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Learn about the WMO Information System and VGISC project, a decentralized, user-centric approach to sharing weather data globally while maintaining local autonomy.

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  1. SIMDAT Baudouin Raoult Head of Data and Services Section 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  2. WMO Information System and VGISC • The Fourteenth WMO Congress (2003) approved the concept of the WMO Information System (WIS) • “a single, co-ordinated global infrastructure for the collection and sharing of information in support of all WMO and related international programmes” • The WIS defines three functional components: • National Centres (NC) • Data Collection or Production Centres (DCPC) • Global Information System Centres (GISC) • DWD, Météo France and the UK Met Office have volunteered to collaborate on development of a virtual GISC (VGISC) • ECMWF and EUMETSAT are included in the project as DCPCs. 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  3. SIMDAT and the VGISC project • SIMDAT is a four-year EU funded project under FP6 • SIMDAT was an opportunity to fund to development of the VGISC • DWD invited ECMWF to join and take a lead rôle in the SIMDAT project, in order to develop the VGISC. • For ECMWF it was an opportunity to develop expertise in GRID technologies. • The available budget is approximately 1.1 M€. • ECMWF: 84 person/months (2 consultants) • DWD: 36 person/months • UK Met Office: 6 person/months • Météo France: 6 person/months • EUMETSAT participates as a non-funded partner. 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  4. The VGISC architecture 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  5. A unique system • SIMDAT is a fully decentralised system • All sites are true peers and have equal rights • Decentralised user and data policies management • Integrated catalogue and data retrieval functions (one-stop-shop) • Designed for operational use • Interfacing with any existing data repositories • Without any impact on the local infrastructure or disruption of operational activities • Support for any data types (GTS bulletins, Model outputs, Satellite images, climate time-series, ….) • There exists similar information systems • Most similarities are superficial (e.g. web portal) • These system are based on a centralized infrastructure, and dictate how data must be stored at each sites 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  6. Access to existing data repositories in a non-intrusive fashion 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  7. Connectivity to another site via secure connection layer 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  8. A scalable system: addition of new sites 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  9. Catalogue Synchronisation: each site has a copy of the global catalogue Synchronisation 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  10. Data from anywhere can be accessed from everywhere Retrievals 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  11. Project successes • With the EU • The achievements of the meteorological activity of SIMDAT have been acknowledged by EU reviewers • With the WMO community • The software was presented during expert team meetings • Evaluation copies of the software • Australia, Canada, China, Finland, Japan, Korea, Morocco, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Zimbabwe • Other communities are interested • EUMETNET OPERA project • Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) • International Polar Year (IPY) 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  12. Result achieved 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  13. Status • The prototype has been deployed in a large worldwide test bed, allowing users to discover and retrieve a wide variety of data available at 11 sites • The software is available under an Open Source Licence that is compatible with commercial applications • SIMDAT will follow the development of the INSPIRE directive 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

  14. Conclusion • When the EU project ends in 2008, ECMWF will have no funding to continue with the development. • Member States should consider how to capitalise on the results achieved and how best to carry the software forward 67th Council - 28-29 June 2007

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