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Progressive decoding method for fractal image compression

This paper introduces a novel progressive decoding scheme for fractal image compression. The method is based on a new fixed-point iteration theorem, offering a controllable decoding approach. Experimental results show its effectiveness compared to existing schemes. The proposed method utilizes a sequence {λn} with λn values between 0 and 1, enhancing compression efficiency and image quality.

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Progressive decoding method for fractal image compression

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  1. Progressive decoding method for fractal image compression • Sourcs: IEE Proc.-Vis. Image Signal Process., Vol. 151, No. 3, June 2004 • Authurs: C. He, S.X. Yang and X. Huang • Presented by: Shih-Chang.Chang • Date: 4/21 2005

  2. Outline • Introduction • fractal image compression • decoding scheme • Experimental results • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • a novel progressive decoding scheme is proposed for fractal image compression, which is based on a new fixed-point iteration theorem. In particular, the existing decoding scheme is a special case of the proposed controllable decoding scheme when its control parameter is set as one.

  4. fractal image compression(cont.) γi λi ti=γi。λi

  5. fractal image compression(cont.) • Ri:finite non-overlapping partition of the original image μorg into range blocks. • Di:the domain Di is typically twice the range side length. • ti:an elementary block mapping from the domain block Di to the range block Ri by ti=γi。λi.

  6. decoding scheme(cont.) • Exist • μn+1=T(μn) ,n=0,1,2….. • Propose • μn+1=(1-λ) μn+ λT(μn), λ=(0,1]

  7. decoding scheme(cont.) exist Propose

  8. Experimental results(cont.)

  9. Experimental results(cont.)

  10. Experimental results(cont.)

  11. Conclusion • The existing decoding scheme is a special case of the proposed decoding scheme. • Increasing sequence {λn} with 0<λn ≦1 is used,instead of the constant parameterλ.

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