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This analysis presents statistical insights into 60 GHz indoor propagation channels, vital for IEEE 802.15.3c channel modeling. The study focuses on angular characteristics and potential modeling inputs, aiding high-data-rate WPAN design. Researchers conducted wideband measurements and observed beamforming techniques to evaluate angular spread in elevation and azimuth planes. The findings contribute to understanding millimeter-wave propagation behaviors for future wireless networks.
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Analysis of the angular characteristics in the 60 GHz indoor propagation channel] Date Submitted: [12 January 2006] Source: [P. Pagani, N. Malhouroux, I. Siaud, V. Guillet] Company [France Telecom Research and Development Division] Address [4 rue du Clos Courtel, BP 91226, F-35512 Cesson Sévigné, France] Voice:[], FAX: [], E-Mail:[] Re: [This file is the slides for 15-06-0028-00-003c] Abstract: [This contribution presents a statistical study of the angular characteristics for the 60 GHz propagation channel in a typical indoor environment. The results may serve as a basis for a 60 GHz channel model including Direction of Arrival information.] Purpose: [Contribution to IEEE 802.15.3c Channel Modeling sub-group] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. P. Pagani, France Telecom
Analysis of the Angular Characteristics in the 60 GHz Indoor Propagation Channel P. Pagani, N. Malhouroux, I. Siaud, V. Guillet, Wei Li Contact: Wei Li Email: wei3.li@rd.francetelecom.com P. Pagani, France Telecom
Outline • Motivation • Preliminary observation • Wideband measurement campaign • Angular analysis • Conclusion P. Pagani, France Telecom
Motivation • IEEE 802.15.3c Task Group currently studying possible solutions for High Data Rate WPANs operating at 60 GHz • For the design of such systems, good knowledge of the transmission channel properties is necessary • Directions of Departure and Arrival (DoD, DoA) of the propagated waves are important parameters of the 60 GHz channel • Doppler spectrum, MIMO systems, … • This contribution provides an experimental analysis of the angular characteristics for the millimeter wave propagation channel • Research work performed within the sixth Framework Program of European Commission integrated project MAGNET (www.ist-magnet.org) P. Pagani, France Telecom
France Telecom propagation expertise • Channel measurement laboratory • Frequency domain and time domain wideband channel sounders • Large number of measurement campaigns for different frequencies (900/1800 MHz, 2 GHz, ISM and UNII bands, UWB, 60 GHz) in different environments (indoor, urban, rural, …) and different configurations (SISO, MIMO, …) • Simulation tools for propagation analysis • Propagation model based on ray-tracing and Uniform Theroy of Diffraction • Propagation models • Narrowband: GSM, DCS • Wideband: UMTS, WiFi, UWB, millimeter waves P. Pagani, France Telecom
The IST MAGNET project Personal Network concept Flexible PHY and MAC layer for WPANs Adaptive networks connected to WLANs, UMTS Leadership of the cluster UWB-MC Propagation studies : The UWB versus WB propagation modelling (CEPD, MASCARAA, 3GPP2 Publications : Magnet workshops WWRF, ECPS, SEE P. Pagani, France Telecom
Preliminary observation Rx antenna + DoA diagram Rx antenna + DoA diagram • Narrowband radio channel measurements at 60.5 GHz with rotating directive antenna • Significant propagation paths with different DoA Tx antenna in direct LOS position Tx antenna in offset position P. Pagani, France Telecom
Wideband measurement campaignMeasurement setup • Vector Network Analyzer measurements with 1024 MHz bandwidth around 60.5 GHz • Local measurements over a 10 x 10 sensor virtual array, with 0.4 λ spacing • Use of horn and dipole antennas • Indoor measurements at different Access Point (AP) or Terminal (T) locations P. Pagani, France Telecom
Wideband measurement campaignMeasured scenarios • Four measurement scenarios, depending on • AP position in the room (middle of the room, angle) • Location of the sensor array (Terminal, Access Point) • Type of antenna (Dipole, Horn) P. Pagani, France Telecom
Angular analysis Beamforming technique • Measured function: Angular Delay Power SpectrumP(θ, φ, τ) • Power distribution with respect to elevation θ, azimuth φ and delay τ • Classical beamforming technique (Chebyshev window, 20° angular resolution) • Example of decomposed space-time diagram • Corresponds to 1 measured array P. Pagani, France Telecom
Angular analysisAngular spread in the azimuth plane • Larger angular spread with a dipole antenna (scenarios B and D) w.r.t. a horn antenna (scenarios A and C) P. Pagani, France Telecom
Angular analysisAngular spread in the elevation plane • Smaller angular spreads in the elevation plane w.r.t. azimuth plane • Multipath effects mainly affect the DoA in the azimuth plane P. Pagani, France Telecom
Angular analysisNumber of distinct beams NX above a given threshold X • Strong attenuation > 15 dB of the secondary propagation beams P. Pagani, France Telecom
Conclusion • Narrowband directional measurements highlighted the presence of multiple propagation paths with different DoA • Wideband measurements were performed with 1024 MHz bandwidth for various Terminal / Access Point locations and antenna configurations • DoA information was extracted from virtual array measurements • Results show a larger angular dispersion in the azimuth spread than in the elevation plane • A simple propagation model could include azimuth DoA only • Secondary beams present a strong attenuation • Most energy propagates via one main beam • More Questions? Email: wli3.li@rd.francetelecom.com P. Pagani, France Telecom