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Broiler feed results in the Palotabozsoki Zrt. ’s Integration

Broiler feed results in the Palotabozsoki Zrt. ’s Integration. Kisjuhász Gabriella Designing Engineer/ Consultant AGP Magyarország Kft. Feed Experiment . Mapping the local facilities - type of the stock-yard, - deck, litter, - feed and drinking through facilities, - ventilation,

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Broiler feed results in the Palotabozsoki Zrt. ’s Integration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Broilerfeed results in the Palotabozsoki Zrt.’sIntegration Kisjuhász Gabriella Designing Engineer/ Consultant AGP Magyarország Kft.

  2. Feed Experiment • Mapping the local facilities - type of the stock-yard, - deck, litter, - feed and drinking through facilities, - ventilation, - length of the services period, disinfection, - animal density (animal/m2), - stock size

  3. Available materials - quality: control - quantity: stock utilization • Knowledge of the present forage technology(intensity, phases) • Applied coccidiostatics (dosage, length of thetreatment) -statusassessment (Lesion Scoring, forecast) • Premix Selection – for each individual’s needs - specific for each site,or even for each rotation

  4. Recommended feeding technology • 0 – 11 day 0,30 kg/Pcspre starter • 12 – 17 day 0,50 kg/Pcsstarter • 18 – 29 day 1,50 kg/Pcsgrower • 30. day until slaughter kb. 2,00 kg/Pcsfinisher

  5. Composition of Forage

  6. Nutrition Composition

  7. 3. RotationASSESSMENT

  8. Composition of Forage

  9. Nutrition Composition

  10. 5. RotationASSESSMENT

  11. Summary • The forage expenses make 60-70% out of all expenses. • Therefore optimisation of forage expenses is very important to produce a profitable product. • Your Success is Our Success! • WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!

  12. Thank You for Your Attention!

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