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SLAC/Stanford Science Research & Funding Opportunities

SLAC/Stanford Science Research & Funding Opportunities. Pat Kreitz February 1, 2008. Analyzed federal funding for basic and applied science. What research programs and initiatives currently exist, that could provide additional support beyond SLAC’s traditional funding sources?

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SLAC/Stanford Science Research & Funding Opportunities

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  1. SLAC/Stanford Science Research & FundingOpportunities Pat Kreitz February 1, 2008

  2. Analyzed federal funding forbasic and applied science • What research programs and initiatives currently exist, that could provide additional support beyond SLAC’s traditional funding sources? • Are there funding sources to support new opportunities for a re-invented and re-focused SLAC/Stanford science research enterprise?

  3. Research process • Past federal research programs • Future national science research agenda • Sources • Current agency research portfolios • Past research grants • Committee reports & research roadmaps • Articles & talks about the future of science • Funding databases • National Laboratories’ research activities • University, society & agency press releases • Compilations such as R&D magazine’s R&D 100 Awards

  4. Presentation will cover: • Scientific research in federal agencies • Designing strategic research agendas • Sharing assumptions and themes • Coordinating solutions • Research community responses • Labs: LBNL, ANL • Interdisciplinary projects: Human Brain • Interdisciplinary problems: Artificial Retina • SLAC/SU potential responses

  5. Strategic approaches to R&D: BES within DOE

  6. Where is SLAC on thesestrategic R&D roadmaps?

  7. Similar strategic approaches • Focused by agency mission and goals • Scientific problems are more difficult because they are more interdisciplinary • Scientific problems are shared • Shared problems are framed as practical solutions to “crisis-defined” agency roles

  8. NIH Roadmap forInterdisciplinary Medical Research • Establishing a series of awards to make it easier to conduct interdisciplinary research • Training scientists in interdisciplinary strategies • Creating specialized centers to help forge new and more advanced disciplines from existing ones • Supplementing existing awards to encourage more interdisciplinary depth • Catalyzing collaboration between the life and physical sciences

  9. Similar strategic approaches • Focused by agency mission and goals • Scientific problems are more difficult because they are more interdisciplinary • Scientific problems are shared • Shared problems are framed as practical solutions to “crisis-defined” agency roles

  10. Earth Science and Applicationsfrom Space: National Imperativesfor the Next Decade and Beyond • A National Research Council report written by staff from NASA, NOAA, & USGS • Recommendations: • Develop a science strategy for obtaining long-term, continuous, stable observations of the Earth system that are distinct from weather prediction • Build and sustain an Earth Knowledge and Information System • Create a climate data and information system to ensure the production, distribution, analysis, and stewardship of high-accuracy climate records

  11. Similar strategic approaches • Focused by agency mission and goals • Scientific problems are more difficult because they are more interdisciplinary • Scientific problems are shared • Shared problems are framed as practical solutions to “crisis-defined” agency roles

  12. DOE frames science assolving national problems • Two great crises facing our nation: • Maintaining our economic competitiveness • Ensuring energy security • “Current technologies cannot meet these challenges and incremental improvements…will not suffice…we need fundamental breakthroughs” • Biofuels • Electrical energy storage • Fusion • Nuclear energy (from a speech by DOE’s Ray Orbach, “Transformational Science for Energy and the Environment”)

  13. Research roadmaps reflectfive core problems • How to meet our resource needs for energy, food, and water? • How to ensure economic competitiveness? • How to understand and respond to global environmental issues? • How to improve human health and the quality of life? • How to support and improve national security and homeland defense?

  14. Research roadmaps identifyscientific themes • Theme: produce diversified, secure, affordable, clean and efficient energy sources • Theme: the Biological Century • Support sciences: • Chemistry and materials science viewed as tools for understanding and manipulating processes • Engineering is a hyphenated concept • Physics provides fundamental underpinnings • Nanoscience in service of biological and non-biological systems • Powerful computational support systems support most of these themes

  15. Agencies funding similar activities, e.g. U.S. Department of Agriculture • Nanotechnology: • Development of Nanotechnology for Rapid Detection of Food Pathogens • Application of Plant-Viral Based Vectors to the Development of Novel Disease Control Strategies • Imaging: • Biophotonics - the Application of Novel Imaging Methodologies to Livestock Production Research • Development of Rapid, Non-Destructive Hyperspectral Imaging Methodology to Measure Fungal Growth and Aflatoxin Contamination • Imaging Systems and Analytical Tools for Remote Detection of Crop Physiological Status and Potential Insect Predation • Computation: • Global Estimation of Canopy Water Content • Massively Parallel Sequencing to Determine Global Transcript Profiles in Soybean Following Phytophthora Sojae Infection • Catalysts: • Microbial Catalysts to Produce Fuel Ethanol and Value Added Products • Evolutionary Enzyme Design for Improved Biorefining of Crops and Residues

