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KICKING GAME. KEY RULES FOR THE KICKING GAME. Types of Kicks Categories of Kicks Opportunity to Catch a Kick Illegal Touching Roughing/Running into Kicker Blocking Restrictions on Free Kicks. TYPES OF KICKS. PUNTS PLACEKICKS DROP KICKS. TYPES OF KICKS. PUNTS
KEY RULES FOR THE KICKING GAME • Types of Kicks • Categories of Kicks • Opportunity to Catch a Kick • Illegal Touching • Roughing/Running into Kicker • Blocking Restrictions on Free Kicks
TYPES OF KICKS • PUNTS • A kick by a player who drops the ball and kicks it before it hits the ground
TYPES OF KICKS • PLACE KICKS • A kick by a player who kicks a ball positioned on the ground or a tee and controlled by a teammate (Free kick place kick does not have to be controlled by teammate) • Tee cannot elevate ball more than 2inches off the ground
TYPES OF KICKS • DROP KICK • A kick by a player who drops the ball and kicks it as it strikes the ground
CATEGORIES OF KICKS • FREE KICKS • Kickoffs – Must be a place kick made on Team A’s restraining line (normally the 40 in Texas schoolboy games) and between the hashes
CATEGORIES OF KICKS • FREE KICKS • Free Kick After Safety – May be a punt, drop kick or place kick. If a place kick must be on Team A’s restraining line between the hashes. If a punt or drop kick, must be on or behind the restraining line and between the hashes.
CATEGORIES OF KICKS • Team A restrictions • All Team A players must have been between the 9-yard marks after the ready-for-play whistle and the kick • All must be behind the ball except holder and kicker
CATEGORIES OF KICKS • Team B restrictions • All Team B players must remain at least 10 yards from Team A’s restraining line until ball kicked • All Team B players must be inbounds when ball kicked
CATEGORIES OF KICKS • Penalties: • For all the previously mentioned fouls, the penalty is 5 yards from previous spot. NOTE: All are live ball fouls, allow play to continue until ball becomes dead
CATEGORIES OF KICKS • Penalties: • SPECIAL NOTE FOR R’S: • If Team A crosses its restraining line before ball is kicked, this is NOT “offsides”. It is a free kick formation infraction. Use Signal 19.
CATEGORIES OF KICKS • Kickoff out of bounds • If ball goes out of bounds, untouched by Team B, it is a foul. Options: • 5 yard penalty from previous spot with re-kick • Team B can take ball 30 yards from A’s restraining line • Team B can take at out of bounds spot
CATEGORIES OF KICKS • Penalties: • SPECIAL NOTE FOR U’S: • If Team B elects to take ball at out of bounds spot, ball is placed at the hash on that side of field, not center of field
CATEGORIES OF KICKSSCRIMMAGE KICKS (PUNTS, FIELD GOALS, TRYS) • Must be made in or behind the NZ and before a change in team possession • A scrimmage kick has crossed the NZ when it touches anything beyond the NZ
CATEGORIES OF KICKSSCRIMMAGE KICKS (PUNTS, FIELD GOALS, TRYS) • If the kick has not crossed the NZ, either team may catch/recover it and advance • If a Team A player voluntarily goes out of bounds during the down he must stay out
CATEGORIES OF KICKSSCRIMMAGE KICKS (PUNTS, FIELD GOALS, TRYS) • Key Concern – Did the kick cross the NZ? • If NO, then: • Either team can catch/recover and advance • Continuity of downs is not broken, even if Team B touches ball • If YES, then: • Team B touching breaks continuity of downs • If Team B is first to touch the kick, Team A may recover, but not advance. • Team A may not be the first to touch the kick (more later on this)
OPPORTUNITY CATCH A KICK (free or scrimmage) • A member of Team B who is beyond the NZ in position to catch a kick and attempting to do so, must be given an “unimpeded opportunity” to do so. • No player of Team A can be inside the 2 yard “halo” of that Team B player
OPPORTUNITY CATCH A KICK (free or scrimmage) • The protection ends when the ball touches the ground or a Team B player beyond the NZ • If the Team a player is blocked by an opponent into the “halo” or the Team B kick receiver, it is not a foul • When in question if this foul is a contact or non-contact foul, it is a contact foul
OPPORTUNITY CATCH A KICK (free or scrimmage) • PENALTIES: • Non-contact foul: 10 yards from spot of foul (where “halo” broken) • Contact foul: 15 yards from spot of foul (where the contact was made) DQ flagrant offenders
FAIR CATCH(free or scrimmage kick) • FAIR CATCH SIGNAL: • Valid = One hand only, extended clearly above the head, and waving it from side to side more than once • Invalid = Any other type of signal • Legal = A valid signal given when a fair catch is permissible by rule • Illegal = Valid or invalid signal made when fair catch is not permissible by rule, i.e after the ball has been touched, or after it touches the ground
FAIR CATCH (free or scrimmage kick) • FAIR CATCH SIGNAL: • No penalty for invalid or illegal signals. Ball just becomes dead once possession is gained.
