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Modification History. New Update,. For CLIENT | For PROVIDER. EVENT P RISE. SIGN IN | SIGN UP. New update. City, State or Zip. Search provider. Event type, p rovider name or keyword. Browse providers by e vent categories. Enter location.
New Update, For CLIENT | For PROVIDER EVENTPRISE SIGN IN |SIGN UP New update City, State or Zip Search provider Event type, provider name or keyword Browse providers by event categories Enter location Categories and subcategories already exist but need to import more. Must able to set the order of showing these categories Party Equipment Rentals Hotels Musicians Public Relations Employment Agencies Venues & Event Spaces Party & Event Planning Photographers Party Supplies Wedding Planning More… Local Services IT Services Printing Services Recording More… Professional Services Advertising Editorial Services Public Relations More… Food Services Restaurants Food Delivery Bakeries More… Mass Media Print Media Radio Stations Television Stations More,,, Hotels & Travel Bed & Breakfast Hotels Resorts More… Active Life Bed & Breakfast Show all categories… Event Planning & Services - Picture area about this size - Will have text and a button to post event - It’s sliding page. Post your event It’s Free Click to search for that category Click to show full list for that category Local Services Text area RGB 242,242,242 Professional Services picture area Connection. Connect to event providers, suppliers, consultants, venues, service agencies, and event planners nationwide. Proposals & Bids. You receive many bids & proposals based on your requirements quicker. picture area Text area CreateOneEvent™. An easy to use tool for entering your event requirements and post it for getting bids from public or private. Reviews and Ratings. You decide who to hire based on the reviews and ratings from real people. Get started today. Online Management . you go communication, payment, schedule, sourcing online make your event in such a breeze Anywhere.You can post any events and manage them from anywhere. a How it Works For Client Anyone who needs to set up an event and needs help Text Select Event Create Event & Post Propose and Bid Review Bids, Proposals & Select Bring event to Success Monitor Activities Receive Payment Pay Image For Provider Any person or businesses who set up events or provide related services to clients. Text Image Sign Up
For CLIENT | For PROVIDER EVENTPRISE SIGN IN |SIGN UP Sign up your free account Will open the sign up page for Provider that already developed. Will need to connect to existing code I’m a Client (Buyer, event owner, event organizer, etc.) I am a Service Provider (Event planner, supplier, hotel, caterer, contractor, etc.) Sign up to Eventprise We already developed sign up account with Facebook. But need to create sign up for Twitter Or Must check for user’s input after each entry. Can use existing code already developed in Phase 1 Email Password Password must contain one letter, one number, and be at least 6 characters long. Username Minimum 4 characters Font point: 12 First Name Last Name Phone number By clicking on “Create Account”, you agree to the Terms of Services andthe Eventprise Agreement. Create Account
EVENTPRISE Stay informed about the events and services are you interested in? Follow these channels to get tips and ideas from top news sources. Go to my Home page > Client’s sign up page continued from page 3 Social & Personal Events Corporate Events Non-Profit Events Sports & Outdoor Events + + + Social / Private Events Wedding, Social events, Social / Private Events Wedding, Social events, Conferences, conventions, marketing events, employee engagement, press events, trade shows, product launches, trainings, seminars, etc. Sport competitions, championships, tournaments, contests, rides & drives, concerts, carnivals, festivals, summer camps, etc. Ceremonies, weddings, reunions, festivals, engagement parties, festivals, fashion shows, anniversaries, birthdays, beauty pageants, graduations, etc. Fundraising events, auctions, raffles, Gala dinners dances, Walk and Run-A-Thons, tournaments, conferences, etc. We will provide you the images and icons. Client clicks on the image to select the category. A checkmark is used to show the item that already been selected. Political Events Travelling Events Venues & Suppliers Event Services + + Social / Private Events Wedding, Social events, Social / Private Events Wedding, Social events, Social / Private Events Wedding, Social events, Social / Private Events Wedding, Social events, Event management agencies, designers, transport, caterers, technicians, artists, consultants, entertainers, photographers, conference organizers, staffers, etc. Campaign events, fundraising events, rallies, debate events, caucus events, etc. Excursions, group tours, event travels, pilgrimages, adventure travels, mancations, etc. Conventions, hotels, resorts, venues, conference halls, event rentals Go to my Home page >
JOHN EVENTPRISE Service provider name or keywords City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Manage events Create an event Dashboard RGB (255, 162,0) Events Overview Inbox Watch List Settings Notification Get Started Event Overview Show all | Working items | Bidding items 5 Convention hosting in NY (1005) Status: Open for bid to public /Budget: Not listed / Event Date: Jul 20 Bid Received: 2 / Posted: Jan 22 / Expiration: April 16 / Actions Birthday celebration for David and Linda (1001) Status: Working /Contract Amount: $1000 / Event Date: Jul 20 Provider: Faster Catering/ Next Milestone: Aug 12, 2013 / Actions Wedding party for Joe and Linda (1002) Status: Bid accepted / Amount Accepted: $1500/ Event Date: Jul 20 Supplier: Resona LLC / Actions Find hotel in Los Angeles (1334) Status: Open for bid by invitation / Budget: $800 / Event Date: Sep 15 Invitation: 3 / Posted: Jul13, 2013 / Expiration: Aug 12, 2013 / Actions Clicks on the name will open the Manage event tab for that event title.
