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2 장 광고 길라잡이 , 마케팅 전략 !. What is marketing?. AMA(2004): Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization.
What is marketing? • AMA(2004): Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization. • Value: the customer’s perception of all of the benefits of a product or service weighed against all the costs of acquiring and using it. • Relationship marketing • Mass customization • lifetime value of a customer • Customer relationship management (CRM)
Ultimate • consumer • Consumers • Businesses 시장식별 Identifying markets 마케팅 믹스 제품결정 가격결정 경로결정 촉진결정 Promotion to final buyer 시장세분화 Market Segmentation Internet/Interactive 표적시장 Selecting a Target market Promotion to trade 위상정립 Positioning Resellers Purchase Marketing and Promotions Process Model 상황분석 기회분석 경쟁분석 SWOT • 촉진믹스 • Advertising • Direct marketing • Interactive marketing • Sales promotion • Publicity and public relations • Personal selling
타겟마케팅, 특정한 소비자를 겨냥하라 시장세분화(Segmentation) • 시장세분화의 개념과 절차 전체 제품시장을 어떤 기준을 이용하여 동질적인 세분시장(homogeneous segment)으로 나누는 과정 Demographic Geographic Customer Characteristics 시장세분화 변수의 선정 Psychographic Socioeconomic Awareness Buying Situation 시장세분화의 실시 Benefits Behavior Usage Outlets 세분시장별 특성분석 homogeneous segment & heterogeneous between segments measurable substantial accessible
타겟마케팅, 특정한 소비자를 겨냥하라 표적 세분시장은 어떻게 정할까? • 세분시장 매력도 평가 Find ways to group consumers according to their needs. 크기와 성장성, 구조적 매력도, 기업의 목표와 성장성 Find ways to group marketing actions - usually the products offered - available to the organization. 경쟁우위를 획득할 수 있는 세분시장이 타겟시장 Develop a market/product grid to relate the market segments to the firm’s products and actions.
마케팅 믹스 1 세분시장 1 세분시장 1 차별적 마케팅 전략 차별적 마케팅 전략 세분시장 2 세분시장 2 마케팅 믹스 2 세분시장 3 세분시장 3 마케팅 믹스 3 비차별적 마케팅 전략 전체시장 마케팅 믹스 마케팅 믹스 타겟마케팅, 특정한 소비자를 겨냥하라 타겟시장 선정 전략
Positioning • Position: 1) the way the product is defined by consumers on important attributes, 2) the place the product occupies in consumers’ minds relative to competing products, 3) Points of competitive advantage by identifying and serving customer segments with distinctive needs via a particular differentiated strategy. • 왜 표적시장의 고객들은 경쟁제품이 아니라 우리제품을 구입해야 하는가? 또는 고객들이 지각하고 있는 우리제품의 독특한 차별적 특징은 무엇인가? • 실존하는 것과 지각된 것은 차이가 있다 • 고객들은 한번에 두세 가지의 차별적 특성만을 지각 • 제품의 특징보다는 고객의 편익 더 나아가서 사회적 가치
정체성 전달된 신호 이미지 자극의 다른 원천 모방 기회주의 이상주의 경쟁과 노이즈 Identity와 Image 송신활동 매체 수신활동
What position do we have now? Does our creative strategymatch it? What position do we want to own? Do we have the tenacity to stay with it? From whom must we win this position? Do we have the money to do the job? Developing a Positioning Strategy What position do we have now? What position do we want to own? The Position Do we have the tenacity to stay with it? From whom must we win this position? Do we have the money to do the job?
By Attributes and Benefits? By Price or Quality? By Use or Application? By Product Class? By Product User? By Competitor? By Cultural Symbols? By Attributes and Benefits? How should we position? By Price or Quality? By Use or Application? By Product Class? By Product User? By Competitor?
Developing Positioning Strategy 1. Identify the competitors 2. Assess perceptions of them 3. Determine their positions 4. Analyze consumer preferences 5. Make the positioning decision 6. Monitor the position
Is the current position strategy working? Is the segmentation strategy appropriate? How strong is the competition? Are there sufficient resources to communicate the position? Is the current position strategy working? Is the segmentation strategy appropriate? The Checklist Are there sufficient resources to communicate the position?
BRANDING PACKAGING Brand name commun-icates attributes and meaning Advertising creates and maintains brand equity Packaging has become increasingly important It’s often customers’ first exposure to product Product Decisions BRANDING
Price must be consistent with perceptions of the product Higher prices communicate higher product quality Lower prices reflect bargain or “value” perceptions Price, advertising and distribution be unified in identifying the product position A product positioned as high quality while carrying a lower price than competitors will confuse customers Pricing Considerations Price must be consistent with perceptions of the product Higher prices communicate higher product quality Lower prices reflect bargain or “value” perceptions Price, advertising and distribution must be unified in identifying the product position
Selecting Managing Motivating Selecting Distribution Channel Decisions Managing
기능성 (치료) 숙취남성대상 기능성 음료(컨디션) 생약 소화제 섬유질 음료 박카스 약품 식품 홍삼원 영비천 정력제 보약성 타겟마케팅, 특정한 소비자를 겨냥하라 지각도(perceptual map) • 일련의 평가적 차원에서 경쟁대안들의 위치를 묘사해주는 도표. • 분석방법 • 요인분석(factor analysis): 고객들이 이용하는 구체적인 평가기준들을 파악하여, 이들 기준들의 잠재적인 차원을 알아내는 통계적 기법. • 다차원척도 법(multidimensional scaling: MDS): 대안들 간의 유사성에 대한 고객들의 지각을 토대로 지각도를 작성한다.