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I E P S P. presentation. INSTITUTE FOR EXPERIMENTAL PHONETICS AND SPEECH PHATOLOGY. SERBIA, BELGRADE, JOVANOVA STR.35, TEL.+381 11 2624 168, 2625 232, WWW.IEFPG.ORG.YU, E-MAIL-IEFPGMIR@EUNET.YU. design: Nada Nikoli ć. Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology.
Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology I E P S P The Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology (IEPSP) was founded in 1949 by Professor Djordje Kostic, worldly renowned linguist, phonetician, painter and poet.Untilhisdeathin 1995, togetherwiththecollaboratorsfromtheInstitute, ProfessorKosticworkedonthedevelopmentofscientific-researchworkintheareaofsound, hearing, speechandlanguageandapplied achieved results in different areas: medicine, linguistics and electroacoustics. Djorje Kostic Cherishing the tradition of multidisciplinaryknowledge and concept of work organization, the Institutecarries outscientific-research and expert work in the areas ofexperimental phonetics, electroacoustics, speech and language development, pathology of hearing, speech and language, learning Serbian as a foreign language and promotionof the culture of speech and language, whose results do not have only therapeutic significance, but are also practically applied in different scientific and expert areas. Director of the Institute for Experimental Phonetics now is Mirjana Sovilj. Mirjana Sovilj
IEPSP is the institution which covers the activities of national importance in the following areas: HEALTHCARE - byapplicationofscientificresults, IEPSPhasdevelopedbiomedicalengineeringintheareasofsound, hearing, speechandlanguage, based on the holistic approach, as well as an integrative treatment of verbal communication pathology.This approachresulted in thedevelopment ofauniqueKSAFAsystem (Kostic’sselectiveauditoryfilteramplification) forearlydetection, diagnosticsandhabilitationofspeechandlanguageinchildrenwithhearingimpairment, undevelopedspeech, speechandlanguagepathology, cognitivedevelopmentdisordersandbehavioural and learning disorders from fetal period (before birth) up to 10 years of age. The application of KSAFA system prevents disability in children and encourages the development of healthy posterity. WithintheKSAFAsystem, sophisticateddiagnosticprocedureisconducted.Dependingonachild’sage, it impliestheapplicationof: prenatalhearingscreening, establishingriskfactorsinpregnancy, OAE, bacteriologicaltests, biochemicalanalyses, metabolictests, foodintolerancetests, EEGinmappingtasks, impedancemetry, tonalaudiometry, ksafametry, batteryofIEPSPtestsfortheperiodfrombirthtoadolescence.
KSAFA system is adaptable for work with children in all world languages. Integrativetreatmentimpliesapplicationofpreciseproceduresofaudiolinguistictreatmentsby KSAFA apparatuses. Oneofthebasicprinciplesisstrictlyindividualapproachintheplanningandconductingthetreatment, fromprenatalearlystimulationtothecompletedevelopmentofverbalcommunication. Children’streatmentimpliescontinuouseducationofparentsforthedevelopmentofspeech-languagecompetenceinchildrenandoffering fullsupporttotheirwork. Asasupporttoaudiolinguistictreatmentadditionaltechnologieswereintroduced: bioandneurofeedback, Schwartz’smethodforstutteringtreatment, hygiene-nutritionregimeforcertaintypesofspeech-languagepathology, aswellasadministeringdefinedneuropeptidecomplexes (''Audioinvit'' and ''Aktoinvit'') In 98% childrenwithdifferentdegreeofhearingimpairment (30-120 dB), childrenwithundevelopedspeech, differenttypesanddegreesofimpairment, differenttypesanddegreesof speech pathology, speechandlanguagearedevelopedtothelevelofnormalcommunicationandchildrenareincludedinregularprimaryschools. The Institute developed the method of prenatal hearing screening which enables detection of hearing development disorder in fetus in the 7th month of pregnancy.
IEPSP– hastheSchoolofnicespeech, offeringchildrenofdifferentagespecializedcontentsfordevelopmentandpromotionofspeechcommunicationdeveloping the awareness of the power of words and their influence on general development of a person, creativity and interpersonal relations. Particularlyemphasizedisthedevelopmentofharmonizationofthoughts, wordsanddeedsthroughtherichnessofexpression, cognitionand development of highly cultivated communication based onphilanthropy, compassion, respect and tolerance. SCIENCE-IEPSP conductsmultidisciplinary, fundamental, appliedanddevelopmentalresearchesofhearing, speechandlanguageinnormalandpathologicalstates, fromthecellleveluptocorpuslinguistics, fromprenatalperiodtoadulthood. Resultsoftechnologicalprojectsprovided: - development of prenatal hearing screening and accompanying equipment - new generations of KSAFA apparatuses, which very precisely dose sound according to the type and degree of speech and language disorder and/or hearing impairment and behaviour and learning disorder. - development of apparatuses for otoacoustic emission (ТЕОАЕ and DPОАЕ screening). Among other things, it is applied in the detection of hearing impairment in babies immediately upon birth. - development of expert system for the assessment of pathological forms of sound articulation etc.
