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Understanding Atmospheric Soundings and Inversions

Explore different types of inversions in atmospheric soundings, including temperature, radiation, and subsidence inversions, and learn to determine inversions in specific weather conditions.

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Understanding Atmospheric Soundings and Inversions

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  1. Temperature Inversionson Atmospheric Soundings

  2. Frontal Inversion • Usually not surface based • Temp and Dewpoint both typically increase through the inversion layer • Typically a significant wind shift across the inversion layer • Located on the “cool” side of frontal boundaries (ahead of a warm front, behind a cold front)

  3. Radiation Inversion • Surface-Based and Shallow • Temp and Dewpoint both typically increase through the inversion layer • Associated with calm to light winds at the surface • Usually found on a 12Z sounding, but occasionally found on a 00Z sounding • Associated with significant surface radiational cooling

  4. Subsidence Inversion • Usually not surface-based, occasionally can be • Temp warms while the Dewpoint cools (Dewpoint Depression increases) • Associated with subsidence (sinking air) in which the temperature warms at or near the dry adiabatic lapse rate

  5. Determine the Inversion

  6. 00Z - IAD

  7. 12Z - IAD

  8. 00Z - IAD

  9. 12Z-GSO

  10. 00Z - IAD

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