  16. Research opportunitiescross agency boundaries • Chemistry • Climate • Complex Systems • Fuels and Energy • Lasers and Accelerators • Nanoscience • New Tools and Instruments

  17. Chemistry: • BES: Improved catalysts for fuel and chemical production • DOE Fossil Energy Office: National Energy Technology Laboratory: “Nanoparticles: Are they Viable Reagents…?” • DOE EERE: Technology for harnessing biomass both biochemically and thermochemically • USDA: Microbial catalysts for produce fuel ethanol; enzyme design for biorefining

  18. Climate • NASA: Call for Research Proposals: • Carbon cycle science • Atmospheric composition • Artic research on tropospheric chemistry • Hybrid Doppler Wind Lidar (HDWL) in low Earth orbit • USDA: National Research Program: • Air quality program • Global change: Projecting climate and weather changes through models at many spatial scales • Dept. of Commerce: NOAA: Climate Program Office: • Air resources • Earth systems • Environmental conditions, modeling, and effects • Severe storms and weather • Geophysical fluid dynamics • DOE Office of Science: Biological and Environmental Research: • Climate change • Environmental remediation

  19. Complex systems: design, modeling,testing and analysis • DOE Civilian Radioactive Waste Management: • New or improved scientific investigation methods or tools for waste package verification, natural systems, and monitoring • DOE & NIH Isotope Program: • Computational and instrumentation development • National Energy Technology Laboratory: • “Virtual engineering of Advanced Power Generation Systems” • DOE Environmental Management: • Partnership for the development of next generation simulation tools for evaluating cementitious barriers and materials • DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: • Developing building energy software and simulation tools • US Department of Agriculture: • Developing and delivering science-based information and analytical tools for agricultural management decision-making • Furnishing genetic and bioinformatics tools for plant genetic development and plant biological and molecular processes • Global change: synthesizing, analyzing and projecting information, creating predictive models at all spatial scales • National Science Foundation: • Collaborative research in computational neuroscience: computational understanding of the nervous system • Mathematical Geosciences: mathematical and statistical modeling of large, complex geosystems, managing uncertainty at large-scales; analyzing large data sets • NASA, NOAA, USGS: • Build and sustain an Earth Knowledge and Information System • Create a climate data and information system to ensure the production, distribution, and stewardship of high-accuracy climate records • National Cancer Institute: Center for Bioinformatics: • Next generation NCIB software—open development initiative • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency: • Improve and scale up qubit technologies • Explore strategies for computation and communication using quantum systems • An interactive design tool using mathematical techniques like those developed for the Internet to represent, organize and exploit information in the vast world of high-dimensional data

  20. Fuels and Energy • DOE: Basic Energy Sciences: • Materials that improve the efficiency, economy, environmental acceptability, and safety of energy generation, conversion, transmission, and use • New solar photo conversion processes • DOE: Nuclear Energy: • Longer-term development and deployment of next-generation advanced reactors and fuel cycles • DOE Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy: • Geothermal program: Research to reduce the cost and expand availability of geothermal energy • Fuel and transportation research: Hybrid & vehicle research • Biomass program: Create biorefineries • US Department of Agriculture: • Energy crops: Evaluation of grass straw feedstocks to convert to energy • Clean, efficient ethanol production • Biodiesel fuels • DOD: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency: • Explore achieving nearly complete packaging waste reduction while harnessing 90 percent of the packaging energy content for electricity generation

  21. Hydrogen • DOE Nuclear Energy Office: • Significant R&D in nuclear hydrogen production technologies; heat transfer components; corrosion-resistant materials • DOE Fossil Energy: • International Partnership for a Hydrogen Economy • DOE EERE: • Hydrogen Fuel initiative • USDA: • ARS project: production from biomass sugars • Hydrogen fuel cells • Hydrogen & ionic bonding to produce thermostability

  22. Lasers and Accelerators: • DOE Fusion Energy Sciences: laser research is critical to developing the knowledge base needed for an economically and environmentally attractive fusion energy source • NIH, DOE, FDA: Improve radionuclide production, chemistry, and automation to lower the cost and increase the availability of radiopharmaceuticals by inventing a new miniaturized particle accelerator and associated technologies • National Research Council: Committee on AMO 2010: Future discoveries will require significant advancements in laser, sensor, and detector technology • NETL, LANL, Colorado State University: laser spark plugs

