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Chapter Six. Nonverbal Communication 非口語溝通. Why is nonverbal communication important?. “ Many, and sometimes most, … in human encounters are elicited by touch, glance, vocal nuance, gestures, or facial expression with or without the aid of words. “
Chapter Six Nonverbal Communication 非口語溝通
Why is nonverbal communication important? • “Many, and sometimes most, …in human encounters are elicited by touch, glance, vocal nuance, gestures, or facial expression with or without the aid of words. “ (不管有無文字的介入,人類大部分的相處都會經由 碰觸、眼神、聲音、手勢或面部表情來傳達。) - Barnlund
What is Nonverbal Communication? 1. the expression that the speaker gives : (in a traditional and narrow sense) (說話者表情) 2. the impression that the speaker gives off: (a broader range) (說話者給他人的印象) - Goffman (Sociologist)
Forms of Nonverbal Communication非口語溝通的種類 • Repeating: (說+動作) the gestures and words have a similar meaning and reinforce one another • Complementing: (說+動作+表情) accent the idea the speaker is trying to make • Substituting: (動作代替說話) perform actions instead of speaking • Regulating:(動作控制場面) nonverbal behavior controls the situation • Contradicting: (動作和說話相反) actions against literal meanings
Nonverbal Communication: Guidelines and Limitations非口語溝通:準則和侷限 • 1. There are individual differences (個別差異) • 2. Nonverbal behaviors seldom occur in isolation (非口語溝通不單獨存在,必定具有意義) • 3. Stress the differences more often. But, does it help?
Culture and Nonverbal Communication 文化和非口語溝通的關係 • 文化和非口語行為處處可見 Culture & nonverbal behavior is all-pervasive, multidimensional, and boundless in everywhere and everything. • 二者的特性 1. 例子俯拾皆是 Culture and nonverbal behavior examples are virtually limitless. 2. 許多行為顯而易見, 卻需要學習才能了解 Both need to be learned. Although much of outward behavior is innate, we are not born knowing the communication dimensions
Why should we learn culture and nonverbal behavior?(為什麼要學習文化與非口語行為?) • 1. 藉著行為中的文化差異以了解潛在的態度 與價值觀 By understanding important cultural differences in this behavior, you will be able to gather clues about underlying attitudes and values. • 2. 研究非口語行為可以藉此減低民族優越感 The study of nonverbal behaviors can assist us in isolating our own ethnocentrism.
Two Categories of Nonverbal Communication非口語溝通的分類 • 1. Body Behavior(肢體行為) appearance, movement, facial expressions, eye contact, touch, smell,and paralanguage • 2. Individual with Setting(周遭環境) space, time and silence
Three Major Categories of Nonverbal Communication • 1. PARALANGUAGE 副語言 • 2. KINESICS動作學 • 3. PROXEMICS人際距離學 -- Patricia Ball • http://www.linguaggiodelcorpo.it/general/
Body Behavior • General Appearance “The use of the body for decoration appears to be a cultural universal” Keesing (anthropologist) • Clothing 1. 「佛要金裝,人要衣裝」 2. “By the husk you may judge the nut.” • Examples: 1. German: dress = home 2. Spanish: dress = rank (social status) 3. Japan: dress = collectivism , harmony
Body Movement: Kinesics(動作學) • “None preaches better than the ant, and shesays nothing.” (沒有人比螞蟻更會傳教,她可是一句話都沒說) 意思是:叫你閉嘴? 或者是:做就對了? - Benjamin Franklin • Kinesics: visible body shifts and movements to send messages about (1) our attitude (body orientation) (2) our emotion (3) our desire
Our Attitude Body Orientation : 爭取照片左側優勢,站右邊啦!
