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Introduction to UNIX

Learn about the history of UNIX, its evolution, and how to access and use the UNIX operating system. This guide covers the basics of UNIX commands and provides tips for using the command prompt effectively.

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Introduction to UNIX

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  1. Introduction to UNIX

  2. History of Unix • 1960 • Software based on Hardware Limits • 1969 • Ken Thompson • Develop a Better Programming Environment • 1971 • New Operating System - Unix • Dennis Richie

  3. History of Unix • Digital’s Role in Expanding Unix • Introduced new PDP Computers • 80% of all Colleges used DEC PDPs • Included Unix • Unix Continues to Evolve • Colleges & Universities • AT&T Bell Labs

  4. History of Unix • Problem • Need to Port Unix to Other Platforms • Unix written in Assembly Language • Solution • Rewrite Unix Using `B` • `B` Limitations • `B` Required Modifications to Write Unix

  5. History of Unix • `B` Programming Language • Extensive Changes Made For Unix • Renamed to `C` • High & Low Level Programming Language • Increased Portability • Easier to Improve & Enhance Unix

  6. History of Unix • 1983 • AT&T Announces Unix System V • 1st Commercial version of Unix • Unix Improvements Continue… • Unix System V Interface Definition (USVID) • Clearly Defines Unix Interface • Opens Unix Development

  7. Using Unix • Graphical Interface • Xwindows • Command Line • Command Prompt

  8. Unix Philosophy • Simple and Easy to Use • Make Each Program Do One Thing Well • Expect the Output of One Program To Be The Input Into Another • Build New Programs to do the Job • Small is Beautiful

  9. Accessing Unix • Connect to Unix • Login • Password • Perform Necessary Work • Logout

  10. Important Usage Notes • Return Key • ESC (Escape Key) • Ctrl (Control Key) • Unix Is Case Sensitive • Upper Case and Lower Case Are Different! • Use Lower Case

  11. Unix Login • `$` Unix Command Prompt • Ready For Next Command Red Hat Linux release 4.2 (Biltmore) Kernel 2.0.30 on an i586 login: rdefe Password: $

  12. Unix Login Red Hat Linux release 4.2 (Biltmore) Kernel 2.0.30 on an i586 login: rdefe Password: Login incorrect login: rdefe Password: $ • Login incorrect • Incorrect Login name? • Incorrect Password?

  13. Unix Login • `$` = Command Prompt = Unix Shell • Bourne Shell • C Shell • Korn Shell • Bash Shell Red Hat Linux release 4.2 (Biltmore) Kernel 2.0.30 on an i586 login: rdefe Password: $

  14. Changing Your Password • Select a ‘Good` Password • 7 Characters , Include Non-Alphas $ passwd Password: New password: New password (again): Password changed passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully $ exit Login: Cntrl-D can also be used to logout

  15. Changing Your Password • When The Command Doesn’t Work • Too Short or Too Simple $ passwd Password: New password: it's WAY too short New password: Password change aborted passwd: Authentication token manipulation error $

  16. Correcting Typing Errors • Backspace Key • Cntrl-h is also backspace • Cntrl-c • Ignore current line, return to $ • Stop Currently Running Command

  17. Unix Commands • Making a Mistake • The Command Interpreter `bash` Responds `Command not found` $ x bash: x: command not found $

  18. Unix Commands $ date Mon May 25 12:44:04 EDT 1998 $ • date • Current System Date & Time • Note: No Arguments & No Options • Argument • Extra Information Passed along to the command • Option • Causes the command to do something different

  19. Unix Commands • cal • Displays Current Month $ cal January 1996 S M Tu W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 $

  20. Unix Commands • cal [month] [year] • Use Arguments to Display a specific Month & Year $ cal 10 1996 October 1996 S M Tu W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 $ Arguments

  21. Unix Commands • cal [year] • Display An Entire Year • Use Cntrl-S/Cntrl-Q to Pause/Unpause Screen $ cal 1996 1996 Jan Feb Mar S M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 …more...

