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Approach to and Prospects of Basic Translation and Interpretation 口筆譯基礎歷練的策略與前景. Chen-ching Li 李振清 June 30, 2014. June 19, 2014. After completing The basic class of T&I at SHU, What’s NEXT?. 17 2012-14. 翻譯 ( 口筆譯 ) 的多元性內涵. 輔仁大學跨文化研究所主辦、輔仁大學外語學院、台灣翻譯學學會協辦 《 第十七屆口筆譯教學國際學術研討會 》
Approach to and Prospects of Basic Translation and Interpretation 口筆譯基礎歷練的策略與前景 Chen-ching Li 李振清 June 30, 2014
June 19, 2014 After completing The basic class of T&I at SHU, What’s NEXT?
17 2012-14 翻譯 (口筆譯) 的多元性內涵 輔仁大學跨文化研究所主辦、輔仁大學外語學院、台灣翻譯學學會協辦 《第十七屆口筆譯教學國際學術研討會》 會議主題 「翻譯的多元性:經驗、創意、策略」 • 1. 譯者的多種能力: 讀、聽、說、寫、譯 • 2. 翻譯的多重面向: 人文、科技、外交、財經、傳播、法律、旅遊.... • 3. 翻譯的跨界本質: 科際整合(Interdisciplinary) • 4. 翻譯的創造/新性: Creativity & Innovation • 5. 翻譯教學的務實導向: 教、學、實用性 • 翻譯策略的建構與應用: T&I 的基本策略 • 培養口筆譯能力藉以提升國際視野(大學生的基本歷練) • 口筆譯能力與多元就業機會 北京郭沫若 紀念館(翻譯手稿) 台北 1985 UC Berkeley 1991 UN 1985
正確翻譯的要素:語言能力、多元知識、跨文化理解、終身學習正確翻譯的要素:語言能力、多元知識、跨文化理解、終身學習 Key to T&I: Language, Background Knowledge, Culture and Lifelong Learning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhgQsnmf0us
Basic Aptitudes and Qualification Wilhelm K. Weber Former Dean, Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation Monterey Institute of International Studies 1. TRANSLATION the transposition of a text written in a source language into a target language 2. INTERPRETATION (Consecutive; Simultaneous) the oral transposition of an orally delivered message at a conference or a meeting from a source language into a target language, performed in the presence of the participants 3. SIGHT TRANSLATION (視譯) translation from written medium (text) to the oral medium
Translation (written format) Consecutive Interpretation (CI) Simultaneous Interpretation (SI) The United Nations SI: Simultaneous Interpretation CI: Consecutive Interpretation CI: Consecutive Interpretation CI: Consecutive Interpretation
APEC HRD Labor Minister Meeting, Kumamoto, Japan Sep. 27 - 30, 2001 Minister of Labor Chen Ju (陳菊)could not speak English, but she communicated successfully with her New Zealand counterpart who could not speak Chinese. How did she make it? Hon. Steve Maharey Minister of Labor (2011) Vice Chancellor (President) Massey University in Palmerston North (2011) 林宜瑾 東吳大學 專業口譯
LANGUAGE Spoken Written SPEAKING READING WRITING LISTENING Receptive Skills Productive Skills COMMUNICATION The foundation of T&I TRANSLATING INTERPRETING (Duff 2008; Krashen 2007; Li 2008, 2011; Robinett 1978)
On Basic Translation and Interpretation (T&I) 口筆譯基礎歷練的目標與功能 How can T&I help you fulfill your dream in the future? Proficiency of Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, plus Responsiveness. Sufficient vocabulary (lexicon), syntactic literacy, background knowledge The United Nation (UN) by the Hudson River, New York
A more challenging career in the global setting Debating at the UN T&I is needed for facilitating communication. Are you ready for the challenge? Is it a “Mission Impossible”?
http://translate.miis.edu/mati/index.html Many clients, unaware of the distinction between the two aspects of the profession, expect the same person to be able to perform both tasks. As a result, more than 60 percent of GSTI students choose to pursue an MATI degree. Graduates have found that being able to provide both translation and interpretation services gives them a significant edge in today's competitive job market.