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A New Round of DIS Experiments – HERA III A. Caldwell, Max-Planck-Institut f. Physik (WHI)/Columbia University. New Detector for HERA H1 Upgraded Detector. Physics - QCD in the high energy limit. Physics Motivation– Strong Interactions.
A New Round of DIS Experiments – HERA IIIA. Caldwell, Max-Planck-Institut f. Physik (WHI)/Columbia University New Detector for HERA H1 Upgraded Detector Physics - QCD in the high energy limit
Physics Motivation– Strong Interactions • QCD is the most complex of the forces operating in the microworld expect many beautiful and strange effects • QCD is fundamental to the understanding of our universe: source of mass (relation to gravity ?), confinement of color, … • We need to understand radiation processes in QCD, both at small distance scales and large. • small distance scales: understand parton splitting (DGLAP, BFKL, CCFM, …) • larger distance scales: suppression of radiation, transition to non-perturbative regime (constituent quarks, …) • Observation of the saturated gluon state (colorglass condensate) ? Expected to be a universal state of matter.
HERA Kinematics * Ee=27.5 GeV EP=920 GeV s=(k+P)2 = (320 GeV)2 CM energy squared Q2=-(k-k`)2 virtualiy W2=(q+P)2*P CM energy squared Transverse distance scale probed: b hc/Q McAllister, Hofstadter Ee=188 MeV bmin=0.4 fm Bloom et al. 10 GeV 0.05 fm CERN, FNAL fixed target 500 GeV 0.007 fm HERA 50 TeV 0.0007 fm /
Proton inf mom frame Proton rest frame x=Q2/2P q fraction of P momentum carried by struck quark • = 1/2Mpx Lifetime of hadronic = W2/2MPQ2 fluctuations of photon Radiation cloud surrounds both photon, proton universal property of nature
Proton inf mom frame Proton rest frame Rutherford • d2/dW dQ2 = (T + L) • is flux of photons T,L are cross sections for transversely, longitudinally polarized photons to scatter from proton is the relative flux d2/dxdQ2=22/xQ4[(1+(1-y)2)F2 - y2FL] F2 = f e2f x {q(x,Q2) + q(x,Q2) } ef is quark charge q(x,Q2) is quark density FL = 0 in LO (QPM), non-zero after gluon radiation. Key test of our understanding F2 = Q2/42 (T + L)
Physics Picture in Proton Rest Frame r * b r~ 0.2 fm/Q (0.02 – 2 fm for 100>Q2>0.01 GeV2) transverse size of probe ct ~ 0.2 fm (W2/2MPQ2) (<1 fm to 1000‘s fm) – scale over which photon fluctuations survive And, in exclusive processes, can vary the impact parameter b~ 0.2 fm/sqrt(t) t=(p-p‘)2 Can control these parameters experimentally ! Can scan the distribution of strongly interacting matter in hadrons.
Hadron-hadron scattering cross section versus CM energy *P scattering cross section versus CM energy (Q20). Same energy dependence observed s0.08 vs W2 0.08 Don’t see partons
Cross sections as a function of Q2 The rise of F2 with decreasing x observed at HERA is strongly dependent on Q2 Equivalently, strongly rising *P cross section with W at high Q2
The behavior of the rise with Q2 Below Q20.5 GeV2, see same energy dependence as observed in hadron-hadron interactions. Observe transition from partons to hadrons (constituent quarks) in data. Distance scale 0.3 fm ?? What physics causes this transition ? Hadron-hadron scattering energy dependence (Donnachie-Landshoff)
Analysis of F2 in terms of parton densities (quarks and gluons) • NLO DGLAP fits can follow the data accurately, yield parton densities. BUT: • many free parameters (18-30) • form of parametrization fixed (not given by theory) • Constraints, e.g., dsea=usea put in by hand. Is this correct ? Need more constraints to untangle parton densities.
See breakdown of pQCD approach ... Gluon density known with good precision at larger Q2. For Q2=1, gluons go negative. NLO, so not impossible, BUT – cross sections such as L also negative !
We need to test NkLO DGLAP fits and extraction of gluon densities. Crucial, since DGLAP is our standard tool for calculating PDF‘s in unmeasured regions. Thorne Gluon densities not known at higher order, low Q2. Need more precise measurements, additional observables (e.g., FL)
FL shows tremendous variations when attempt to calculate at different orders. But FL is an observable – unique result. FL is hard to measure but a very sensitive test. Should be measured.
