大地照亮 凝视中宽柔撒满长桥 海港 “守护你们旷古虚华的土地与功勋吧!”她呼喊 颤栗着缄默双唇: 把你, 那劳瘁贫贱的流民 那向往自由呼吸,又被无情抛弃 那拥挤于彼岸悲惨哀吟 那骤雨暴风中翻覆的惊魂 全都给我! 我高举灯盏伫立金门! 欢迎你, 那些疲乏了的和贫困的, 挤在一起渴望自由呼吸的大众, 那熙熙攘攘的被遗弃了的, 可怜的人们。 把这些无家可归的 饱受颠沛的人们 一起交给我。 我站在金门口, 高举起自由的灯火!