CULTURE – InIEPSP, decades of devoted work resulted in theCorpus of Serbian Language (CSL), in electronic form, which presently has 11 11 million words, and is still being expanded, thus representingthe largest grammatical manually tagged corpus in the world and the only diachronic corpus in the world spanning the period from XII to XX century. OwingtotheCSL, frequency dictionaries by different authors have been compiled. It also inspired an increasing number of researches in the areas of language studies and statistical linguistics. IEPSPorganizeseducationofforeignanddomesticexpertsfortheapplicationof KSAFA system inclinicalpractice and specialschools. IEPSPissues 3-yearvalidcertificatesand performs the procedures ofrecertification. IEPSPorganizes learning andimprovement ofSerbian as a foreign language. IEPSPcollaborateswithanumberofinstitutionsandeminentexpertsinthecountryandabroad (Greece, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Bulgaria, Belarus, Polandetc). EDUACATION - IEPSPhasprogramsfortheapplicationofKSAFAsystemforpre-schoolandprimaryschoolteachers, defectologists, pediatricians, psychologistsandotherexpertsdealingwithchildren’sdevelopment. At the same time, it organizes education of parents who have children with special needs. Beingscientific-educationalbasis, IEPSPtakespartintheeducationofstudentsoftheFacultyforspecialeducationandrehabilitationofBelgradeUniversity, thus contributing tocherishingfuture scientists and experts.
In 2005, IEPSPandAll-Greekorganizationforcommunicationdisordersandtherapy – P.A.L.Osignedthefraternization Charterand initiated foundation of international organization for prevention of verbal communication disorders in children. The First European Congress on the prevention, detection and diagnostics of verbal communication disorders in childrenwas held in 2006. It will be held every second year in a different countrywith the aim of takingadequate measures and activities for the prevention of increasingspeech-language pathology at an early age, as well as behaviour and learning disorders. IEPSP possesses an international and domestic certificate IQnet, ŐQSandEurocert for the system of quality management according toJUS ISO9001:2001 standards. IEPSP– initiated and organized International scientific conference «Speech and language»(1999,2004, 2007....),whose concept and organization is unique in the world because all the papers from 10 scientific areas are presentedplenary, providing the essential multidimensional exchange of knowledge and realization of further research directions in the areas of hearing, speech and language.
I E F P G COCHLEA O A E T e s t S y s t e m
I E F P G COCHLEA O A E T e s t S y s t e m COCHLEA is realized in PC technology. The system operates under the Windows® operative system, supported by patient basis and contains the minimum of hardware components. COCHLEA is a system of modular type that increases the freedom of choice of application modules according to individual needs. In full configuration it contains modules: transiently caused OAE (TEOAE), ОАЕ as a distortion product (DPOAE) and TEOAE screening. Potential applications Screening of hearing - Testing and monitoring of hearing in newborns, preschoolers and schoolchildren. - Detection of profession related early signs of hearing loss (factory workers, musicians etc). Researches - Basilar membrane and cochlear functions. - Outer auditory cells and efferent innervation. Clinical evaluation - Monitoring of ototoxicity effects. - Differential diagnostics of cochlear and retrocochlear pathology. - Identification and monitoring of middle ear pathology COCHLEA is a new diagnostic OAE (Otoacoustic Emissions) test system developed, manufactured and tested by the Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology.
Technical characteristics COCHLEAenables directinsight into: - shape and spectrum of the stimuli, - quality of the stimuli, - actual flow of TEOAE and DPOAE measurement, - spectrum of OAE signals and noise - statistics of impulse processing • . • Patient basisenables: • - records of patients • - deleting of patients • editing of previous measurements Analogous ibnterface: - 24-bit АD conversion, - measurement frequency 48 kHz. Kit: - COCHLEA - PROBE - Earplug set - Bag - Charger Probe: - Microphone: frequency characteristic of 500 Hz to 6 kHz, sensitivity about –60 dB re 1.0V/0.1 Pa, (noise 25 dB SPL (A – characteristics, 1 kHz ref). - Sound source: maximal output 90 dB SPL (protected).
System characteristics to 90 dB SPL, choice of stimuli polarity, control of the noise rejection level, statistics of stimuli processing, TEOAE spectrum from 500 to 6000 Hz, indicator of OAE segment similarity. - DPOAE - ОАЕ as distortion product -DPOAE: frequency range 500Hz - 8000Hz, amplitude range L1 and L2, simultaneous and independent change of intensity. - Patient basis: records of patients, deleting of patients, measuring protocol, editing of previous measurements.
