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CONTAMINATED SITES MANAGEMENT IN LITHUANIA. Rasa Radiene , Lithuanian Geological Survey. REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA. Why do we need contaminated land management ?. Protect human health and ecosystems , like groundwater and etc. Not to interfere with cities development

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  1. CONTAMINATED SITES MANAGEMENT IN LITHUANIA Rasa Radiene, Lithuanian GeologicalSurvey


  3. Whydoweneedcontaminatedlandmanagement? • Protecthumanhealthandecosystems, likegroundwaterand etc. • Not to interferewithcitiesdevelopment • Reusebrownfieldsfornewuses • To manageexcavatedmaterial • Urban planning – 63 % ofinvestigationsandremediationsinitiatedbyurbanplanning

  4. Whydoweneedcontaminatedlandmanagement? Inventory and Location of Potentially Contaminated Sites Polluting history and present- 12350 potentially contaminated sites Risk - about 11,500 ha of Lithuanian territory could be polluted.

  5. History of Contaminated Sites Managementandlegalbackground PCS Inventory Methodology of Potentially Contaminated Sites (PCS) and PCS Database Regulation of Ecogeological Investigatioms Project “Assessment of Impact of Contaminated Sites in Urban Areas” Project “Assessment of Impact of Contaminated Sites” 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2023 LAND 9-2009 LAND 9-2002 Plan of Contaminated Sites Management for 2013-2023. Remediation of Most Hazardous Chemically Contaminated Sites Environmental Requirements for Management of Sites Contaminated by chemical substancies

  6. Management of Contaminated Sites Inventory Preliminary Risk Assessment Required Investigation Preliminary Ecogeological Investigations Investigations Non-Required LGS PCS Database Assessment of Investigations, ConcentrationsComparison with Threshhold values Site is not Contaminated No further actions needed (LGS Database of Investigations) Site is Contaminated Detailed investigations Cleaning up of Contaminated site Site Remediated No further actions needed (LGS Database of Investigations) Control Investigations Site left for Natural AttenuationGroundwater monitoring

  7. Inventory of Potentially Contaminated Sites 1998 -2008 Lithuanian Geological Survey (LGS) carried out inventory of PCS. PCS in 21 municipalities were inventoried. 7,216 PCS registered in LGS PCS database by the end of 2008. 2009 – 2011“ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT OF CONTAMINATED SITES” project funded by EU Cohesion funds. Inventory carried out in 39 municipalities. LGS database increases by 3,910 PCS. 2014 – 2015“ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT OF CONTAMINATED SITES IN URBAN AREAS” project funded by EU Regional Development funds. Inventory of 850 PCS in 10 largest cities.

  8. Potentially Contaminated sites Since 1999 Lithuanian Geological Survey manages the Integrated Digital State Information System of Contamination Sites (ISCS). Types of potentiallycontaminated sites are: 1. objects of industry, energy, transport and service - 44%; 2. objects of waste collection and regeneration - 35%; 3. livestock objects – 21%; 4. accidental chemical spills sites (5 sites). Currently in LGS database: 12,350 PCS . Preliminary assessment of hazard suggests that4,500 (40 %) PCS might be contaminated.

  9. Obsolete pesticides storages and their environmental hazard

  10. Definitionof a contaminatedsite • A site is contaminatedif its soil or groundwater cannot be used purposely.

  11. Definitionof a contaminatedsite • Contaminated sites are areas in which concentrations of hazardous chemical substances in the soil or groundwater exceed threshold limit values depending on territory use. Acceptable contaminant levels in soil and groundwater

  12. Order of environmental geological - ecogeological investigations (Legal background) 1. Initial evaluation – most commonly, this would be an off-site investigation, assesment and evaluation of pollution source, activity period, hazardous substancies used, etc. 2. Preliminary investigations – a general look on the site 3. Detailed investigations – concentration on polluted area 4. Remediation Stages of contamination approval :

  13. Investigation process  Potentially polluted area selected for Preliminary Investigation Investigation Wells Pollution detected Area selected for Detailed Investigation Densified grid of Investigation Wells • Report of Detailed Investigation • for example: • Contaminated soil, area 0.5ha, 400m3 • Groundwater not contaminated,… Remediation decision, project preparation and clean-up

  14. Ecogeologicalinvestigations

  15. Ecogeological Investigations 2007 - 2016 1206 PCS were investigated. An average of 100 territories per year. About 1,900 ha investigated preliminarily. 250 hainvestigated in detail. About 40–45 % cases of soil and/or groundwater contamination identified. Depth of contamination varies from surface to 9 m underground. Volume of contaminated soil – up to 28,000 m3.

  16. Remediation of Potentially Contaminated Sites 2007 – 201696 cases of remediated contaminated sites carried out 55 moresites in theremediation process (remediationplansprepared). Main pollutants comprising of oil products (65 %), pesticides(26 %) and heavy metals (9 %). Mainremediationtechnique – diganddump Average remediation price per1 ha– 600,000 EUR

  17. PROJECTS INITIATED BY THE LITHUANIAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY “ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT OF CONTAMINATED SITES”2009-2011 “ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT OF CONTAMINATED SITES IN URBAN AREAS”2014-2015 Value:1,230,872 EUR and 1,273,297 EUR (~ 2.5 mln. EUR) Duration:36 months and 18 months Outcomes: 1. Inventory of Potentially Contaminated Sites (inventoried 4,760 PCS). 2. Ecogeological Investigations (250 preliminaryand 100 detailed ecogeological investigations on national grounds). 3. Preparation of Remediation Plans (50 remediation plans). 4. Formation of a priority list of sites to be remediated

  18. EU Funding 2007-2013 • Remediationofhistoricalycontaminatedsitespollutedwithhazardoussubstances ~ 36 mln. Lt. (10,4 mln. Euros) 37 projectswerecarriedout Remediatedabout 20 ha Fundingwasdirected to theregions Applicants – municipalitiesonly

  19. EU Funding2014-2020 5.6 Investmentpriority.To encourage improvement of urban environments, renovation of cities, cleaning and restoring of abandoned industrial areas, reduction of air and noise pollution.5.6.1 Task- to reduce the threat to health by controlling the level of pollution of heavy particles in the air and chemical substances in the soil (totalfortask 26.934.662 €)

  20. 2014-2020 RemediationofContaminatedSites FundedActivity – RemediationofContaminatedsitesin Urban Areas (18.825.301 €) ProjectsSelection–Stateprojectplanning (According to ContaminatedsitesmanagementplanforYears 2013-2023. Remediationofprioritizedsitesinstateownedlandonly Applicants - municipalities EU Funds - 95 % Municipality – 5 %


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