Diffractive Surprises ‘Standard DIS event’ Detector activity in proton direction Diffractive event No activity in proton direction
Diffraction • There is a large diffractive cross section, even in DIS (ca. 20 %) • The diffractive and total cross sections have similar energy dependences. Data suggests simple physics – what is it ?
Exclusive Processes (VM and DVCS) VM
epeVp (V=,,,J/) epep (as QCD process) Energy dependence of exclusive processes Rise similar again to that seen in total cross section. Summary of different Vector mesons Need bigger lever arm in W to see energy dependence more precisely. Need to distinguish elastic from proton dissociation events for small impact parameter scans of proton.
Dipole Model for DIS: Golec-Biernat. Wuesthoff
More recent advances: • add gluon evolution to cross section (DGLAP) • add impact parameter dependence Profile function: Gaussian example
Fix parameters of T(b) from exclusive J/ production Gluon density parameters fixed with F2 (or P)
Model able to reproduce inclusive, diffractive, and exclusive differential cross sections with relatively few parameters. Some examples: The model is in many respects quite simple but quite successful at reproducing the data. Can we understand relationship of this approach to NkLO DGLAP, BFKL, CCFM, … ?
More detailed tests of radiation in QCD: forward jets Investigate this region Large effects are expected in Forward jet cross sections at high rapidities (also for forward particle production (strange, charm, …)
Open Questions – Next Steps • Measure the behavior of inclusive, diffractive and exclusive reactions in the region near Q2=1 GeV2 to understand parton to hadron transition. • Measure FL over widest possible kinematic range, as this is a crucial observable for testing our understanding of radiation processes in QCD. • Measure exclusive processes (VM production, DVCS) over wide W range to precisely pin down energy dependence of cross section. Need t-dependence of cross sections to get 3-D map of proton. • Measure forward jet cross sections over widest possible rapidity range, to study radiation processes over the full rapidity range from the proton to the scattered quark. • And, do it all with nuclei ! • And possibly spin as well !
Precision eA measurements • Enhancement of possible nonlinear effects (saturation) r b At small x, the scattering is coherent over nucleus, so the diquark sees much larger # of partons: xg(xeff,Q2) = A1/3 xg(x,Q2), at small-x, xg x- , so xeff- = A1/3x- so xeff xA-1/3 = xA-3 (Q2< 1 GeV2) = xA-1 (Q2 100 GeV2)
Parton densities in nuclei Early RHIC data is well described by the Color Glass Condensate model, which assumes a condensation of the gluon density at a saturation scale QS which is near (in ?) the perturbatively calculable regime. Properties of such a color glass can be calculated from first principles (Mc Lerran-Venugopalan). Closely connected to dipole model approach. The same basic measurements (F2, FL, dF2/d ln Q2, exclusive processes) are needed for understanding parton densities in nuclei.
Spin of the proton Open question: how do we understand the spin of the proton ? Quark model, Ang Momentum from quarks only 0.2 h/2 Rest in gluons ? Orbital ang mom ? What we measure: Polarized p beam would allow look at gluon spin
Mapping Nucleon Spin g1(F2/2x)(A/p e)(y2+2(1-y))/(y(1-y)) Deuterons with spectator tagging even better option
HERA-III Program • Two letters of intent were submitted to the DESY PRC (May 7,8) • H1 Collaboration • Focus initially on eD: isospin symmetry of sea at small-x • uv/dv at large-x • diffraction on n, D • Discuss also interest in: eA, F2,FL at small Q2, forward jets, • spin structure • New Collaboration • Optimized detector for precision structure function measurements, forward jets and particle production over a • large rapidity interval (eP, eD, eA)
Possible upgrades of H1 detector Upgrade in electron direction for low Q2 F2 and FL measurements Upgrade in proton direction for forward particle, jets measurements + very forward proton, neutron detectors
Precision eD measurements • Universality of PDF‘s at small-x, isospin symmetry Can measure F2p-F2n w/o nuclear corrections if can tag scattered nucleon
Simulation with H1 based on 50 pb-1 • Flavor dependence at high-x Behavior of F2p/F2n as x 1 SU(6) symmetry F2p/F2n = 2/3 Dominant scalar diquark F2p/F2n = 1/4 Can measure this ratio w/o need to correct for nuclear effects if can tag scattered nucleon.
