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Cvičení 1:. Určete, o jaký typ zranění se jedná a naučte se správnou první pomoc. IT‘S A BROKEN BONES. BROKEN BONES (FRACTURE). Don‘t move the injured person unless he is in danger of further injury. Support and steady the injured part (use rolled up blankets,coats, bags etc.)
Cvičení 1: Určete, o jaký typ zranění se jedná a naučte se správnou první pomoc
BROKEN BONES (FRACTURE) • Don‘t move the injured person unless he is in danger of further injury. • Support and steady the injured part (use rolled up blankets,coats, bags etc.) • If it is an open fracture, cover lightly with a clean dressing. • Don‘t give the casualty anything to eat, drink or smoke!!! • Arrange transport to hospital.
OVERCOME BY HEAT • Get the casualty out of the sun. • Cool the casualty down by giving him sips of cold water to drink. • Direct currents of air onto the casualty by fanning him with a magazine or an electric fan.
INSECT STINGS • In this case you can only gently remove sting (if is visible) with tweezers. • Then apply cold pad or bicarbonate of soda.
NOSEBLEEDS (EPISTAXIS) • Ask the casualty to sit down (his head must be bent forwards). • Loosen any tight clothing from around his neck and chest. • Pinch his nose firmly for about 10 minutes. • Ask the casualty to breathe through his mouth • Do not plug casualty‘s nose (the casualty can‘t pick or blow his nose) • If the bleeding doesn‘t stop, seek medical help.
FAINTING • If the casualty feels faint, sit him down. • His head must be between his knees. • Loosen tight clothing from around his chest, waist and neck. • If the casualty has fallen to the ground, raise his legs in the air. • Watch the airway, braethnig and pulse. • Be prepared to resuscitate!!
BURNS OR SCALDS The treatment is exactly the same. 1. Place the area (or immerse) under cold water at least 10 minutes, or longer if the pain persist. 2. Remove any rings, watches, tight clothing etc. (DON‘T remove any clothing that is stuck to the skin)! 3. Seek medical help. 4. Never apply fats, creams, ointments or sticking plasters.
ZDROJE OBRÁZKŮ: http://www.kafe.cz/chci-byt-zdrava/nemoci-tela/bodnuti-hmyzem-tohle-zarucene-funguje-1625.aspx http://zena-in.cz/clanek/cervena-bambule/kategorie/zdravi http://www.vitalia.cz/katalog/nemoci/bezvedomi/ http://tn.nova.cz/zpravy/cernakronika/rocni-chlapec-se-oparil-cajem-bojuje-o-zivot.html http://www.ireceptar.cz/zdravi/stinne-stranky-leta-uzeh-upal-spaleniny-strevni-potize/