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Assessing non-English Language Proficiency of Clinicians who Bypass Interpreters

Assessing non-English Language Proficiency of Clinicians who Bypass Interpreters. Lisa Diamond, MD, MPH, Assistant Attending Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Immigrant Health and Cancer Disparities Service Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences/Department of Medicine

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Assessing non-English Language Proficiency of Clinicians who Bypass Interpreters

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  1. Assessing non-English Language Proficiency of Clinicians who Bypass Interpreters Lisa Diamond, MD, MPH, Assistant Attending Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Immigrant Health and Cancer Disparities Service Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences/Department of Medicine 646-888-4246 Office diamondl@mskcc.org Funding: The California Endowment and NCI R21 CA168489

  2. Acknowledgements Coauthors: • Sukyung Chung, Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute (AHRQ K01 HS019815 and The California Endowment ) • Warren Ferguson, University of Massachusetts Medical Center • Elizabeth Jacobs, University of Wisconsin – Madison • Francesca Gany, MSKCC

  3. Background • Clear communication between clinicians and patients is essential • Patient-clinician communication associated with patient satisfaction, adherence to physician recommendations, and health outcomes • Patients with LEP often experience poor patient-clinician communication

  4. Background • Language concordance generally leads to better outcomes for LEP patients • Few studies of cancer screening show lower rates for LEP patients with language concordant providers • Few studies have systematically measured clinician language proficiency

  5. Study Objective • To evaluate the accuracy of a structured self-assessment of non-English language proficiency compared to a validated oral proficiency interview for clinicians.

  6. Project Setting • Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF) >10% pts preferred language other than English (mainly Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese) • Massachusetts Community Health Centers (MA CHC) >30% pts preferred language other than English (mainly Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, French)

  7. Recruitment • Clinicians with any level of proficiency in Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, French, Portuguese, Vietnamese • 16 PAMF, 51 MA CHC • Survey - self-reported language proficiency, demographics • Oral proficiency interview • Gift card

  8. Self-Assessment Scale • Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) Scale • Scale consists of 5 main levels with descriptive explanations of each • Adapted for the study to be used as a self-reporting tool to reflect language proficiency in medical situations

  9. Adapted ILR Scale

  10. Oral Proficiency Interview • Clinician Cultural and Linguistic Assessment (CCLA) • Validated in 17 languages • Administered by telephone, available 24/7 • $100/test • 30-40 min • Passing score 80

  11. Analysis • Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test to assess equality in CCLA test score by language • Spearman test to assess correlation between CCLA scores and the ILR scale for overall sample and by language • Kruskal-Wallis squared rank test to assess equality of variance in CCLA scores across ILR categories

  12. Results

  13. Summary Statistics of Sample

  14. ILR Scale vs. CCLA Test Score, by Language

  15. Language Differences • Significant correlation between ILR scale and CCLA scores: • Spanish (n=53, rho=0.45, p<0.001) • Other languages combined (n=5, rho=0.95, p<0.05) • No significant correlation for those tested in Chinese (n=9, rho=0.42, p=0.25) • Spanish respondents scored higher (77.9) than Chinese respondents (60.8) (p<0.05).

  16. Limitations • Small sample • Focused on language proficiency only • Two settings with different populations • ILR scale not usually self-administered • ILR adapted for this study to address clinician-patient interactions • Unable to assess relationship between clinician non-English language proficiency and quality of care

  17. Conclusions • Clinicians who self-assess on low and high ends of the ILR scale are accurate • Clinicians in the middle range may require verification of self-assessments • Health care organizations and providers need to understand limitations of self-assessment • Research needed to understand level of language proficiency needed to provide safe and effective care

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