JOHN EVENTPRISE Service provider name or keywords City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Manage events Create an event Create an event Font size: 18, Open Sans Semi Bold Create an Event Font size: 11, Semi Bold Event a name * Event category * Event sub-category * Start date * End date * Start time Duration Event location Time zone Location of event * Number of attendees * Your budget ($) Last day you accept bid * Is your event date flexible? Description (optional) Write any thing else you want the provider to know Prefer receiving quote for (optional) Posting type: Category list Choose category Sub-category list Choose type Duration list: 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours .. 16 hours 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days > 7 days Choose a date Choose a date Pacific Time [GMT-08:00] Mountain Time [GMT-07:00] Central Time Eastern Time Hawaii Time Alaska Time 7:00 pm Select duration Pacific Time [GMT-08:00] Zip code (optional) City Enter location: United States Either fixed price or hourly To be determined Hourly Yes No Enter a number Enter a number Choose a date 2500 characters remaining. Add this Fixed price Public – All service providers in our network can see your event. You will receive more bids this way. Private – Only providers that you invited can see your event. Submit Cancel
JOHN EVENTPRISE Service provider name or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Manage events Create an event Dashboard Events Overview Inbox Watch List Settings Notification Delete Inbox From Message / Attachment 5 Linda Smith NDA.doc / Design-work.doc See you tomorrow. Aug 5 at 1pm John Hi John, Aug 7 at 6pm Please give me feedbacks on the attached docs. John J. Click on the photo or the person’s name will open their business page Click on the message to open the Messages tab so they can read the full message and reply. Show 2 lines of message. 1-10 of 55 2 3 4 5 1
JOHN EVENTPRISE Service provider name or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Manage events Create an event Dashboard Events Overview Inbox Watch List Settings Notification 5 Watch List Click will open the same as in page 14. This display format is already available today. 1-10 of 55 2 3 4 5 1
JOHN EVENTPRISE Service provider name or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Manage events Create an event Dashboard Events Overview Inbox Watch List Settings Notification 5 This list shall be manageable from the admin page. Shall be able to edit the text, add a line, or delete a line. Notification Save Cancel
JOHN EVENTPRISE Service provider name or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Manage event Create an event Manage events Convention hosting in NY (12223) Messages Event info Bids Payment & Schedule Messages 1 Add recipient Send to: During the bidding process we don’t show Payment option. After the Client accepted the bid then we will show Payment & Schedule option, then move the Bids page to the bottom of the list. Write your message here NDA.doc / MichaelJohn Design-work.doc Hi John, Aug 4 at 12 pm Please give me feedbacks on the attached docs. Fast catering See you tomorrow. Jul 11 at 10 am John From Message / Attachment When Fast Catering Fast Catering x MichaelJohn Attach file Send 1-10 of 55 2 3 4 5 1
JOHN EVENTPRISE Service provider name or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Manage event Create an event Manage events Convention hosting in NY (12223) Messages Manage Event Bids Payment & Schedule 1 • Event status: • Bid open: display “Open for bid” • Bid closed: display “Bid closed” • Bid accepted: display “Bid Accepted” • Work in-progress: display “Working” • Work complete: display ”Work complete” • Work suspended, display “Work suspended” • Event canceled: display “Event canceled” • Work in dispute: display “Work in dispute” Event name:Convention Hosting in NY (12223) Event info Event status: Open for bid Post type: Public Posted: Feb 15, 2013 Expiration: Mar 16, 2013 Action Switch to Private posting Withdraw this post Cancel this event Click “edit” will re-open the Create an Event page that the client was using in page 5. The user would click on “Re-post Event” when finish editing. Providers who already bid on the event will be notified in his message box Always provide pop up confirmation message for actions that executing any command. E.g., “Are you sure you want to cancel this post? Yes or Cancel “ Description (edit) Event Name: Birthday celebration for David and Linda (1001) Event Type……………………...Wedding Budget……..…...………..…….. $25,000 Number of attendees……. 500 Event start date…………….. Dec 31, 2013 Event start time……………..7:00 pm Pacific Standard Time Location……………….… …… Los Angeles, CA Last day accepting bid…...Sep 11, 2013 Event date flexible?………No Event Description Loremipsum dolor sit amen, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Use information from page 5.
