El origen de la vida Título: "El origen de la vida" Reseña: ¿De dónde provienen los seres vivos? La teoría quimiosintética, formulada por Alexander Oparin en 1938, sugiere que los primeros seres vivos se originaron a partir de compuestos orgánicos que se formaron abióticamente en la Tierra primitiva. Posteriormente, en 1953, Stanley Miller inició la investigación experimental en origen de la vida, al obtener aminoácidos simulando las condiciones existentes en la Tierra, previas al origen de la vida. En está plática revisaremos algunos de los avances científicos que nos permiten entender un poco mejor esta pregunta fundamental de las ciencias biológicas.
origin of life ? living systems non-living matter
Therefore I should infer from analogy that probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed. The Origin of Species Darwin (1859)
Alexander Oparin (1894-1980) J.B.S. Haldane (1892-1964)
Heterotrophic origin of life reducing atmosphere synthesis of organic compounds & formation of the primitive soup coacervates primordial heterotrophs
Early abiotic synthesis of biochemical compounds 1) Proust 1807 HCN polymer + adenine (?) 2) Wöhler 1828 NH4NCO urea 3) Strecker 1850 CH3CHO + NH3 + HCN alanine 4) Butlerow 1861 HCHO sugars OH- OH-
Harold C. Urey’s primitive terrestrial atmosphere C + 2H2 -> CH4 N2 + 3H2 -> NH3 O2 + 2H2 -> H2O S + H2 -> H2S CO2 + 6H2 -> CH4 + 2H2O
Abiotic synthesis of amino acids Miller, 1953
1953: Annus mirabilis Watson & Crick Double-helix model of DNA Sanger & Thompson Complete sequencing of a protein Prebiotic synthesis of organic compounds S. L. Miller
5 HCN adenine Joan Oró
5 HCN adenine Joan Oró
Prebiotic syntheses that work 1. Amino acids from Strecker synthesis 2. Purines from HCN polymerization 3. Pyrimidines from cyanoacetylene & urea 4. Sugars from HCHO polymerization
Abiotic synthesis under hydrothermal vent conditions FeS + H2S -> FeS2 + H2 NiS/FeS 2CH3-SH + CO CH3CO(SCH3) + H2S CH3-SH + CO + H2O CH3-COOH + H2S amino acids + CO dipeptides NiS/FeS NiS/FeS
Some interstellar molecules H2, OH, SiS, HCl, NaCl, KCl, CH, CH+,CN, CO, CS, C2 H2O, H2S, N2H+, SO2, HCO+, HCN, C2H, C3, C2O, COS NH3, H2CO, HNCO, H2CS,C2H2 SiH4, HC3N, H2CN, CH4,C5, H2C=C=O, HCOOH, HNCO CH3OH, CH3CCN, HCONH2 CH3COH, CH3C2H, CH3NH2, H2CCHCN, HC5N HCOOCH3, CH3CH2, (CH3) 2O, HCN7N HC9N, HC11N
An extraterrestrial origin of organic compounds? The Murchison meteorite Meteor Crater, Arizona
Compounds in the Murchison meteorite aromatic hydrocarbons alcohols (C1-C4) aliphatic hydrocarbons aldehydes (C2-C4) sulfonic acids polyols (C2-C4) phosphonic acids monocarboxylic acids (C1-C8) ketones (C3-C5) dicarboxylic acids (C2-C5) hydroxy acids (C2-C9) amines (C1-C4) amino acids pyridines urea quinolines purines polypyrroles pyrimidines
Closing in on a time frame for the origin of life on Earth ? cooling of the Earth impact frustrations fossil record 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 The age of the Earth (billions of years ago)
Prebiotic sources of organic compounds 1) anoxic interfase ocean/atmosphere 2) input in meteorites 3)high-temperature vent chemistry
reducing environments NH3 CH4 HCN extraterrestrial organics pyrite primordial soup
origin of life ? living systems prebiotic soup
M + B + T Metabolism + Boundaries + Template based reproduction of hereditary material Szathmary et al. 2005
reproduction (replication) metabolism (catalysis) replication protometabolism protometabolism replication protometabolism prebiotic organic compounds METABOLIC VIEW GENETIC VIEW
*A *U *A *A *U A U U *U A *U *A montmorillonite Ferris 2002
The study of the origin and early evolution of life ? (Modified from Lazcano & Miller, 1999)