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The Auckland Alcohol Harm Reduction Plan

Regional Forum 23 May 2013. The Auckland Alcohol Harm Reduction Plan. Background to planning. June 2009 regional group established. In the context of Auckland’s transition to the “Super city” and Rugby World Cup planning.

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The Auckland Alcohol Harm Reduction Plan

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  1. Regional Forum 23 May 2013 The Auckland Alcohol Harm Reduction Plan

  2. Background to planning • June 2009 regional group established. • In the context of Auckland’s transition to the “Super city” and Rugby World Cup planning. • June 2011 AHW Regional Forum in partnership with the new Auckland Council.

  3. Forum themes • Greater co-ordination and collaboration • Shared strategic framework and processes to support intersectoral approach • Build on the work already underway • Build capacity and grow resources • Strong role for Council

  4. Planning process • Alcohol Healthwatch established the Executive Planning Group (EPG). • Auckland Council (political and policy representation) • New Zealand Police • Community Alcohol and Drug Services • Auckland Regional Public Health Service • Health Promotion Agency • Hapai Te HauoraTapui • Alcohol Healthwatch (co-ordination) • Support from SHORE/Whariki research group

  5. Planning process • Regional Forum 24th May 2012 • First meeting of EPG 28th May 2012 • Agreed on a terms of reference • Reviewed current activity, opportunities and assessed risks/barriers.

  6. Strategic Framework • Strategic Framework and draft Action Plan developed during 2012 and early 2013. AIMS Sustained reduction in alcohol-related harm and inequalities

  7. Goals 1) Reduced rates of risky drinking behaviours 2) Safer environments that support alcohol-related harm prevention/reduction 3) Communities and services equipped to address alcohol issues and maintain desired outcomes

  8. Expected Outcomes • Reduced accessibility and availability of alcohol • Reduced exposure to alcohol marketing • Reduced supply of alcohol to minors and others at risk • Reduced intoxication on licensed premises, public places and events • Improved access to and effectiveness of treatment, brief and earlier intervention • Grown leadership, collaborative planning and communication • Improved capacity to monitor and report on levels of alcohol-related harm in Auckland and more effectively evaluate progress.

  9. Key strategies • Co-ordinate advocacy for supportive evidenced-based policies, investment and resources • Build capacity and capability of the respective workforces • Enhance cross/inter sector co-ordination, collaboration and information/knowledge sharing • Mobilise communities and support community engagement • Communication • Apply an equities lens across all planning and decision making • Development of sustainable programmes and interventions • Research and innovation

  10. PRIORITIES for ACTION • Effective implementation of the new alcohol legislation, particularly achieving a robust local alcohol policy. • Building community capability and capacity to engage in local planning and harm reduction, particularly in relation to reducing supply of alcohol to minors. • Initiating a sustainable programme of screening, brief intervention and referral. • Establishing routine data gathering to monitor outcomes.

  11. Next steps • Organisations taking the draft plan through the appropriate sign-off processes. • Further work on the framework for monitoring progress - outcome indicators. • Moving into implementation phase.

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