JOHN EVENTPRISE Service provider name or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Manage event Create an event Manage events Convention hosting in NY (12223) Messages Event info Bids Payment & Schedule 1 Summary You invited: 1 Lowest bid: $2000 Posted: Jan 15, 2013 Bid received: 4 Highest bid: $2300 Expiration: Jan 30, 2013 Bid declined: 1 Average bid: $9,500 Bids Hide View or Show View the Service Provider Hide 1. Fast Catering (You Invited) The format and information of this section were already developed. This is the bid information, that the service provider sent to the client (Refer to the Service Provider’s submit bid page.) Message from Service Provider: Hello Sir, Thank you for the invitation. We do have 10 years of web development experience. We have checked the details and do understand your requirement to develop e-commerce website with features like bidding, submit proposal, and message sending and can do this. We have completed the project recently which… Read more Pop up a confirmation message when the user Accept or Reject a bid then notify the other party by sending them a message. Choose one FIXED PRICE BID: $10,000 DEPOSIT REQUIRED: 10% What would you like to do? Submit Cancel Accept Bid Reject Bid Send Message Open the message tab to write a message 1-10 of 55 2 3 4 5 1 Reject a Bid This bid will be removed completely from this page. Tell us the reason for rejecting: Hide 2. Message from Service Provider: Hello Sir, Thank you for the invitation. We do have 10 years of web development experience. We have checked the details and do understand your requirement. Thanks. FIXED PRICE BID: Not specified DEPOSIT REQUIRED: 20% What would you like to do? Example of a display after the client has accepted the bid. Send Message Withdraw Accepted
JOHN EVENTPRISE Service provider name or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Manage event Create an event Manage events Convention hosting in NY (12223) Messages Event info Bids Payment & Schedule Event name: Convention hosting in NY Provider: Fast Catering Term: Fixed Price, Amount: $2000 Deposit: 10% Accept payment: PayPal, Visa, Master Card Milestone Amount Due Actions 1. Advance payment $1000 Jan 15 Edit | Delete 2. Two weeks before wedding $500 Feb 15 Edit | Delete 3. On day of wedding $8500 Mar 15 Edit | Delete 1 Your service provider has proposed the following payment schedule. Payment & Schedule If no schedule was created then display: “No information found.” Create a New Milestone Either the Provider’s or the Client can create a milestone Add more row Do you accept this milestone payment terms? If the client clicks Accept then this page will be updated as shown on the next page. Send notification to the provider for all actions . If the client edited the milestone then the buttons became “Submit and Send” and “Cancel” Yes, I Accept No, I Don’t Accept
JOHN EVENTPRISE Service provider name or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Manage event Create an event Manage events Convention hosting in NY (12223) Messages Event info Bids Payment & Schedule Event name: Convention hosting in NY Service Provider: Fast Catering Term: Fixed Price, Amount: $2000 Provider accepts: PayPal, Visa, Master Card Provider has accepted this milestone Milestone Amount Due Action 1. Advance payment $1000 Jan 15 Paid 2. Two weeks before wedding $500 Feb 15 Pay | Edit | Delete Due now 3. On day of wedding $8500 Mar 15 Pay | Edit | Delete Payment Summary: Contract amount: $10,000 Total Payment: $1000 Balance: $9,000 (pay full amount) Payment Method: 1 Payment & Schedule Add more row Create a New Milestone Link to eCommerce payment system for payment PayPal john-smith@yahoo.com(default)
JOHN EVENTPRISE Venue Los Angeles, CA Browse bycategory Dashboard Manage events Create an event Which eventyou want this provider to bid? Wedding for Linda and Joe Anniversary for my Mother event Create a new event • Confirmation message: • If Provider is a service member: “Your invitation has been sent. You should expect to receive a reply from this service provider soon.” • If Provider is not a service provider: “This service provider is currently not in our network. However, we will try to inquire information for you.” These are names of the events that are available in the system. If no event exist, post the message “Please create an event so this service provider knows what to bid for.” [Create an event] [Cancel] **Must update the event state appropriately when this happens. Cancel Submit 1-10 of 55 2 3 4 5 If Client already invited this service provider then Client shall see this. 1 Already Invited