FAIR CATCH (free or scrimmage kick) • Fair catch is a catch of a kick beyond the NZ (or anywhere in the case of a free kick) by a Team B player who has made a valid signal during a kick that is untouched beyond the NZ (or anywhere in the case of a free kick)
FAIR CATCH (free or scrimmage kick) • Ball is declared dead after completion of the catch or recovery of the ball by any player • Signalling gives the signaller, not other players, protection from being contacted after he catches the ball • If he fails to catch, he does not get protection after the recovery other than normal dead ball protection
FAIR CATCH (free or scrimmage kick) • Player who has made a valid, invalid, or illegal signal and does not touch the ball may not block or foul an opponent during the down • PENALTY: • Free Kick – Team B ball, 15 yards from spot of foul • Scrimmage Kick – 15 yards, PSK or Basic Spot enforcement
FAIR CATCH (free or scrimmage kick) • No player may tackle or “block” a player who has completed a fair catch following a legal signal. • PENALTY: • 15 yards from succeeding spot (where ball was caught) • NOTE: Regular dead ball protection exists after catches/recoveries following invalid or illegal signals
FAIR CATCH (free or scrimmage kick) • No Team B player may carry a caught/recovered ball more than 2 steps in any direction after a valid, invalid, or illegal signal by any Team B player • PENALTY: • 5 yards from succeeding spot (where ball was caught/recovered)
ILLEGAL TOUCHING(FREE KICK) • No Team A player may touch a free kicked ball until: • It touches a Team B player, or • After it breaks and stays beyond the plane of Team B’s restraining line, or • After it touches anything or anyone behind Team B’s restraining line • This is a violation which lets Team B take ball at spot of illegal touch unless there are offsetting fouls or an enforced penalty
ILLEGAL TOUCHING(SCRIMMAGE KICK) • No Team A player may touch a scrimmage kick that has crossed the NZ until: • It touches a Team B player • This is a violation which lets Team B take ball at spot of illegal touch unless there are offsetting fouls or an enforced penalty
ILLEGAL TOUCHING(Forced Touching) • If a player is blocked into the ball by an opponent, he has not touched it • If a player is hit by a ball batted by an opponent, he has not touched it
ROUGHING/RUNNING INTO KICKER • If obvious a scrimmage kick will be made, no player may run into or rough the kicker of a scrimmage kick or the holder of any kick • Running into = Contact that displaces the kicker or holder, but is not roughing • Roughing = Contact that displaces and endangers the kicker or holder
ROUGHING/RUNNING INTO KICKER • Contact by a player who has touched the scrimmage kick is NOT running into or roughing • A defender who is legally blocked into the kicker or holder is not exempt from being flagged for the foul. If he is illegally blocked into the kicker/holder, he is exempt from roughing or running into foul. • When in question, it is roughing not running into
ROUGHING/RUNNING INTO KICKER • PENALTIES: • Roughing: 15 yards from previous spot and an auto 1st down • Running into: 5 yards from previous spot • NOTE: DQ flagrant offenders
BLOCKING RESTRICTIONS ON FREE KICKS • The kicker of a free kick may not be blocked until he has advanced 5 yards beyond his restraining line or the kick has touched the ground, a player, or an official • PENALTY: 15 yards from previous spot
BLOCKING RESTRICTIONS ON FREE KICKS • No Team A player may block an opponent until Team A is eligible to touch the ball. • PENALTY: 5 yards from previous spot