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Design Considerations for a 13 Reactor Neutrino Experiment with Multiple Detectors. Karsten M. Heeger Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Issues of Interest. Baseline Detector Locations Detector Size and Volume Detector Shape Detector Target and Detection Method
Design Considerations for a 13 Reactor Neutrino Experiment with Multiple Detectors Karsten M. Heeger Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Beijing, January 18, 2003
Issues of Interest Baseline Detector Locations Detector Size and Volume Detector Shape Detector Target and Detection Method Depth and Overburden Muon Veto and Effficiency Calibrations Beijing, January 18, 2003
M. Appollonio, hep-ex/0301017 Current Knowledge of 13 from Reactors Reactor anti-neutrino measurement at 1 km at Chooz + Palo Verde:e x Beijing, January 18, 2003
theor. kinetic energy spectrum 2.1% detector response 1.7% total 2.7% neutron capture: lowest efficiency, largest relative error Chooz Systematics Ref: Apollonio et al., hep-ex/0301017 Absolute measurements are difficult! Beijing, January 18, 2003
Future 13 Reactor Experiment detector 1 detector 2 Ratio of Spectra • independent of absolute reactor flux • largely eliminate cross-section errors • relative detector calibration • rate and shape information Energy (MeV) Reactor Neutrino Measurement of 13 Present Reactor Experiments single detector (a) Flux at detector (b) cross-section (c) spectrum in detector Absolute Flux and Spectrum (c) (b) (a) Energy (MeV) Beijing, January 18, 2003
Baseline Beijing, January 18, 2003
2 underground detectors 1500 ft nuclear reactor • Powerful (two reactors 3.1+ 3.1 GW Eth) • Overburden (up to 700 mwe) • Infrastructure (roads, controlled access) Diablo Canyon - An Example Beijing, January 18, 2003
Measuring 13 with Reactor Neutrinos atmospheric frequency dominant, sterile contribution possible Diablo Canyon 1500 ft 0.4 km 1-2 km nuclear reactor e + p e+ + n coincidence signal prompt e+ annihilation delayed n capture (in s) 2-3 underground scintillator detectors, 50-100 t study relative rate difference and spectral distortions projected sensitivity: sin2213 0.01-0.02 Beijing, January 18, 2003
Ref: Huber et al. hep-ph/0303232 Optimum Baseline for a Rate Experiment reactor spectrum Survival Probability E=4 MeV Beijing, January 18, 2003
Detector Baseline • Detector baselines sensitive to matm2. • Tunnel (1-2 km) + fixed detector (0.4 km) preserves option to adjust/optimize baseline • Near detector • Normalizes flux for rate analysis. • Far detectors • Range of distance useful for shape analysis, • more robust to matm2. 0.4 km 1-2 km nuclear reactor < 1 km Adjustable Baseline • to maximize oscillation sensitivity • to demonstrate oscillation effect Beijing, January 18, 2003
Detector Locations Beijing, January 18, 2003
Diablo Canyon, CA Flux Systematics with Multiple Reactor Cores Neutrino flux at detector I from reactors A and B Indivual reactor flux contributions and systematics cancel exactly if Condition I: 1/r2 fall-off of reactor flux the same for all detectors. Condition 2:Survival probabilities are approximately the same • Approximate flux cancellation possible at other locations Relative Error Between Detector 1 and 2 rate shape Relative flux error (1%) < 0.3% < 0.01% Reactor core separation (100 m) < 0.14% < 0.1% Finite detector length (10 m) < 0.2% < 0.1% • Shape analysis largely insensitive to flux systematics. • Distortions are robust signature of oscillations. Systematic effect due to baseline difference baseline 0.2% Beijing, January 18, 2003
Tunnel with Multiple Detector Rooms and Movable Detectors ~12 m detector room 5 m low-background counting room detector room detector rooms at 2 or more distances Movable Detectors • allow relative efficiency calibration • allow background calibration in same environment (overburden) • simplify logistics (construction off-site) Beijing, January 18, 2003
Detector Size and Volume Beijing, January 18, 2003
Detector Size Detector Event Rate/Year Statistical Error ~250,000 ~60,000 stat ~ 0.5%forL= 300t-yr Nominal data taking: 3 years (?) Interaction rate: 300 /yr/ton at 1.8 km Fiducial volume > 30 ton at 1.8 km ~10,000 Muon Flux and Deadtime Muon veto requirements increase with volume. Perhaps we want 2 x 25 t detectors? Beijing, January 18, 2003