JOHN EVENTPRISE Browse by Category Serve provider name or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Ajax design. This page show the Categories and Sub-Categories which can be retrieved from the database
JOHN EVENTPRISE Serve provider name or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Manage event Create an event Edit Account Client opens the Edit Account page by clicking on the name or the Setting icon This is the client’s Edit Account page. We already developed the Edit Account page for the Provider in phase 1. Just need to duplicate the appropriate functionality from the that page. Email Password: Change password Username (4 characters minimum) Password must contain one letter, one number, and be at least 6 characters long. First Name Last Name Phone number Photo:
EVENTPRISE Tell us a little more about your business The code for displaying tags when selecting categories already exists. Business Categories * Choose a category Business Sub-Categories (choose maximum 10) * Must use Ajax-based to display of the sub-categories. What sub-categories are shown will depend on the selected Business Category above Campgrounds Commercial Airlines Hostels Tours Resorts Ski Resorts Next >> ** Similarly, make modification in the Edit Business Page to use the same business category selection as above.
JOHN EVENTPRISE Wedding San Francisco, CA Dashboard Projects Business Page Showing 50 results for Sort by: Best Match Budget Event Date This is an example of a page after the provider searched for keyword “Wedding”. The result must show events that match the keyword “Wedding” in the event name or in the categories/sub-categories list, and that has Public posting. Wedding events near San Francisco, CA 1.John and Linda Wedding (1025) Share this event | Add to Watch list Location: San Francisco, CA Posted: 1 day ago Budget: $35,000 Bid end: Aug 21 Event date: Mar 20, 2013 Client is looking for: Wedding, Table Serve, Venue, Self-service Do you want to be on the leading edge of Microsoft’s Cloud strategy and help redefine productivity for hundreds of millions of customers around the world? The Office Client Services Just-in time, Experimentation, Telemetry and Services (JETS) team is looking for an experienced Program Manager to help drive the Place Bid Event description Place Bid Click on the title name or on the button “Place Bid” will open the Place Bid page (see next page) 2. Open house party for 400 people (1027) Share this event | Add to Watch list Location: San Francisco, CA Posted: Jul 21 Budget: $35,000 Bid end: Sep 15 Event date: Aug 20, 2013 Client is looking for: Wedding, Table Serve, Venue, Self-service 1-10 of 55 2 3 4 5 1
JOHN EVENTPRISE Wedding San Francisco, CA Dashboard Projects Business Page Thanks for showing interest on this event. To place a bid please fill out your bid in the Place Bid box. This page consists of 2 columns. The left column displays information entered by the client on “Create an Event” The right column provides a form for the provider to enter bidding information. Event Overview Hide Event name…………….…John and Linda Wedding Client Name ……………Linda Smith Event Category….……Wedding, Table Serve, Venue, Self-service Budget……..…….....…….$35,000 Number Attendees… 500 Location………………..…Los Angeles Zip code………….……….91124 Start Date……………… July 12, 2013 End Date…………..…....July 12, 2013 Date Flexible?...........No Start time…………..…. 6 PM PST End time……….……….12 AM PST Event Description The Brooklyn-born rhymesmith takes umbrage with the idea he's a words-only artist. Kweliis quick to emphasize he's worked with top producers, including DJ. While that might mean something different for some rappers, Kweli, 37, sees his lates… Place Bid See what others have bid on this event Highest: $10,000 Average: $9,500 Lowest: $9,000 Total bidder: 8 RGB 242,240,228 Your Bid Price: Fixed-Price Bid: $ USD Rate per hour: $ USD Note: All Bid Price should include 7% Eventprise fee Deposit Requirement: 10% 25% 50% 75% 100% Add Description: Want to attach a file? Upload Are you ready to submit your bid to the client? The url for this event should be ie.: www.eventprise.com/event/id?dcfevf=1025 Please make the number (7%) configurable because this number is subject to change later. Posting Info Posting Type…..….Public Posting Date.………Nov 10, 2012 Bid expires on.…….Dec 30, 2012 Time Left……………40 days 6 hours Event name: John and Linda Wedding(1025) Share this event | Add to Watch List STATUS: Open for bid / POSTED: 1 Day go / BID EXPIRES ON: April 16 / BUDGET: $7000 Submit Bid Cancel Show a pop up confirmation after the bid is submitted. “Place Bid Confirmation. Thank you for submitting your bid. Your bid has been sent to the client.” OK