Our Emotion • Depression 沮喪
Our Desire • Hello Kitty: One Nation Under Cute http://psychologytoday.com/articles/pto-20070319-000004.html
Posture and Sitting Habits • Examples: 1. Bow(鞠躬)in Japan: status, rank, and respect 2. Slouch (低頭垂肩的姿勢) in the States: causal and friendliness (悠閒友善的表示) in German: rudeness and poor manners (粗魯、禮貌差) 3. Body Orientation: Arabs a direct body orientation Chinese a less direct stance
Gestures • 隨便一個小動作可以打起架來 A slightest variation in performing a certain gesture can be the catalyst for a violent confrontation • Examples: 拿出你的食指來
Whose Fault Was It?誰的錯 • 食指是 他的錯啦! http://www.flickr.com/photos/flipper202/209002247/
OK Gesture • Western European countries, OK, especially between pilots and drivers (西歐國家 – 常使用, 尤其使用於機師或司機間) • Japan now we may talk about money (日本 可代表錢的手勢) • Some Latin American countries, Eastern Europe and Russia an indecent sexual sign. (拉丁美洲、東歐、俄國 與性有關的不雅手勢)
Where is it? (哪個國家的麥當勞?) • 答案:泰國
Facial Expressions • We put on a face to meet the faces that we meet. -- T.S. Eliot • There are universal facial expressions. 臉部表情難以評估,但世界仍有共通的表情 • 1. 負面情緒 • 2. 正面情緒:
相關研究 • 負面情緒 1. 沿地中海國家文化,表情誇張 2. 美國白種男性壓抑負面情緒 3. 日本男性藉由笑聲掩飾負面情緒 • 正面情緒: 微笑 1. 美國:快樂或友善的表示 2.日本:以笑聲避免回答問題 3. 韓國: 動作太大被視為膚淺 • 結論:以性別為研究對象 女性比男性善用臉部表情,表情較多, 會報以微笑,易受微笑吸引
Paralanguage • Definition: (定義) (1) vocal characterizers (laughing, crying,…) 例:笑聲、哭聲 (2) vocal qualifiers (volume, pitch, …) 例:音量、音高 (3) vocal segregates ( uh-huh, shh,…)例:停頓、感嘆詞類的聲音 • Function:(功能) drawing conclusions about one’s emotional state (辨識對方的情緒)
Paralanguage • Examples: Volume (音量) Arabs: loud volume connotes strength and sincerity (阿拉伯:大聲代表力量和真誠,聲音小代表軟弱和迂迴) Germans: commanding tone projects authority & self-confidence (德國: 命令的口吻代表權威和自信) Thais: being impolite (泰國: 無禮的) Japan: a lack of self-control (日本: 欠缺自制的能力)
Co-Culture(共同文化) • Race(族群) African Americans vs. white Americans (emotional, dynamic, & enthusiastic in voice) (非裔美人比白種人的聲音表情來得多樣化) • Gender (性別):communication patterns of males and females (男性與女性聲音的差別) 女性的聲音較高,說話較溫和,表情較多, ’-ing’的尾音較完整,聲音傾向於標準語言
Proxemics(人際距離學) • Definition: (定義) set measurable distances between people as they interact -- Edward T. Hall (anthropologist, 1959) • Personal Space: (個人距離) linked to the value system of the culture (與各文化價值觀相關) • Examples: Closer physical distanceLatin culture, Middle Eastern culture (近距離) 拉丁文化、中東文化 Extra interpersonal distance Asian culture, Nordic culture (遠距離) 亞洲文化、北歐文化
Time (時間 ) • Three Perspectives to Examine the Conception of Time 檢視時間定義的面向可分為三類 • Informal time : How late is late? 對時間的認知 • Perception of past, present, and future 對過去、現在、未來的認知 • Hall’s monochronic ( 單一時間模式) and polychronic (多元時間模式) classifications
Time 1 . Informal time : How late is late? 例: 美國: 老闆可以遲到,大牌可以遲到視地位而定 義大利: 遲到2小時是正常 印尼: 慢慢來 Conclusion: 從各文化中可檢驗出對待時間的態度
Time 2. Perception of past, present, and future Past oriented cultures English, Chinese, Greek, Japanese, French Characteristics (特性) value the past and respect the elderly Present oriented cultures Filipinos and Latin Americans Characteristics (特性) be impulsive and spontaneous a casual & relaxed lifestyle Future oriented culture Americans Characteristics (特性) : welcome innovation and change
Time 3. Hall’s monochronic ( M-time/ 單一時間模式) and polychronic (P-time/ 多元時間模式) classifications • M-time 代表文化: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and America • 定義: 以一種線性、有順序的方式來工作,一次完成一項任務 • 時間就是金錢,訂計畫在M-time文化裡十分重要, 遲到和中斷被視為大忌 (lateness & interruption are not tolerated)
Time:polychronic (P-time/ 多元時間模式) • P-time 代表文化: Latin and Arab countries • 定義: 以一種環狀、無規定性的方式來工作,同時完成數項任務 • 訂計畫在P-time文化裡幾乎不存在,遲到ok ,中斷也無所謂 • 你是哪一種?
Perception of Time & Priorities: Polychronic vs. Monochronic • P-time & M-time 的對照表可參閱: http://hackvan.com/pub/stig/etext/monochronic-vs-polychronic-time.html
Silence (靜默、不說話) • Intercultural implications of silence 靜默、不說話在不同文化中的代表意義是? 「嫁給我好嗎?」 美國: 不確定 日本: 好啦! 伊布人(Igbo):不願意(跑!)
Silence in Different Cultures • A meaningless point of view(視靜默無意義) Cultures: Jewish, Italian, Greek, Arab and American cultures • A meaningful value (沉默是金) Cultures:eastern cultures, Native American 靜默才能找到內心的平靜與智慧
請小布希來示範 • Thank you, Mr. President.