  23. Nanoscience • DOE & NIH: • Radiopharmaceutical compounds development and deployment • USDA: • Nanotechnology for rapid detection of good pathogens • novel disease control strategies • NSF: Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers: • biomolecular, biomimetic materials; • nanostructures and nanoparticles • NSF & EPA: • Proposals due March 2008 to create a new Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology • Conduct fundamental research and education on the implications of nanotechnology for the environment and living systems at all scales • DARPA: • Novel, biocompatible ferrofluids, or magnetic “tags,” with superior magnetic properties capable of attaching to single bio-molecules and cells with a high degree of specificity • Bio-compatible, high-sensitivity magnetic sensors capable of detecting single magnetic nanoparticles with 100 nm or less diameters • Hybrid bio-molecular devices/systems that use biological units (e.g., Protein Ion Channels/Nanopores, G-Protein Coupled Receptors, etc.) for sensing but use silicon circuitry for signal processing

  24. Tools and Instruments • DOE EERE: • Acoustic telemetry systems • Low emissions atmospheric geothermal steam separator • FreedomCAR • USDA: Imaging: • Applying biophotonics to livestock production research • Rapid, non-destructive hyperspectral imaging methodology • Global estimating of canopy water content • NSF: Directed nano-assemblies and interfaces for advanced electronics • NIH: Exploratory/developmental bioengineering research • NIH, DOE, FDA: • Develop higher resolution, more sensitive imaging instruments (PET/MRI) • Develop new technology platforms to accelerate and lower cost of discovering and validating new molecular imaging probes, biomarkers and radiotherapeutic agents • DARPA: • Guided BEC interferometry program to enable atom interferometer-based measurement units • Chemical Communications Program to develop self-powered chemical systems that can encode an input string of alphanumeric characters, convert the message to a modulated optical signal, and transmit it repetitively to a receiver

  25. Research community responses: • National laboratories: • LBNL • Argonne • Interdisciplinary projects: • Human Brain Project (SU has site) • Interdisciplinary problems: • Artificial Retina Project

  26. LBNL is positioned to respondto calls for interdisciplinaryand novel science • Traditional departments re-inventing themselves • Providing scientific and management expertise to DOE • New groups and projects formed (with impressive marketing!)

  27. LBNL: Taking on new challenges • Reinventing traditional approaches: • Department of Climate Science: The first climate group in the world to work closely with large research teams on new strategies for addressing climate change including modeling, rapid prototyping of biofuels, aerosols, etc. and develop links between models and mitigation efforts • Assuming new roles: • Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Research (NABIR) Program Office • For the Environmental Remediation Sciences Program of the Office of Science, DOE • http://www.lbl.gov/ERSP

  28. LBNL: Interdisciplinary groups • Joint BioEnergy Institute • Six funded by DOE, one at LBNL • Four areas of focus: • Feedstocks: Wolf Frommer, Stanford University, VP • Deconstruction • Fuels Synthesis • Cross-cutting Technologies • "This early infusion of funds will enable JBEI to get underway immediately on the urgent quest for the transformational breakthroughs in basic science our nation needs to usher in a new biofuels economy." -- Raymond L. Orbach, Under Secretary for Science, U.S. Department of Energy

  29. LBNL: Interdisciplinaryprojects & tools • Helios Project: A knowledge-based facility focused on applying the emerging areas of synthetic biology and nanomaterials to solar energy utilization • The Molecular Foundry: Studies the synthesis, characterization and theory of nanoscale materials (biological and polymeric & inorganic and microfabricated)

  30. Argonne National Lab • Basic and applied research areas • Materials and chemical sciences and engineering • High energy, nuclear, and atomic physics • Multidisciplinary nanoscience and nanotechnology • Structural biology, functional genomics, and bioinformatics • Environmental science, technology, and assessment • Transportation technology • Computer science and applied mathematics • Computational science • Design, construction, and operation of accelerator-based user facilities • Design, development, and evaluation of advanced nuclear energy systems and proliferation-resistant nuclear fuel-cycle technologies