JOHN EVENTPRISE Event category or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Dashboard Projects Business Page Project Overview Inbox Bids Watch List Settings Notification Birthday celebration for David and Linda(1001) Status:Work in-progress /Next Milestone: March 17 / Event Date: May 21, 2013 Client: Linda / Action Click on the name will open the Messages’ tab for this event Project Overview Inbox should be the same as the Client’s inbox 5
JOHN EVENTPRISE Event category or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Dashboard Projects Business Page Project Overview Inbox My Bids Watch List Settings Notification Convention hosting in NY (1005) Status: Open for bid to public / Bid expires on: April 16 / Budget: $7000 Event Date: April 14, 2013 / Location: Los Angeles, CA / Action Wedding party for Joe and Linda(1002) Status: Bid accepted /Your Bid: $6000 Fixed Price / Client: Resona Event Date: April 14, 2013 / Location: Los Angeles, CA / Action Company promotion (1003) Status: Bid Submitted / Your Bid: $22/hour / Client: Laverne Event Date: April 14, 2013 / Location: Los Angeles, CA / Action You’ve been invited to bid on this event This event is still open so click on the name will open the page to place the bid (page 21) 5 User has submitted this bid so click on the name will open the bid submitted (page 24) Bids Congratulation! This client has accepted your bid. This event has been cancelled. Other type of messages: “Your bid has been rejected”
JOHN EVENTPRISE Event category or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Dashboard Projects Business Page Project Overview Inbox My Bids Watch List Settings Notification Event name: Company promotion (1005) You have submitted a bid for this event (Change bid) Bid type: $4500 - Fixed-price Deposit request: 10% Submitted: July 12 Your message to client: 5 Bids Event Overview Event name…..…………Company promotion Client Name ……………Linda Smith Event Type………….……Wedding Budget……..…….....…….$35,000 Number Attendees… 500 Location………….………Los Angeles Zip code………………….91124 Start Date…………..… July 12, 2013 End Date…………........July 12, 2013 Date Flexible?...........No Start time……………… 6 PM PST End time………………..12 AM PST Dear Michael, We have an archive of free short stories from acclaimed and award-winning authors you can download and read on whatever platform you desire. Read more… Event Description The Brooklyn-born rhymesmith takes umbrage with the idea he's a words-only artist. Kweliis quick to emphasize he's worked with top producers, including DJ. While that might mean something different for some rappers, Kweli, 37, sees his lates… After the user has placed a bid, he can see review Bidding information from page 21 is kept in this tab. What others have bid on this event? Highest: $10,000 Average: $9,500 Lowest: $9,000 Total bidder: 8 Posting Info Posting Type…..….Public Posting Date.………Nov 10, 2012 Bid expires on.…….Dec 30, 2012 Time Left……………40 days 6 hours
JOHN EVENTPRISE Event category or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Dashboard Projects Business Page Project Overview Inbox My Bids Watch List Settings Notification 1.John and Linda Wedding (1025) Share this event Location: San Francisco, CA Posted: 1 day ago Budget: $35,000 Bid end: Aug 21 Event date: Mar 20, 2013 Client is looking for: Wedding, Table Serve, Venue, Self-service Do you want to be on the leading edge of Microsoft’s Cloud strategy and help redefine productivity for hundreds of millions of customers around the world? The Office Client Services Just-in time, Experimentation, Telemetry and Services (JETS) team is looking for an experienced Program Manager to help drive the All event s that the client “Add to Watch List” will appear on this page. 5 Watch List Place Bid Not Interested Place Bid Not Interested 2. Open house party for 400 people (1027) Share this event Location: San Francisco, CA Posted: Jul 21 Budget: $35,000 Bid end: Sep 15 Event date: Aug 20, 2013 Client is looking for: Wedding, Table Serve, Venue, Self-service 1-10 of 55 2 3 4 5 1
JOHN EVENTPRISE Event category or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Dashboard Projects Business Page Project Overview Inbox Bids Watch List Settings Notification 5 Notification Save Cancel