Detector Shape and Experimental Layout Beijing, January 18, 2003
Cylindrical vs Spherical? Modular? Access, Infrastructure, and Logistics movable detector in tunnel, or built in place Muon veto efficiency what is most cost effective? Backgrounds spherical symmetry easier to understand Fiducial volume and total volume Beijing, January 18, 2003
Tunnel with Multiple Detector Rooms and Movable Detectors ~12 m detector room 5 m low-background counting room detector room Beijing, January 18, 2003
Tunnel and Detector Halls Beijing, January 18, 2003
6 m Tunnel Cross-Section Beijing, January 18, 2003
Detector Concept muon veto acrylic vessel 5 m liquid scintillator buffer oil 1.6 m passive shield Movable Detectors • allow relative efficiency calibration • allow background calibration in same environment (overburden) • simplify logistics (construction off-site) Beijing, January 18, 2003
Cylindrical vs Spherical - What is more economical? sphere cylinder total fiducial Beijing, January 18, 2003
Depth and Overburden Beijing, January 18, 2003
Overburden Goal Background/Signal < 1% background = accidental + correlated Chooz candidate events reactor on 2991 reactor off 287 (bkgd) Minimum overburden scaling Chooz background with muon spectrum that generates spallation backgrounds bkgd depth (mwe) 10% 300 < 5% > 400 < 2% > 560 < 1% > 730 Beijing, January 18, 2003
Muon-Induced Production of Radioactive Isotopes in LS correlated: -n cascade, ~few 100ms. Only 8He, 9Li, 11Li (instable isotopes). uncorrelated: single ratedominated by 11C rejection through muon tracking and depth Beijing, January 18, 2003
Neutron Production in Rock A. da Silva PhD thesis, UCB 1996 Beijing, January 18, 2003
300 mwe 700 mwe Overburden FAR I @ 1.8 km/ ~700 mwe FAR I @ 1 km/ ~300 mwe NEAR @ 400 m/ < 100 mwe Overburden and Muon Flux Beijing, January 18, 2003
Muon Veto and Efficiency Beijing, January 18, 2003
Detector and Shielding Concept Active muon tracker + passive shielding + inner liquid scintillator detector Beijing, January 18, 2003
Detector and Shielding Concept allows you to measure fast n backgrounds rock 3-layer muon tracker and active veto n passive shielding Beijing, January 18, 2003
Muon Veto and Efficiency Chooz have 98% (?) > 99.5% possible (?) Chooz has 9.5% irreducible background, presumably due to spallation backgrounds. Improvement in muon veto can reduce backgrounds. event candidates reactor on 2991 reactor off 287 bkgd muon veto efficiency 10% 98% 2% 99.5% < 0.5% 99.9% Beijing, January 18, 2003
Calibrations Beijing, January 18, 2003
Relative Detector Calibration Neutrino detection efficiency in same location (under same overburden) to have same backgrounds Energy response and reconstruction of detectors can be done with movable calibration system Beijing, January 18, 2003
Calibration Systems (I): Inner Liquid Scintillator Inner Deployment System Kevlar • Modeled after SNO: - Kevlar ropes and gravity used to position source • Calibrates most of inner volume • Can deploy passive and active calibration sources: neutron laser e- (e+ ?) • Minimum amount of material introduced into the detector Beijing, January 18, 2003
Calibration Systems (II): Buffer Oil Region Calibration Track Passive calibration source mounted on track. Allows calibration at fixed distance from PMT. Automatic calibration, ‘parked’ outside tank. Fixed LED’s Beijing, January 18, 2003
Fiducial Volume Weight sensor Inner Detector Kevlar • Precise determination of mass of inner liquid scintillator; - fill volume (< 0.5%) - weight • Outstanding R&D Issues 1. Gd-doping? 2. Position reconstruction? 3. Scintillating buffer volume? (scintillating buffer around target to see from e+ capture and Gd decays) Beijing, January 18, 2003
Need to overconstrain experiment Nothing can replace good data …. overburden critical Beijing, January 18, 2003
Positron Energy (MeV) Statistics and Systematics Detector Event Rate/Year ~250,000 ~60,000 Nobs/Nno-osc ~10,000 Positron Energy (MeV) Statistical error: stat ~ 0.5%forL= 300t-yr Reactor Flux• near/far ratio, choice of detector location flux < 0.2% Detector Efficiency• near and far detector of same design • calibrate relative detector efficiency rel eff ≤ 1% target ~ 0.3% Target Volume &• no fiducial volume cut Backgrounds• external active and passive shielding acc < 0.5% nbkgd< 1% Total Systematics syst ~ 1-1.5% Beijing, January 18, 2003