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Dark side of Tech? There you go 101010

Dark side of Tech? There you go 101010. Rotterdam Social Week September 23rd, 2014 Rotterdam Frans van der Reep. Context creates Meaning. Lack of meaning creates distrust and rules. Change of context How does a paradigm shift feel?. Cape Town. Context changes:

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Dark side of Tech? There you go 101010

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  1. Dark side of Tech?There you go 101010 Rotterdam Social Week September 23rd, 2014 Rotterdam Frans van der Reep

  2. Context creates Meaning. Lack of meaning creates distrust and rules

  3. Change of context How does a paradigm shift feel? Cape Town

  4. Context changes: Are you guided by understanding or by ideology? • Mental Models change • Business Logic changes • New Technologies • Changes accelerate • Big brother or social physics?

  5. Paradise or Middle Ages?

  6. Didyouever

  7. Didyou ever findyourself in anunforeseenunwantedsituation

  8. Didyou ever end up in anunforeseensituation have anexciting moment experience the new enjoy a lesson develop grow get lost arrive late choose wrong get sick or injured misjudge and misstep fall out a tree, bumpyourhead

  9. Don’tworry

  10. Don’tworry it will never be enjoyed happen again

  11. Get connected

  12. Get connected and surrender share yourexperiences

  13. Get equipped

  14. Get equipped and leavenothing to wonder chance

  15. Computer says

  16. Computer says no need to exploreanticipate

  17. Computer says no yesleftright 28-05-2014 1h48min 97 dB room 24 120 bpm45% humid.07:30AM 20 °C low on iron 181.9 km 2.500 kcalyouhave a meeting 52°15'N,4°26'Eyou have new mail high on cortisol dishnot compatible withdietbranchnot strong enough you have 22 missed calls running out of gas/milk/luck

  18. Follow instructions

  19. Follow instructions and youshall be vegetateddelivered

  20. Follow instructions TO act adequatelyon an ever increasingamount of stimuli withtotal efficiency whichleaves more time for the possibility to act adequately on an ever increasingamount of stimuli withtotal efficiency whichleaves more time for the possibility to act adequately on an ever increasingamount of stimuli withtotal efficiency whichleaves more time for WHAT EXACTLY

  21. Upload yourbrain

  22. Upload yourbrain and youshall be absorbedimmortal as gods

  23. But maybe

  24. If usedcorrectly

  25. It justmight be a greatrat race opportunity

  26. keep 1010101t real

  27. Tech, Coming soon…. • Do It Yourselfbiology • NIBC convergence of nano, biology, information andcognitivesciences • Robotising, 3D printing • Sensorising(van sensors around,near, on, in us) • Wearable Tech • Scanning andTaggingandTracing + Indoor GPS • Internet of Things • Big Data andDeep Learning • Artificial Intelligence andBehaviouralmodels • Machines thatdecide: “Watson” - CAAS (Cognition as a Service) • EmotionalAware Software • Gamification • Nano • Machine2Machine • DNA

  28. EbenMoglen E. Moglensays that free software is a fundamental requirement for a democratic and free society in which we are surrounded by and dependent upon technical devices. Only if controlling these devices is open to all via free software, we can balance power equally. “This generation is the last one to decide to live as a robot or to live in freedom” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eben_Moglen

  29. “Drones”: What about machines that decide&operate? http://guardianlv.com/2014/03/drones-now-legal-in-united-states

  30. live my live do my job/tasks feel good look good save money find entertainment live a healthy life decide achievemyambitionsandgoals increasemypowertoactwisely be surprised live a meaningfulandjoyfullife keep myself informed supportmylovedone's Help me to:

  31. Reference: It may go either way. Exclusion as the new societal trend?.(in) SecondSightthe Desert Issue nr 38, page 82-86 The Middle Ages in the Internet Area, http://www.fransvanderreep.com/2011/07/20/middle-ages-internet-era-happening-us/

  32. Tech&Stewardship?

  33. Where do you want to go? Thank you for your attention!! @fvdr

  34. References, for further reading Social media and Social Companies, a vision on new requirements for future software in the networked economy, BP Quarterly, year 1, November 2010, p. 35-40, nr 1 From Schedule Push to Reality Pull, European Retail Digest Issue 48, winter 2005, p 33-37 Digital world, searching for a personal perspective, 2007 It may go either way. Exclusion as the new societal trend?.(in) SecondSight, the Desert Issue nr 38, page 82-86 Social Physics http://www.trouw.nl/tr/nl/6700/Wetenschap/article/detail/3751668/2014/09/21/Dankzij-de-sociale-natuurkunde-gaan-veel-dogma-s-sneuvelen.dhtml The Middle Ages in the Internet-era: What is happening around us? (1995, 2001, 2010) http://www.fransvanderreep.com/2011/07/20/middle-ages-internet-era-happening-us/ publications Frans van der Reep http://www.fransvanderreep.com/

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