JOHN EVENTPRISE Event category or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Project Business Page Projects Convention hosting in NY (12223) Messages Payment & Schedule Messages Add recipient Send to: 1 Write your message here NDA.doc / MichaelJohn Design-work.doc This page will work exactly the same as the client’s messages page. Hi John, Aug 4 at 12 pm Please give me feedbacks on the attached docs. Fast catering See you tomorrow. Jul 11 at 10 am John From Message / Attachment When Fast Catering Fast Catering x MichaelJohn Attach file Send 1-10 of 55 2 3 4 5 1-10 of 55 2 3 4 5 1 1
JOHN EVENTPRISE Event category or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Project Business Page Projects Convention hosting in NY (12223) Messages Payment & Schedule 1 Event name: Convention hosting in NY Client: Joe and Linda Term: Fixed Price, Amount: $2000 Deposit: 10% Payment & Schedule Please fill out the information below to create a milestone. Milestone Amount Due Date 1. 2. 3. 4. Total $ 0.00 0. e.g., Initial deposit 0. 0. 0. Add more row Add a note for myself (optional) Are you ready to submit this milestone to the Client? Submit and Send Cancel
JOHN EVENTPRISE Event category or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Project Business Page Projects Convention hosting in NY (12223) Messages Payment & Schedule 1 Event name: Convention hosting in NY Client: Joe and Linda Term: Fixed Price, Amount: $2000 Client has accepted the milestone Payment & Schedule This is the page the user will see after he sent the schedule to the client. Milestone Amount Due Action 1. Advance payment $1000 Jun 15 Payment received 2. Two weeks before wedding $500 Jan 25 Request payment | Edit | Delete 3. On day of wedding $400 Jan 28 Request payment | Edit | Delete Amount received: $1000.00 Balance: $900.00 I’m open to ideas on how to make this page looks better. Add more row Create a New Milestone
JOHN EVENTPRISE Event category or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Projects My Business Page Business Page When provider clicks this button we will show the buttons for editing (will be provided) These 3 buttons are working for the Client only. For the Provider, they are for showing. Write Review Edit Business Page Invite to Bid Send Message Office Depot 142 fountain St. Hollywood, CA. 99112 Tel: 123-345-5566 Fax: 111-222-5512 Picture size should be exactly the same as shown. Categories: Construction, DYI www.hdepot.com www.eventprise.com/biz/home-depot-hollywood Office Depot Portfolio pictures. Click on any picture will see full pictures with sliding features like the way it’s working today. Show user reviews the same way it’s working today
JOHN EVENTPRISE Event category or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Projects My Business Page Business Page These 3 buttons are working for the Client only. For the Provider, they are for showing. Done Edit Business Page Send Message Invite to Bid Write Review Office Depot 142 fountain St. Hollywood, CA. 99112 Tel: 123-345-5566 Fax: 111-222-5512 Categories: Construction, DYI www.hdepot.com www.eventprise.com/biz/home-depot-hollywood Office Depot Users click on this button to edit the page. Change profile photo Edit Business Profile Add/Delete portfolio photo Edit Services Show reviews the same it’s working today
JOHN EVENTPRISE Event category or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Project Business Page Projects Convention hosting in NY (12223) Messages Payment & Schedule This is the display of a drop down list which contains only Working Projects and Bidding projects that are active (i.e., projects that were completed and bids that were rejected won’t be displayed on the list. 1 Event: Convention hosting in NY(1001) Payment & Schedule Wedding party for Joe and Linda (1001) Convention in NY (1231) Holiday party for 200 people (1211) …
JOHN EVENTPRISE Event category or keyword City, state or zip Browse bycategory Dashboard Projects Business Page Edit Business Page Add Business Logo Minimize V Business logo: Will delete this page. The Logo will be added in the Edit Account page Logo
Header navigation when user has not signed in yet Index page viewed from mobile handset Create an Event Create an Event EVENTPRISE EVENTPRISE Sign Up Log In Features Browse by categories Enter location Why Us? Event Planning & Services > Active Life > … Service provider or keyword