  22. Unix Commands • who • Display Current Users • Note: No Options & No Arguments $ who rdefe pts/2 Aug 23 20:25 jsmith pts/5 Aug 23 22:30 rdefe pts/1 Aug 23 13:53 $

  23. Unix Commands • who • -q option • Display a Quick List of Current Users Option $ who -q rdefe jsmit sbrow users=3 $

  24. Unix Commands • mail [login id] • Sending Unix Mail Add additional logins here $ mail johnd Subject: Test email Hello there This is a test of my first unix email $ Can only correct the line your currently on To send, hit Cntrl-D on a Blank Line

  25. Unix Commands • mail • Reading Unix Mail $ mail Mail version 5.5-kw 5/30/95. Type ? for help. "/var/spool/mail/rdefe": 1 message 1 unread >N 1 tonym@dana.ccri.cc.r Sat Aug 23 22:54 12/402 job info U 2 kayj@dana.ccri.cc.r Tue Apr 12 19:51 60/1000 Re:passwd 3 cteng@dana.ccri.cc.r Sat Mar 12 14:59 15/348 mail 4 dryac@dana.ccri.cc.r Wed Feb 16 16:41 9/261 trouble & Mail Prompt - Enter Mail Commands

  26. Unix Commands $ mail Mail version 5.5-kw 5/30/95. Type ? for help. "/var/spool/mail/rdefe": 1 message 1 unread >N 1 tonym@dana.ccri.cc.r Sat Aug 23 22:54 12/402 job info U 2 kayj@dana.ccri.cc.r Tue Apr 12 19:51 60/1000 Re:passwd 3 cteng@dana.ccri.cc.r Sat Mar 12 14:59 15/348 mail 4 dryac@dana.ccri.cc.r Wed Feb 16 16:41 9/261 trouble & • Reading Mail • + (Enter Key) - Display Next Message • - Display Previous Message • 3 To Display Message 3

  27. Unix Commands • mail commands • h - Display Mail Header Information • s[message list] filename - Save message to a file • d [message list] - Delete message • u [message list] - Undelete message • R - Reply to Author • r - Reply to All • mail [login] - Send email

  28. Unix Commands • mail commands • x - Exit without saving changes • No messages deleted • q - Exit save changes • Deleted messages are deleted • Read email moved to a file named mbox $ mail Mail version 5.5-kw 5/30/95. Type ? for help. "/var/spool/mail/rdefe": 1 message 1 unread >N 1 tonym@dana.ccri.cc.r Sat Aug 23 22:54 12/402 job info U 2 kayj@dana.ccri.cc.r Tue Apr 12 19:51 60/1000 Re: asswd 3 cteng@dana.ccri.cc.r Sat Mar 12 14:59 15/348 mail 4 dryac@dana.ccri.cc.r Wed Feb 16 16:41 9/261 trouble &

  29. Unix Commands • Using mail to read saved mail files -f followed by the file name $ mail -f letters Mail version 5.5-kw 5/30/95. Type ? for help. "letters": 1 message 1 unread > 1 tonym@dana.ccri.cc.r Sat Aug 23 22:54 12/402 job 2 kayj@dana.ccri.cc.r Tue Apr 12 19:51 60/1000 lunch & $ mail -f Reads the file mbox when the file argument is left out

  30. Unix Commands • write [login] • Send a message to the screen someone’s screen $ write jsmith This is a test of the write command $ Press Cntrl-D to return to a $ prompt $ Message from rdefe@dana.ccri.cc.ri.us on ttyp0 at 22:59 ... This is a test of the write command <EOT> jsmith’s terminal

  31. Unix Commands • mesg • Turn online messages on/off Display current message status $ mesg is y $ mesg n $ mesg is n Turn messages off

  32. Unix Commands • man [unix command] • On-line Reference Manual • Spacebar - Display Next Page b - Previous Page • q - Quit • http://www.ntua.gr/cgi-bin/man-cgi $ man who WHO(1) NAME who - show who is logged on SYNOPSIS who [-imqsuwHT] [--count] [--idle] [--heading] [--help] [--message] [--mesg] [--version] [--writable] [file] [ami] DESCRIPTION This documentation is no longer being maintained and may be inaccurate or incomplete. The Texinfo documentation is :

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