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District Assembly Our Charity : Foundation working for 1010

Learn about the District Foundation's goals and programs for 2019-2020, including District Grants, Global Grants, and other Foundation initiatives. Discover how you can make a difference and contribute to making the world a better place. Explore the opportunities available to support and help those in need.

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District Assembly Our Charity : Foundation working for 1010

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  1. District AssemblyOur Charity: Foundationworking for 1010 Bill Ross, District Foundation Chair, 2019/2020

  2. Objectives for Today • New to Foundation? • Why Foundation? • District Grants • Global Grants • Other Foundation Programmes • Funding?

  3. Objectives for Today 2019 - 2020 2019 - 2020

  4. Why Foundation? • Make the world a better place? • Masses of opportunities to help. • Foundation • Our own charity • Charity Navigator recognition • You decide what to support • You decide where to support

  5. Why Foundation? • Each year OUR District Designated Fund is 50% of Annual Program Fund as contributed by OUR Clubs 3 years earlier. • Of this sum up to 50% can then be used as OUR District Grant. • The remainder is used to fund OUR Districts Global Grants, donate to EPN or Peace Centres • The more we can contribute the more WE can do

  6. Annual Fund Giving in D1010 Contributions 2015-2016 $199162 Contributions 2016-2017 $182728 Contributions 2017-2018 $178039 Contributions 2018- $106800 to date In 2018-2019 our DDF is $99581 because we gave $199162 in the Rotary year 2015-2016…….. What can we do in the future????....look to the past…

  7. All Grants • MUST support the Rotary Mission: to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty • The project MUST include the active participation of Rotarians (and the project is not solely a fundraising activity) • The project MUST meet a community identified need

  8. District Grants • £30 to 35k DDF available to District annually to co-fund Club-led projects which could not be delivered without support • Humanitarian or educational projects • Local or International projects • No International partner Club required • Amount available heavily depends on contributions received through Foundation from Clubs and how many projects applying for support

  9. District Grants: Our priorities Priority One: • International humanitarian or educational projects • Local humanitarian or educational projects • Small scale Vocational Training Teams • Grants for single professionals to work in developing countries. Priority Two: • Repeat humanitarian or educational projects • Scholarships for local residents to study abroad

  10. District Grants: Timescale By 1 June 2019: Clubs submit OUTLINE APPLICATIONS to District Grants Officer/Foundation Chair Before approval is given: The Memorandum of Understanding qualification has to be gained by the Club From 1 July 2019: Foundation Committee submits the proposed Spending Plan to Rotary Foundation July onwards: Clubs submit FINAL APPLICATIONS for approved projects Applications approved by Rotary Foundation: District Designated Grant paid to District 1010 October: Approval is given by the Foundation Team, funds are allocated, paid by BACS to Clubs, and projects can begin 31st March 2020: Closure date for the year’s DG and if a Project is not approved by that date or has not been started for any reason, the Project will not be able to proceed in this Rotary year. The Club can re-apply next year.

  11. District Grants • Discussion

  12. Global Grants Areas of Focus:- • Peace and conflict prevention/resolution • Disease prevention and treatment • Water and sanitation • Maternal and child health • Basic education and literacy • Economic and community development

  13. What makes a successfulGrant Project? • The project meets genuine community needs • Sustainability • Effective partnerships • Good Rotarian involvement • Implementation plan • Proper Stewardship of funds

  14. Global Grants • Humanitarian projects • Scholarships for postgraduate study • Vocational Training Teams • Minimum budget of US$30,000 • Partner Rotary Clubs in two countries • Fits within at least one of the areas of focus • Community needs assessment results • Sustainability

  15. Financing a Global Grant – an illustration

  16. Global Grants • Discussion

  17. OtherFoundation Programmes • Scholarships • Vocational Training Teams • End Polio Now • Disaster Response

  18. The Rotary Foundation Rotary’s Own Charity

  19. The Rotary Foundation Rotary’s Own Charity Thank you for your time and ongoing support bill.r.ross@me.com

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