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Nie wiem, kto pogryzł pana Jonesa, ale mógł to być mój pies. I don’t know who bit Mr. Jones, but it could have been my dog. Upłynęło wiele lat, ale wiem, że to musiało być nieporozumienie. Many years have passed, but I know it must have been a misunderstanding.
Nie wiem, kto pogryzł pana Jonesa, ale mógł to być mój pies. I don’t know who bit Mr. Jones, but it could have been my dog.
Upłynęło wiele lat, ale wiem, że to musiało być nieporozumienie. Many years have passed, but I know it must have been a misunderstanding.
Widziałem, jak Tom wchodzi do biblioteki, więc być może nadal czyta. I saw Tom enter the libray, so he may still be reading.
Widziałem wielu uradowanych fanów, więc twój zespół na pewno nie przegrał. I saw a lot of happy fans, so your team could’t have lost.
Wiem, że nie zdał egzaminu, ale może chcieć podejść do niego raz jeszcze. know that he didn’t pass the exam, but he may want to take it again.
Spójrz na nich. Chyba czekają na kolejny pociąg. Look at them. They may be waiting for another train.
Now, transform the given sentences so as to eliminate the underlined word.
I wonderwhereheis. Itispossiblethatheis shopping. I wonder where he is. He may be doing the shopping.
We went thewrongwayagain. I amsurehegaveus a wrongaddress. We went the wrong way again. He must have given us a wrong address.
Lookat his face. Itiscertainhedidn’tfindthetreasure. Look at his face. He could’t have found the treasure.
I haven’tbeen out for a fewhours. Maybeitissnowingagain. I haven’t been out for a few hours. It may be snowing again.
I can’tsee his car. Perhapsheparkedsomewhereelse. I can’t see his car. He could have parked somewhere else.