Sign up page for client Sign up page Login page viewed from mobile handset Log in Log in Sign Up EVENTPRISE EVENTPRISE EVENTPRISE Font point: 12, semi bold Sign up your free account Client Sign-up account Log In Pick your type of account: Sign up with Twitter Log in with Twitter I’m a Client (Buyers, customers, event owners, organizers, etc.) Already have an account? Log In Or with email Or with email Font point: 10,5 Dcddldsc.dscdc@gmail Email or Username Create Account Password Password Password must contain one letter, one number, and be at least 6 characters long. Font point: 11, semi bold I’m a Service Provider (Event suppliers, event planners, hotels, caterers, contractors, etc.) Already have an account? Log In Log In Forgot your password? Username Minimum 4 characters First Name Create Account Last Name Phone number By clicking on “Create Account”, you agree to the Terms of Services andthe Eventprise Agreement. Create Account
Client’s Home page after log in EVENTPRISE EVENTPRISE EVENTPRISE EVENTPRISE Browse by categories Browse by categories Browse by categories Browse by categories Click on Browse Categories My Dashboard Create an Event Convention in New York (1223) Select an event… Convention in New York (1223) Event Messages Event Messages 1 Manage Event Messages Write your message here Write your message here Create an Event Events Overview 3 5 Manage Proposals/Bids Payment & Schedule Attach file Attach file Send Send Watch List Inbox Service provider or keyword Service provider or keyword Service provider or keyword Jan 15, 2013 Michael S Dear Villa, Please see these documents for detailed proposal. Thanks, Michael Jan 15, 2013 Michael S Dear Villa, Please see these documents for detailed proposal. Thanks, Michael Service provider or keyword |Service provider or keyword Settings city, state or zip click on the search bar Enter location Manage Events Event Planning Services EVENTPRISE Footer menu area Manage Bids Local Services Payment & Schedules Restaurant Food to go Browse by categories Local Services Professional Services Mass Media Note: search icons under “review”
Header navigation after user has signed in. The page when user chooses a project Service provider’s home page after log in EVENTPRISE EVENTPRISE EVENTPRISE John Help Logout Payment & Schedule Messages Birthday Celebration for Linda Select a project My Business Page Projects Overview 5 Write your message here Attach file Send Manage Bids Inbox Jan 15, 2013 Michael S Dear Villa, Please see these documents for detailed proposal. Thanks, Michael Watch List Settings Service provider or keyword Service provider or keyword Service provider or keyword Back to Top Note: search icons under “web services, file manager”, auction
Table 1 CLIENT: Event‘s state and action definition Event State (Status) Action Who initiates the action New Event state Event ready to post Cancel event Client Event canceled Event canceled -- -- -- Event closed -- -- -- Open for bid to public Switch to Private posting Client. Open for bid by invitation Withdraw the post Client. Event ready to post Change posting info Client -- Cancel event Client Event canceled Open for bid by invitation Switch to Public posting Client. Open for bid to public Withdraw the post Client. Event canceled Change event info Client -- Cancel event Client Event canceled Bid closed Repost – public posting Automatic. When the bid date expires Open for bid to public Repost – private posting Automatic. When the bid date expires Open to bid by invitation Bid accepted Cancel event Client. Event canceled Working Cancel event Client Event canceled Suspend work Client Work suspended Dispute work Client Work in dispute Work complete -- -- -- Work suspended Resume work Client Work in-progress Cancel event Client Event canceled Dispute work Client Work in dispute Work in dispute Resume work Client Work in-progress Close event Client Event closed
Table 2 SERVICE PROVIDER: Event state and r event state Event State Action Who initiates the action New event state Invite-to-bid Place bid Service provider Bid submitted Sorry, not interested Service provider. Bid not interested Sorry, already occupied Service provider Bid occupied Bid open Place bid Service provider Bid submitted Bid submitted Withdraw bid Service provider Bid withdrawn Bid withdrawn - - - Bid not interested - - - Bid occupied - - - Bid accepted Withdraw bid Service provider Bid withdrawn Work in-progress Dispute work Service provider Work in dispute Work in dispute Resume work Service provider Work in progress Work completed - - -