  31. Argonne: Research Activities • Argonne and industry partners assume a leadership role in PHEV vehicle systems research to further develop advanced batteries • Argonne and German research team receives an R&D 100 Award for a new ultra-high resolution mammography system that detects cancerous tumors with higher-quality images, more efficient radiation exposures and lower cost • Argonne National Laboratory, in conjunction with the University of Chicago, recently helped to launch a Fab Lab at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry, and others may soon arrive both on site and at several locations in greater Chicagoland. The Argonne/University of Chicago Computational Institute is exploring grid computing technology to link Fab Labs worldwide • Emeryville, California’s BioTime, Inc. and Argonne National Laboratory are engaged in a cooperative research program in the field of therapeutic hypothermia. BioTime and Argonne have each developed complementary technologies in the field with potential applications in stroke, heart attack, and trauma patients • Argonne's miniature "microelectronic nose" detects toxic gases in the atmosphere at non-lethal concentrations and can be used for homeland security and agricultural applications

  32. Argonne: Multiple partnerships • Interdisciplinary: • Center for Integrated Emergency Preparedness • Center for Energy, Environmental, and Economic Systems Analysis • Center for Computational Science and Technology • Transportation Technology R&D Center • Inter-institutional: • ANL, DOE & State of Illinois: • Center for Nanoscale Materials • ANL & University of Chicago: • Consortium for Nanoscience Research • Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology • Computation Institute • Consortium for Advanced Radiation Sources • Emergency Resuscitation Center • U. of Chicago’s Regional Biocontainment Laboratory • ANL & Northwestern University: • Institute for Catalysts in Energy Processes • Solar Research Center

  33. Interdisciplinary approaches to problems: the Federal Interagency CoordinatingCommittee on the Human Brain Project • National Science Foundation (NSF) • National Aeronautics and Space Administration Headquarters (NASA) • Department of Energy (DOE) • National Cancer Institute (NCI) • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIHLB) • National Institute on Aging (NIA) • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) • National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) • National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) • National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) • National Institute on Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) • National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) • National Library of Medicine (NLM) • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

  34. Scientists taking oninterdisciplinary problems:

  35. Science agencies share themes: • Need interdisciplinary integration • Design and synthesis of materials exploiting nanoscale understanding • Advanced scientific computing research and mathematics • Growing interconnection between physics, chemistry, biology and materials properties • Need new technologies and tools • Need basic science research breakthroughs to support advances in applied fields—rarely an end in itself

  36. Research roadmapsreflect this view of basic research • Basic Research Needs for Electrical Energy Storage • Basic Research Needs for Geosciences:  Facilitating 21st Century Energy Systems • Basic Research Needs for Clean and Efficient Combustion of 21st Century Transportation Fuels • Basic Research Needs for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems • Basic Research Needs for Solid-State Lighting • Basic Research Needs for Superconductivity • The Path to Sustainable Nuclear Energy: Basic and Applied Research Opportunities for Advanced Fuel Cycles • Basic Research Needs for Solar Energy Utilization • Advanced Computational Materials Science: Application to Fusion and Generation IV Fission Reactors • Opportunities for Discovery: Theory and Computation in Basic Energy Sciences • Nanoscience Research for Energy Needs • DOE-NSF-NIH Workshop on Opportunities in THz Science • Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy • Theory and Modeling in Nanoscience • Opportunities for Catalysis in the 21st Century • Biomolecular Materials • Basic Research Needs To Assure A Secure Energy Future • Basic Research Needs for Countering Terrorism • Complex Systems: Science for the 21st Century • Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology Research Directions

  37. Two questions face us: • What can SLAC become — for ourselves and for campus? • How can SLAC & Stanford take a leadership role to prepare for and to shape the scientific endeavor in 2050?

  38. What do scientists on campusneed that SLAC can provide? • Current: • Tool-building expertise • Theoretical perspective (boundary-hoppers) • Massive computing capacity & expertise • Focused and supportive staff & services • Future: • Interdisciplinary tools • Interdisciplinary support, e.g. research coordination support, funding information Changed color and spaces before and after the “”

  39. How do we frame LCLS? • Is the LCLS a disruptive technology? • Clayton Christensen: Disruptive technologies enable more, less skilled people to do something more conveniently at lower cost with more accuracy than before • Can we work to make LCLS easily support archaeology, art, etc.?

  40. LCLS: Tools spanning fields

  41. Where can SLACand Stanford go together? • Learning organizations • Entrepreneurial • Nimble • Interdisciplinary • Diverse • Collaborative • Visionary • Deeply analytical and irreverent expertise

  42. SLAC/SU/Silicon Valley:innovation and incubation

  43. Conclusions • Many more opportunities exist for research funding than SLAC has used in the past • To become a center for interdisciplinary scientific work we will need to take new approaches to systems and services • Rather than proceeding reactively, Stanford and SLAC should combine forces intentionally — as learning organizations, as nimble entrepreneurial, and diverse cultures. We should use our rich resource of creative, analytical and irreverent researchers to ask questions about, and shape the future of, 21st century science.

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