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Challenges in Divine Command Theory of Morality: An Examination of Plato's Euthyphro

Explore the complex relationship between religion and morality through Plato's Euthyphro, delving into the dilemmas faced by those who believe in divine command theory. This ancient philosophical discourse raises critical questions about the nature of morality and its connection to higher beings.

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Challenges in Divine Command Theory of Morality: An Examination of Plato's Euthyphro

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  1. Religion and Morality • Many people believe that morality ultimately depends upon an appeal to the dictates of a higher being. • Obvious problems with this position: • Atheist • Scriptural Interpretation • Different religious traditions • Additional difficulties are highlighted in Plato’s Euthyphro.

  2. Plato’s Euthyphro • As Plato noted around 400BC, there are two main problems for those who adhere to the divine command theory of morality. 1.Is something moral because God commands it? Or 2. Does God command something because it is moral?

  3. Problem #1 • Assume that (1) is the case (something is moral because God commands it) this seems to entail the following: 1. Morality is arbitrary 2. God’s presumed goodness is reduced to nonsense.

  4. Problem #2 • Assume that (2) is the case (God commands something because it is right) seems to entail the following: 1. God is not the ultimate source of right and wrong.

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