DESCRIPTION Basic parts of KSAFA-m are: KSAFA-m unit microphone headphones handbag
apparatus KSAFA-m (Kostic's selective auditory filter amplifier) KSAFA-m apparatus ·KSAFA-m has independent change of parametres: amplification, central frequency, width of a band-pass filter around central frequency for the left and/or the right ear. ·Changeable linear amplification of input signals within the whole frequency range characteristic of human speech ·Selective amplification of certain frequency areas for both ears ·Independent linear and changeable amplification of modulated signals for both ears within the whole frequency range characteristic of human speech.
diagnostic – educational apparatusis intended priority for early diagnostics, habilitation and rehabilitation of speech and language of children with: -different degrees of hearing impairments, -undeveloped speech communication, -pathological patterns of speech communication -cognitive disorders -different type disorders of bihevior and learning KSAFA-m is applicable -for individual work in clinical practice. bay using an adapter it can be used in work with for two children -in kindergartens, at school, at school for foreign language, at special school, at home -easily and precisely adjusted, depending on the cause, degree and kind of speech communication impairment. -for teaching foreign languages -for scientific research work IEPSP possesses the domestic and international certificate IQnet, OQS and Evrocert for the systemof quality management according to JUS ISO 9001:2001 standards.
KSAFA-m provides the following functions: DELIVERY AND SERVICING • Sale of KSAFA-m apparatuses covers: • - delivery of KSAFA-m apparatus with the accompanying technical documentation • - users education for application of KSAFA-m apparatuses within KSAFA systeis obligeted, end it includes certificate, • - delivery of professional methodological literature • service is also provided beyond warranty period. • - Warranty period: 12 months. KSAFA-m has independent change of parametres: - amplification, central frequency, width of a band-pass filter around central frequency for the left and/or the right ear. - changeable linear amplification of input signals within the whole frequency range characteristic of human speech - selective amplification of certain frequency areas for both ears - independent linear and changeable amplification of modulated signals for both ears within the whole frequency range characteristic of human speech
Range of central frequency changes according to the channels TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Voltage supply: 220V, 500mA Dimensions: 238x206x88 mm Weight: 3.5 kg
KSAFA-V KSAFA-V can be easily and precisely adjusted, depending on the cause, degree and kind of speech communication impairment. KSAFA-V is compatible with KSAFA-m apparatus. Thus the parametres obtained in the individual work on KSAFA-m apparatus are also used for the adjustment of KSAFA-V apparatus. KSAFA-V independed users need,can be delivered, with changeable number of outputs for gr 2 to 9 children), each output having independent change of parametres (amplification, central frequency, width of a band-pass filter around central frequency for the left and/or the right ear). KSAFA-V is realized as a digital device. For the input or change of the parametres, it uses keyboard or the serial port for the communication with the PC. KSAFA-V apparatus provides first-class results with minimal efforts of the therapist. KSAFA-V apparatus is simple and easy to use in health institutions, schools and kindergartens. KSAFA-V apparatus requires minimal investment compared to the effects it provides. KSAFA-V apparatus guarantees high quality that is provided through the total control of the production process and included servicing. IEPSP possesses the domestic and international certificate IQnet, OQS and Evrocert for the system of quality management according to JUS ISO 9001:2001 standards. KSAFA-V (Kostic's selective auditory filter amplifier) diagnostic–educational apparatus is intended for early habilitation and rehabilitation of speech and language of children with: -different degrees of hearing impairments, -undeveloped speech communication, -pathological patterns of speech communication. -cognitive disorders -different type disorders of bihevior and learning KSAFA-V is applicable for teaching foreign languages KSAFA-V is applicable for individual work in groups of children in clinical practice, at school, in kindergartens, school for foreign language, at special school, etc.
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Voltage supply: 220V, 1A Range of central frequency changes according to the channels DESCRIPTION Basic parts of KSAFA-V are: - KSAFA-V unit - microphone - headphones KSAFA-V provides the following functions: · Changeable linear amplification of input signals within the whole frequency range characteristic of human speech · Selective amplification of certain frequency areas for both ears · Independent linear and changeable amplification of modulated signals for both ears within the whole frequency range characteristic of human speech • DELIVERY AND SERVICING • Sale of KSAFA-m apparatuses covers: • - delivery of KSAFA-m apparatus with the accompanying technical documentation, • - users education for application of KSAFA-m apparatuses within KSAFA system is obligeted, end it includes certificate, • - delivery of professional methodological literature. • Service is also provided beyond warranty period • Warranty period: 12 months. Dimensions: 238x206x88 mm Weight: 3.5 kg