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Indicators of High Expectations. Activator. What does it look or sound like when teachers send high expectation messages?. Outcomes/Objectives. Examine the Foundation of Essential Beliefs using the Four Corners Exercise

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  1. Indicators of High Expectations Activator What does it look or sound like when teachers send high expectation messages?

  2. Outcomes/Objectives • Examine the Foundation of Essential Beliefs using the Four Corners Exercise • Examine the role of beliefs & expectations as key levers for school improvement

  3. FUSD System for Student Support: Tier 3: Intensive Interventions Intense, durable, assessment-based support for individual students 5% 15% Tier 2: Targeted Group Interventions Rapid response and focused support for students identified as at-risk 80% Tier 1: Universal Support Preventative, proactive support for all students, by all staff, in all settings Social Emotional Support Academic Support

  4. Revised 2009 California Standards for the Teaching Profession

  5. CSTP 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Students • Promoting social development and responsibility within a caring community where each student is treated fairly and respectfully • Creating physical or virtual learning environments that promote student learning, reflect diversity, and encourage constructive and productive interactions among students • Establishing and maintaining learning environments that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally safe • Creating a rigorous learning environment with high expectations and appropriate support for all students • Developing, communicating, and maintaining high standards for individual and group behavior • Employing classroom routines, procedures, norms, and supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learn • Using instructional time to optimize learning

  6. Fresno Unified is Where….. • Diversity is valued • Educational excellence and equity are expected • Individual responsibility and participation by all is required • Collaborative adult relationships are essential • Parents, students and the community as a whole are vital partners

  7. Board Theory of Action

  8. Council of Great City Schools Report

  9. We Believe ALL Kids Can Learn… • …based on their ability • …if they take advantage of the opportunity to learn • …and we will accept responsibility for ensuring their growth • …and we will establish high standards of learning that we expect all students to achieve

  10. We Believe ALL Kids Can Learn… • On the separate sheet of paper, indicate which of the four ways of thinking best describes the school in the prompt • Snowball Process • individual and anonymous, no one will know your specific responses

  11. We Believe ALL Kids Can Learn… Four Corners Activity • Which statement best describes: • 1) where you went to school • 2) where you currently work • 3) where you want your child to go to school • 4) where you want to work

  12. KEY CONCEPTS • Areas of Performance • Repertoire • Matching Overarching Objectives Curriculum Design CURRICULUM PLANNING Objectives Learning Experiences Assessment Personal Relationship Building Class Climate MOTIVATION Expectations INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Principles of Learning Models of Teaching Clarity Space Time Routines MANAGEMENT Attention Momentum Discipline FOUNDATION OF ESSENTIAL BELIEFS Planning

  13. Comprehensive Areas of Performance Repertoire Skillful Teaching Matching

  14. KEY CONCEPTS • Areas of Performance • Repertoire • Matching Overarching Objectives Curriculum Design CURRICULUM PLANNING Objectives Learning Experiences Assessment Personal Relationship Building Class Climate MOTIVATION Expectations INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Principles of Learning Models of Teaching Clarity Space Time Routines MANAGEMENT Attention Momentum Discipline FOUNDATION OF ESSENTIAL BELIEFS Planning

  15. Teacher Beliefs • Belief #1- “You can get smart.” • Belief #2- Learning is constructed as learners assimilate new experience with prior knowledge • Belief #3- Learning varies with the degree to which learners’ needs for inclusion, influence, competence, and confidence met • Belief #4- The nature of professional knowledge encompasses areas of performance, repertoire, and matching, not “effective behaviors”.

  16. Teacher Beliefs • Belief #5- The knowledge bases of teachers are many, diverse, and complex, and skillful teacher requires systematic and continual study of these knowledge bases. • Belief #6- The total environment of a school has a powerful effect on students’ learning • Belief #7- Racism exerts a downward force on the achievement of students of color that must be met with active antiracist teaching

  17. Teacher Beliefs • Number off 1-7 (correlated to the 7 beliefs) • Find your partner or trio with the same number • Create a poster summarizing your belief • Please include: • Big Idea • Implications for Teacher Behaviors • Implications for Leader Behaviors

  18. MANAGEMENT FOUNDATION OF ESSENTIAL BELIEFS • KEY CONCEPTS • Areas of Performance • Repertoire • Matching Overarching Objectives Curriculum Design CURRICULUM PLANNING File Name #1 File Name #2 Effective Effort Planning Objectives Learning Experiences Assessment Personal Relationship Building Class Climate MOTIVATION Expectations INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Principles of Learning Models of Teaching Clarity Space Time Routines Attention Momentum Discipline

  19. Skillful Teacher giving directions Information that tells or shows the level of performance the teacher wants or the task demands Communicating Standard (s) = Messages that convey the belief that students can meet the standards Communicating Expectations =

  20. Standards + - + Expectations - Skillful Teacher High StandardsHigh Expectations High StandardsLow Expectations Some can, some can’t Low StandardsLow Expectations Low Standards High Expectations Trophies Treaties

  21. Skillful Teacher DEBILITATING BELIEFS We can’t . . . they can’t learn. We’re not . . . first class. The problem is impossible to solve . The cost is too great.

  22. Skillful Teacher EXPECTATION MESSAGES • This work is important. • You can do it -- and do it well. • I will help you; I won’t give up on you.

  23. to: Skillful Teacher Move from using words such as: weakness slow smart average skilled can’t bright capable currently performing strengths & needs not yet

  24. Closure:Expectations are like a...

  25. Facilitation Tools and Processes • Graphic Organizer • Framing the Big Picture • Snowball • Four Corners • Jigsaw • Posters • Chants • Change These Messages • Assessment • 4 Square Simile

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