A new detector to study strong interaction physics p Si tracking stations EM Calorimeter Hadronic Calorimeter Compact – fits in dipole magnet with inner radius of 80 cm. Long - |z|5 m e
The focus of the detector is on providing complete acceptance in the low Q2 region where we want to probe the transition between partons and more complicated objects. Tracking acceptance Q2=100 Q2=10 Q2=1 Q2=0.1 W=0 W=315 GeV
Tracking acceptance in proton direction Huge increase in tracking acceptance compared to H1 And ZEUS. Very important for forward jet, particle production, particle correlation studies. ZEUS,H1 This region covered by calorimetry Accepted 4 Si stations crossed.
e/ separation study Tracking detector: very wide rapidity acceptance, few % momentum resolution in ‘standard design’ over most of rapidity range. Aim for 2 GeV electron ID
Nominal beam energies Jet method: Jet energy yields x via x = Ejet/EP E` e Electron only Q2=2E E`(1-cos ) y = 1-E`/2E(1+cos ) x = Q2/sy dx/x 1/y dp/p Mixed method in between – needs studies
d2/dxdQ2=22/xQ4[ (1+(1-y)2)F2(x,Q2) - y2FL(x,Q2)] Fix x, Q2. Use different beam energies to vary y. Critical issue: e/ separation FL can be measured precisely in the region of maximum interest. This will be a strong test of our understanding of QCD radiation.
Very forward calorimeter allows measurement of high energy, forward jets, and access to high-x events at moderate Q2 Integral of F2(x,Q2) up to x=1 known from electron information Cross sections calculated from ALLM
Forward jet cross sections: see almost full cross section ! New region Range covered by H1, ZEUS
HERA-1 Very large gain also for vector meson, DVCS studies. Can measure cross sections at small, large W, get much more precise determination of the energy dependence. 0 5 10 15 20 HERA-3 W=0 50 100 150 200 250 300 GeV Can also get rid of proton dissociation background by good choice of tagger: FHD- hadron CAL around proton pipe at z=20m FNC-neutron CAL at z=100m
2GeV (5GeV) e 2-10 GeV IP12 p IP10 IP2 RHIC IP8 IP4 IP6 eRHIC Layout ( status Dec 02, A. Deshpande) • Proposed by BINP & MIT/Bates • E-ring is ¼ of RHIC ring • Collisions in ONE interaction region • Collision energies 5-10 GeV • Injection linac 2-5 GeV • Lattice based on “superbend” magnets • Self polarization using Sokolov Ternov Effect: (14-16 min pol. Time) • IP12, IP2 and IP4 are possible candidates for collision points EMPTY PHOBOS BRAHMS PP2PP CAD/RF EMPTY PHENIX OTHER :Ring with 6 IPS (Yale’00), Linac-Ring (Yale’00), Linac-Re-circulating ring (BNL’01) STAR
Kinematic Coverage (A. Deshpande) ELFE: Q2max~ 102 GeV2 xmin~ 10-2 (1 GeV2) TESLA-N: Q2max~ 103 GeV2 xmin ~ 10-3 (1 GeV2) EIC: Q2max~ 104 GeV2 xmin ~ 10-4 (1 GeV2) HERA: Q2max~ 105 GeV2 xmin~ 10-5 (1 GeV2) THERA: Q2max~ 106 GeV2 xmin ~ 10-6 (1 GeV2) 20-100 GeV EIC overlaps with the fixed target experiments because of the changeable beam energies
Luminosity Vs. Center of Mass EIC has variable: -- beam energies -- polarized light nuclear species 100 times HERA luminosity Collisions 2010(?) HERA has: -- 3 times larger CM Collisions 2007(?) TESLA-N/THERA -- Need the DESY LC -- Low/High CM -- High/Low Luminosity Collisions 2015(?) TESLA-N THERA From A. Deshpande, Dec. 02
Summary • Existing data (F2 fits, forward jets,+…)show limitations of pQCD calculations. Transition region observed. • Exciting theoretical developments over the past few years. We are approaching a much deeper understanding of the high energy limit of QCD. • Measure with more precision, over wider kinematical range, to see where/how breakdown takes place (high rapidities, high-t exclusive processes, expanded W, MX range for diffraction, full coverage of transistion region) • Precision FL measurement: key observable for pinning down pQCD. Large differences in predictions at LO, NLO, NNLO, dipole model. • eD, eA measurements to probe high density gluon state, parton densities for nuclei. • Additional benefits: parton densities for particle, astroparticle and nuclear high energy physics experiments. Crucial for cross section calculations.